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E3 2006: The Thread

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How come nobody is talking about Paris Hilton promoting her game and mentioning the wrong name for the game.


I saw this on SuperFicial. Someone want to tell me again why this girl is famous, aside from her parents being loaded?

Some people think she's hot and not skanky looking?

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Today's the last day of the expo, but all the sites blew their loads already so today's more of a wrap-up day.


And nobody here cares about Paris Hilton.

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There's obviously more to tell, but Sony/Nintendo/MS have revealed all they intend to reveal.


Still unknown:


nitty gritty details about virtual console and PS3's XBL knockoff. We just know broad generalizations


Price for Wii, and what will be bundled.


Release date for Wii / Twilight Princess release date (presumably one and the same)


Whether or not Twii-light Princess actually supports a standard controller (although it is presumed not). In fact, the whole "what will work with what controller" situation is rather confusing, aside from GC games being playable with GC controllers.


PS3/Wii release date games. All we get is that usual "launch window" stuff either way.


What an actual, playable PS3 game actually looks like. We get tech demos and real-time demonstrations of supposed gameplay, but I thought we were actually supposed to have something resembling a full game running off a final development kit. No dice.

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Batteries? Lame. I hope that bit about a rechargable system has some truth to it, 'cause I don't wanna be going through packs of Duracell to play a console.


I was also hoping it'd come with a shell controller, though that's not as big a deal.

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Since SSBB lets you use the GC controller, and apparently the shell just plugs into the GC port, you probably can use a GC controller.


But since the dpad sucks on the GC controller, I'll probably get a shell anyway.


Hell, the shell may make GC fighting games much more enjoyable to play.

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I don't. Then again, I don't really feel any urge to get a PS3, either.


None of the "big" franchises (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Final Fantasy, MGS, etc) really do anything for me. Am I alone in that respect, or what?

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Adding Snake to Brawl is an ok choice. Metal Gear started on Nintendo



No it didn't.



I just now got around to reading the Red Steel impressions. It must be really bad. The press is usually so soft on games with previews only saying vague stuff like "it needs a bit of work" or has problems that will be "ironed out" while trying to stay positive. With Red Steel IGN basically goes out of it's way to politely say it sucks. This is such a perfect example of how weak the gaming press is. They picked this game to push hard to be a big mature game to represent Wii and now that it doesn't seem to be as good as they had expected they've got to beat around the bush about it. They're practically begging the developers to fix it to justify the hype. This game was chosen to be the Halo of Wii before anyone had even really played it.


One of the things they point out, how the sword fighting is really just set sword swipe animation for whatever direction you point towards, is something I've been wondering about since the beginning of Wii. Is that how games like Zelda are going to work? How could they actually let you fully control the sword fighting? Link never has many moves and the combat is extremely simple. It's like a hack and slash game. You could be doing all sorts of fancy stuff but would Link only just do his regular stab? That's what it sounds like with Red Steel. If that's the case for most games then the whole thing seems like it'd get old fast. There is an arcade game called Blade of Honor that is how I've been picturing Wii. You have a wand and it's your sword. You hold it up in front of you to block and you swipe in whatever direction to attack. It sounds just like how IGN describes Red Steel. It's cool at first but you're not actually getting any different control than you would with an analog stick.



oh and Andrew...Warhawk was playable. I just saw a video of the Warhawk demonstration from the conference with that guy tilting it. It's so silly. Joysticks and dpads will never be beat. I support the status quo!



So I haven't been following Too Human. Is it confirmed it sucks yet? I am actually sort of hoping it does just because of Dennis Dyack's ridiculous hype like saying it could possibly change the WORLD and name dropping everyone from Nietzsche to Shakespeare. That guy is one of the most pretentious in gaming. I can't believe he is hyping it up as this epic trilogy when it takes them years and years to put out a single game.

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Anya is right--MSX got Metal Gear first by a period of months, although outside of Japan people hardly know anything of msx. Konami had been bound and determined to put games on every system known to man.


Zelda on Wii works like this:


Nunchuck analog stick: movement

Z button (under nunchuck): Z targeting/center camera


A button (front of remote): various actions, putting away sword/ in battle: parry while standing still, jump attack while moving.

B button (under remote): sword.

D-pad: switch between equipped items.


Nunchuck motion sensor: chuck picked up items (or A)

Wiimote pointer: represented onscreen by the fairy. Can aim arrows/boomerang/etc as well as access the submenu.


A "quick push" of Wii remote will shield thrust, and you *can* use the wiimote for the sword--a quick jab to quick jab, and a wide swipe for the spin attack.


"stabbing down" with the Wii remote will do the jumping downward thrust.


You can move Link independently of aiming, apparently. So you should be able to move Link around with the bow still drawn.


I'm not exactly clear on how blocking with the shield works. It seems like it may be automatic if you Z target in a battle and have the sword drawn.


I've played some arcade games that involve motion-sensing for swiping a sword, and typically it just triggers certain animations. However, the Wiimote is supposed to be much more sophisticated.


It's basically unanimous that in its current form, Red Steel sucks. However, I don't even know when Ubi got their development kit. They should have time to make it good. And remember that Halo sucked until, like, the very end too. There's little doubt the 1st party games will be good, but like the ds, we'll likely see lots of gimmickry until developers finally get how to do it right.


What does Warhawk look like? A 360 game?


MGS4 trailer makes me groan and shrug. Nothing in it looks like gameplay, Liquid Ocelet is really really stupid, and it looks like HK is really going to get his emo on with this. Snake sucking on a pistol, yay.


Too Human sucks in its current form as well. Ditto on the director being completely full of himself (as well as something else). He makes Tetsuya Takahashi and Hideo Kojima look incredibly humble.

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True about Halo, but that is the exception. GE, GTA III and Metroid Prime also all had underwhelming impressions or apathy at some point too. I just find it funny and yet another example of how stupid the gaming press is that they pushed that game so hard and so quickly without much to go on. They want Wii to succed and since there wasn't much else to hype up they picked that to be the next Halo. Now they've got to do the damage control previews.



I didn't actually look at Warhawk. I liked the PSX original and would probably play this but I'm so out of the loop I haven't even bought Advent Children yet or seen the MGS4 trailer. I am not wasting my time with Warhawk.



Who cares about MGS4's gameplay at this point? The story is the most exciting thing right now. Angst is good. Liquid Ocelot.....isn't.




This was the most boring E3 ever. Nothing excites me. I downloaded one video and that was it. This whole next gen is lame. I am ok with just PS2. The graphics are fine. I feel no need for new systems. It feels like the only reason next gen is starting is because Sony, MS and Nintendo just decided to. It's been over 5 years so it's time for next gen even if there isn't a need for it yet. I wish I hadn't bought a 360 yet. I bought it just because it's the new Xbox. That's what I've always done. I think I'm about done with the days of buying a console or games just because. I'm actually starting to think I might not buy a PS3 at launch. I may wait for MGS4 and Tekken 6 with PS3. At this rate I may not buy a Wii at all. I hope my interest in console gaming improves soon.

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Hooray! I don't have to buy a PS3 to play Assassin's Creed.






E3 2006: Xbox 360 Assassinated

Ubisoft Montreal's Prince of Persia influenced action game may come to Xbox 360.

by Douglass C. Perry

May 12, 2006 - Ubisoft Montreal revealed its next incredible project, Assassins: Creed, exclusively for PlayStation 3 at E3 this year, much to the delight of Sony console fans and to the dismay of Microsoft consoles fans.




A third-person action game in the vein of Prince of Persia, Ubisoft Montreal's newest title shows off the next generation with fantastic texture work, early but promising animations, and newly envisioned levels of Prince/Spider-Men climbing/traversing. But the game, officially, is strictly exclusive to PlayStation 3. Ubisoft officially would not comment on a possible Xbox 360 version.


According to sources close to the company, however, there are potential plans for an Xbox 360 version at Assassins: Creed sometime in 2007. Additionally, Microsoft sources who asked not to be mentioned by name, claimed the demo, hidden behind closed doors at E3, was running on an Xbox 360 using a third-party USB PlayStation controller. The game system was hidden in a stand covered by a sheet. Again, Ubisoft officials would not comment.


We'll have more soon.




The story has since been pulled from ign's site. Someone on the NeoGAF forums who was at e3 says:


No, it's true. Multiple people saw the 360 when seeing the demo, and it was a joke going around E3.


Ubisoft probably called IGN's marketing department and complained, who then ran up to the IGN warroom at E3 in a panic "Ubisoft will pull all ads if we don't remove that story about their deception on the floor!" And thus it was pulled. It's how things work.


Every single playable PlayStation 3 game at E3 was using an actual PS3 controller connected with the USB connector (bolted to the controller) and going to an actual (visible) PS3 dev kit.


Assassins was the ONLY "PS3" game to use a generic third party PlayStation 2 controller going to a sheet.


PS3 exclusive my ass.

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Batteries? Lame. I hope that bit about a rechargable system has some truth to it, 'cause I don't wanna be going through packs of Duracell to play a console.


I was also hoping it'd come with a shell controller, though that's not as big a deal.


The Wavebird gets great battery life on 2 AAs but I've got a feeling the W!! remote thing will probably eat batteries a bit faster.

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I don't know why there was ever any doubt. It's Ubisoft.


It's just proof of what everybody already knew.


I don't know if it is possible on the wii, though.


PS3/XB360/PC tho? Bet on it.

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How come nobody is talking about Paris Hilton promoting her game and mentioning the wrong name for the game.


I saw this on SuperFicial. Someone want to tell me again why this girl is famous, aside from her parents being loaded?

Some people think she's hot and not skanky looking?


:lol: No, what's the real reason?

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I don't. Then again, I don't really feel any urge to get a PS3, either.


None of the "big" franchises (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Final Fantasy, MGS, etc) really do anything for me. Am I alone in that respect, or what?


No, when they were revealing I was just going, "um ok, got any games that don't bore me?"

I know they are huge franchises to everyone else and I can respect that, but none of the systems won me over. PS3 is too damn expensive, Wii just seems like it's all about Mario and Zelda early on which I could care less about, and XBox 360 hasn't impressed me yet with their graphics.


God of War 2 looked good but the price of the PS3 is driving me away from it. And the flying game (Warhammer I think?) looked very interesting but that $600 tag is way too god damn much. That price has got to be cut in half if they want my money.


Everything about Next Gen is a huge disappointment. The price of the games is insane, the price of the systems is insane and all the little gadgets just sound like worthless junk that will malfunction and break down in the first six months.

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dug up that ubi leaked list, and it said...


Mar 2007 - Assassin (PS3, Xbox 360, Revolution, PSP)


So, there you go. Everyone gets it. The question is if it is possible on Wii/PSP, though. There was a game released *called* Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory on PS2 and Gamecube, but not really.

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2GOLD: Warhawk is the flight game, and God of War 2 is a PS2 game.


Good, I can get God of War 2. I'm thinking E3:07 is going to have to really wow the socks off me to get me to consider purchasing. Cause from the stuff I've seen, I can walk away from video games right now. All that remotely interest me is GOW2 and TNA:IMPACT which are PS2 titles (although Impact is mainly next Gen and there was no sign of it at E3 which worries me) so those don't effect my next gen thoughts. Warhawk looked cool but the tilt control stuff has now soured me.

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Hey, does anyone know if the Marvel heroes game is going to be on PS3 only? i dont want to buy one so ifs coming out on th W!! i'll feel much better.

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boy the next generation of systems looks pretty shitty. the graphical improvement in actual in-game play isn't that striking. ps2 and xbox360 feels like more of the same. Wii has an interesting controller with potential but that's about it. having heard from a few people who actually used it at E3, its apparently less impressive than it sounds.

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I'm about 95% sure Marvel Heroes: Ultimate Alliance is multi-platform, even coming to PSP.


Sony is also now saying that, yes, we should all buy a Wii...


Two days after Microsoft's Peter Moore praised Nintendo and suggested gamers should buy a Wii (as well as a 360, of course), Sony's Phil Harrison has said pretty much the same thing to US magazine Gamepro. "I think Peter Moore is exactly right." he said. "I think Nintendo will be the second system consumers purchase after PlayStation 3."


Just as Moore did, Harrison goes on to play Nintendo salesman: "I haven't had a chance to check out the Wii myself, but Nintendo has a great history of innovation and has always done great things for gaming and long may they do so. But as it relates to our strategy they are very much in a different market."


Of course, that last comment (the 'different market' bit) is both a vindication of what Nintendo has been claiming for months, as well as an attempt to marginalise them. Nonetheless, it's great to see some of the animosity between the companies get broken down. Perhaps we all can just get along? It might be a while before Microsoft and Sony praise each other though...

(source: http://palgn.com.au/article.php?title=E3+2...Wii%21&id=4609)


This coming after Microsoft execs said that gamers should buy a 360 and a Wii instead of forking out the same for just one console in the PS3. They're so preoccupied with killing one another that they don't give a shit about Nintendo.

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