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E3 2006: The Thread

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I wonder if they will be two different characters a la some of the other characters in SSB:M who had the same selection square.

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I wish I had realized there was pre-E3 stuff of relevence going on before assuming this was 6 pages of speculation leading up to E3 weekend. Now I have a lot to read. Also, I think Mario Galaxy and SSB:B (with Snake) have sold me on getting a Wii at launch (regardless if these are launch titles or not).

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I wonder if they will be two different characters a la some of the other characters in SSB:M who had the same selection square.

I'm wondering if Samus will be like Zelda/Sheik was in Melee...same character but switchable with a move.


Also, I hope that the alternates this time aren't just recolors. We need Wario in his classic gear as well as his Wario Ware gear.

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I wonder if they will be two different characters a la some of the other characters in SSB:M who had the same selection square.

I'm wondering if Samus will be like...




Pit and ZSS have weird two-in-one weapons. Dual blades/bow and gun/sabre--neat.


Peter Moore takes a jab at Sony:



"Tell me why you would buy a $600 PS3?" Peter Moore, a Microsoft vice president, said in an interview. "People are going to buy two (machines.) They're going to buy an Xbox and they're going to buy a Wii ... for the price of one PS3."

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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Missing: scantily-clad females hawking the latest in electronic toys for the boys


The video game industry's annual trade show in Los Angeles opened its doors to its exhibitors on Wednesday with organizers ordering women staffing the booths to cover up or face a $5,000 fine.


Banned are nudity, partial nudity, bikini bottoms or any sexually explicit or provocative conduct, according to the handbook from The Entertainment Software Association, or ESA, which owns and operates the E3 Expo.


Pauline K, who declined to give her last name, wore a white shredded tank top with an exposed midriff, short mini skirt and knee-high leggings as she handed out fliers for a company that makes custom face plates for Microsoft Corp.'s (Nasdaq:MSFT - news)

Xbox 360 game machine.


She said another of the models received a warning from show organizers for showing too much skin. "Apparently her cleavage was a little too distracting," she said.


In January, the ESA outlined tough new penalties to enforce decency rules. Exhibitors get a verbal warning for a first violation and a second violation carries a $5,000 fine.


"Last year there were a lot of complaints about how the models were beyond, in many cases, what was decent," said ESA President Douglas Lowenstein on Monday.


Despite the new rules, there was no shortage of exposed skin, patent leather and knee-high boots. Many exhibitors dressed women like video game heroines and there was a group of women wearing sexy nurses' outfits.


"They're wearing slightly more clothes this year," said Gail Salamanica, an exhibitor at the show, "But not much."

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Fuck dude, the new SSB game is gonna be fuckin awesome!


and how many fuckin games do i have to buy for my DS?!


oh, and there is no way im giving sony 400 of my english pounds.

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Snake is taller than Mario and Link... I can't believe this. Maybe Sonic will be in this game.

If Sonic isn't then there's going to be a lot of dissapointed fan-boys.


Oh, and I find it funny that out of those three characters, Mario looks like the one out of place as far as physical looks are concerned.

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That footage of Mario Galaxy was awesome. It made me a bit dizzy though, but in an awesome "wow that's cool how they do that with the planets" way. in the last gen, I bought a PS2 first (in 2001), then a Cube in 2002 and much later an Xbox. I like Sony, and I'm glad they are sticking with dual shock controllers, but I can't justify a $600 price out of the gate. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a Wii and Zelda at launch, an Xbox 360 in early 2007, and a PS3 whenever they drop a lot in price.

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Outside of Sonic (and Tails), I'd love to see some Capcom characters make it into Brawl. How about Mega Man, Strider, and Tron Bonne?

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You know who needs to be a hidden character in a game series that is all about having people from different game worlds interact with each other?


Captain N.

His "Smash Ball" move (see the trailer to know what I'm talking about) could be an upgrade from NES stuff to Wii Stuff, annihilating all in his path.

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Outside of Sonic (and Tails), I'd love to see some Capcom characters make it into Brawl. How about Mega Man, Strider, and Tron Bonne?



WHICH Mega Man? There's been 4. 5 if you count Zero games Zero and 6 or 7 if you count the ZX games that are coming soon.


EDIT: Oh, and I just noticed some symbolism in the trailer for Brawl.


The staredown with Samus and Pit. As in, their first games were both released at the same time, but Metroid was more popular than Kid Icarus.


Pit wants payback on Samus for that.

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The first version. I think he'd be more suitable for Smash Brothers than any other.

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Anyone else still find it to be a total mind-fuck seeing Genesis games played on a Nintendo console?


Yes. Growing up, my two biggest interests were video games and wrestling, and I was supporting Nintendo and The Fed while Genesis was like WCW - nothing wrong with it, and I'll play it, but it's not what I'll support the most.


Fast forward and I now live in a world where WWE owns the WCW video library and you can play Genesis games on a Nintendo console, and people keep waiting for Sonic to appear in a Smash Brother game.

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Anyone else still find it to be a total mind-fuck seeing Genesis games played on a Nintendo console?

After playing Sonic Mega Collection on my Game Cube...no.


Wonder if they'll put any Sega Master System games on it.

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Has anything been announced about Wii's online capabilities? I take it net-play is a cert.

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Anyone else still find it to be a total mind-fuck seeing Genesis games played on a Nintendo console?

After playing Sonic Mega Collection on my Game Cube...no.


Wonder if they'll put any Sega Master System games on it.

Alex the Kidd or Wonderboy Collection?

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To say that Nintendo has delivered so far at this years e3 is an understatement. Holy crap!!!!

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Honestly..uh..the only stuff from Nintendo that Im remotely interested in is SSB:B, Metroid Prime 3 and the W!! version of Twilight Princess.


The sports series stuff reeks of the Xavix system they sold out Radio Shack, but at least with that they gave you and actual bat to swing with for the baseball version..

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