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E3 2006: The Thread

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Sony will still dominate. :headbang:


If this happens, fuck it. Let the Industry crash again. Sony better have something GOOD up its sleeve for me to buy it. Blu-Ray can bite me.

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Handheld market is one thing, console is another. People thought PS2 was going to be a disaster too.



Why would the industry crash? Sony has been good for gaming.

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"People thought PS2 was going to be a disaster" -- who?


Invictus: Okay, maybe I didn't read the chart right, but I'm a fast learner. :P

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People on forums. DC beating PS2 was all the rage.


Playstation is so strong Sony could make tons of mistakes and still sell the most consoles....

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"People thought PS2 was going to be a disaster" -- who?


Invictus: Okay, maybe I didn't read the chart right, but I'm a fast learner. :P


No problem, wasn't trying to pick on you or anything, just thought it would be a good idea to explain how the chart worked since it took me a bit of time to understand how they formatted it as well.


Sony WAS good for gaming, they provided a solid alternative. They aren't anymore, they're too far up their own asses. Did you see Kutaragi's expression and posture when he unveiled that "incredibly innovative" controller? I was just praying some brave journalist (or Reggie) would leap onto the stage and tackle him.

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And here I was all worried that the rumor price on the W!! had gone up to $249. Microsoft is probably the happiest..


Plus, with no HDMI out, unless it has component out..that totally defeats the point of dealing with Blu-Ray discs and trying to get Blu-Ray in to a ton of homes quickly..because no one is gonna be able to watch Blu Ray movies on the basic model..why would you spend the money on a blu ray version of a movie only to watch it downconverted back to DVD resolution..


Plus, I think its neat that the Sony and Nintendo booths or whatever you call them are right across from each other..

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People on forums. DC beating PS2 was all the rage.


Playstation is so strong Sony could make tons of mistakes and still sell the most consoles....


After the smoke and mirrors of PS2, people basically declared the DC dead preemptively, and so it did come to pass.


They need to, because they're losing money in every single other division they have going.


"Sony WAS good for gaming, they provided a solid alternative. They aren't anymore, they're too far up their own asses. Did you see Kutaragi's expression and posture when he unveiled that "incredibly innovative" controller? I was just praying some brave journalist (or Reggie) would leap onto the stage and tackle him."


Ken has always been a smug bastard. It's not a gaming console! You will need an extra job to buy it! We're going to revolutionize home entertainment with it--movies, music, gaming, etc.!


Anyway, it's not going to affect us until next year, so big whoop. No, November isn't the launch, because if Sony is lucky they'll have 2 million units available for the entire planet. So you're going to need to save up money, and work on your right hook to get a PS3 before 2007.


Show us the games, Sony. Not pretty footage, either, something playable.

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"People thought PS2 was going to be a disaster" -- who?


Invictus: Okay, maybe I didn't read the chart right, but I'm a fast learner. :P


No problem, wasn't trying to pick on you or anything, just thought it would be a good idea to explain how the chart worked since it took me a bit of time to understand how they formatted it as well.


Sony WAS good for gaming, they provided a solid alternative. They aren't anymore, they're too far up their own asses. Did you see Kutaragi's expression and posture when he unveiled that "incredibly innovative" controller? I was just praying some brave journalist (or Reggie) would leap onto the stage and tackle him.


Hah, as was I. Seriously, that controller "innovation" still irks me.


Sony is shooting themselves in the foot by:


Having a weak ass press conference (with the exception of FFXIII and MGS4).

Charging Ass Tons for their consoles.

Cutting down the $500 "deal" version to a point where it defeats getting a ps3 in the first place, and making 2 different versions of the console, even though originally they stated they were only going to make .

Ripping Off Actual Innovations, with the Wii Controller being blatant. I seriosuly hope Sony gets some huge backlash from the gaming community for this one, because that is just horrendous. Especially watching that guy playing the flight game, it looked like they slapped that Wii-ness onto the controller at the very last minute, and I don't know how games are actually going to be able to use that, because you still have all of the regular controller buttons as well.

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I don't see Sony dropping down to two or three, but I can certainly see them losing a pretty sizable amount of market share this generation. This E3 is Nintendo's unless they really mess up an almost sure thing.

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I do think PS3 could lose some of Sony's market share, if Wii and 360 are really successful they could put a huge dent in it. But let's be real here...PS3 is almost certainly going to sell the most. PS4 is where things could go bad, I think....



I didn't see the video of Kutaragi. It doesn't surprise or offend me. Sony's ego is nothing new and nothing exclusive to that company. All 3 have ridiculous PR like that. Almost everything Nintendo says about Wii is obnoxious and pretenious.



As for them using the motion sensor....nobody is going to care after like a month. Internet gamers are all "outraged" now but it doesn't matter. It's not like it's anything NEW either. The dual shock itself was Sony's answer to the analog stick after PSX was already out. Following is Sony's MO. The only people that care hate them anyway.

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I will say this though..


HD-DVD players right now..just basic players with no bells and whistles..cost $500.


The PS3 is a Blu-Ray player and a hell of a lot more for roughly the same price, although stand alone Blu-Ray players are rumored to be selling for $1000 whenever they decide to come out.


so...what might be worrisome is that there might be a lull in gamers buying PS3s..but early adopters of next gen-DVD will probably flock to the PS3 vs the stand alone Blu-Ray and HD-DVD players..which I guess makes sense if you are like me and believe the PS3 is nothing but a trojan horse for Blu-Ray..

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BTW, is portable gaming "out of the ghetto" yet?


If so, why are there insulting racial stereotypes in animated squirrel form begging me to buy a PSP?

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Thanks, although I had already seen that comic. I've hated those furry bastards the very moment I first saw them. :)


BTW, E3 for a new console gen = gaming geek NFL draft.

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I also could see the tilt function of the PS3 controller being discontinued after about a year or so to lower production costs while keeping the same sale price. No real justification for this, but just something that makes sense in my head.

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I didn't see the video of Kutaragi. It doesn't surprise or offend me. Sony's ego is nothing new and nothing exclusive to that company. All 3 have ridiculous PR like that. Almost everything Nintendo says about Wii is obnoxious and pretenious.



It's one thing to be smug or proud of actual innovation. It's another to be proud about taking the basic idea of that innovation, and half-assing it.


Anyone who says that "This tech has been around for awhile!" or "Nintendo stole it first from so-and-so!", save it. It's the idea of applying it as a standard for videogame control for an entire console that is what makes it the way it is.

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Whatever. Nintendo and Microsoft can't go 20 seconds without making ridiculous claims either. Kutaragi, Reggie, Moore, Itagaki and almost everyone else in the industry is crazy and nobody takes them seriously.



If Wii is really 250 I think it'd be as dumb as the 600 dollar PS3.

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So, in summary, $500 nets you a console with no removable memory support, 1/3 of the HD space, no hi-def support, no wireless controller support.


Or for the same cost, likely less by that time, you can get a 360 premium pack, with a better online service, and (by that time) a rich game library.

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So, in summary, $500 nets you a console with no removable memory support, 1/3 of the HD space, no hi-def support, no wireless controller support.


Or for the same cost, likely less by that time, you can get a 360 premium pack, with a better online service, and (by that time) a rich game library.


I think you still get wireless controllers with it, but just not wireless internet. However, I don't think the PS3 controller has rumble in it anymore (probably due to battery life and it might mess up the tilt sensors, I'm not really sure).

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Whatever. Nintendo and Microsoft can't go 20 seconds without making ridiculous claims either. Kutaragi, Reggie, Moore, Itagaki and almost everyone else in the industry is crazy and nobody takes them seriously.



If Wii is really 250 I think it'd be as dumb as the 600 dollar PS3.


Some people are saying that it will end up being $199 like every other console nintendo has put out, but I think theres an exception to be had here.


My only problem at all with the W!! is theres no way Im gonna be able to use the online functions on my slow ass dialup..but whatever.

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Nintendo is tomorrow..right..I'll have something to look forward to when I get home from work. Yay or something.

Yes I do think Nintendo is tomorrow. Whick is one I'm also looking forward to. I'm also looking forward to the Microsoft one just to see what they have in store for the 360. If you notice everyone has been really talking about Sony and Nintendo and not much has been talked about with Microsoft so I want to see if Microsoft is going to pull something out to have people talk about them.

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Whatever. Nintendo and Microsoft can't go 20 seconds without making ridiculous claims either. Kutaragi, Reggie, Moore, Itagaki and almost everyone else in the industry is crazy and nobody takes them seriously.



If Wii is really 250 I think it'd be as dumb as the 600 dollar PS3.


Some people are saying that it will end up being $199 like every other console nintendo has put out, but I think theres an exception to be had here.


My only problem at all with the W!! is theres no way Im gonna be able to use the online functions on my slow ass dialup..but whatever.


I've heard of people using the Nintendongle (USB thingy that creates wireless signal) with 56k for their DS. Not sure how well it works though.

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Wait, there was a Tekken 6 teaser? Gamespot says something about Jin fighting a new blonde girl.

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Yeah, with a few seconds of gameplay footage.


It looks basically like a souped up DR, nothing like last year's teaser (which surprises absolutely nobody with a shred of common sense).


I don't know of any site that's uploaded footage from it yet.

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Apparently the "new" character is just Lili. If they are fighting in a church I wonder if it's the Cathedral stage from DR. So, I'm curious if this was really T6 or just some version of DR.


Wish I could see just this and not the crappy conference.

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I like that they kept the Dual Shock design since that is one of the best controller designs I've ever seen, but there's no WAY that price structure is going to move units when a damn 360 is probably going to be half the price by then. They absolutely have to go under the $500 barrier or there's gonna be trouble.

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