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E3 2006: The Thread

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I'll admit I was a bit late on the N64 thing myself, but I think Chris is right, too. I did see some 60 dollar N64 games, though. And there were of course the uber-expensive RPGs on SNES around that time, too. Any game that had an extra chip, like Virtua Racing, Mega Man X2/X3 were more pricey, too.


I remember holding off until the Cruis'n USA-era drought had passed. It was quite sad--Mario, Pilotwings, and maybe one or two more...then....like, nothing for several months.


However, when you look back, N64 had a really rich library of quality games. Hell, if some of the games that were originally slated to come out on it did and got wide release--Animal Crossing (Jpn only), Earthbound 64, Eternal Darkness--it would have one of the strongest libraries of all time save for its weakness in RPGs.

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Vaunted? I hate on Bluray all the time and last night said I might not even get a PS3 at launch. Just because I think it'll still win doesn't mean I'm happy about the price or the Bluray.

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Never said you were, just making the point. As you made it a negative point about the 64.

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I remember holding off until the Cruis'n USA-era drought had passed. It was quite sad--Mario, Pilotwings, and maybe one or two more...then....like, nothing for several months.


However, when you look back, N64 had a really rich library of quality games. Hell, if some of the games that were originally slated to come out on it did and got wide release--Animal Crossing (Jpn only), Earthbound 64, Eternal Darkness--it would have one of the strongest libraries of all time save for its weakness in RPGs.



Haha yeah that was the worst drought ever. It made games like Cruis'n seem good. I can't believe such a lame game like Cruis'n was so popular. The arcade still has like 200 Cruis'n cabinets.


N64 was a really good second system. It only got a good game once every few months but it'd be one so good it would last until the next came out. It was also THE multiplayer system. Mario Kart, GoldenEye, WCW Revenge, Mario Party....only thing PSX had on N64 in terms of multiplayer was the 2 player fighting games.

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I remember N64 games costing around 70-80 also.


And what is this I hear about the HD player for the Xbox? Aren't they going to be different than the Blu-rays?

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only thing PSX had on N64 in terms of multiplayer was the 2 player fighting games.


And Crash Bash, that was quite a cool game at times.


And i do agree that the N64 was let down by it's faliure to deliver constently good titles. Which is a shame as the ones they did relase were ablosulty class.

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Plus, gotta love the built-in controller ports, ditto for on GC.


BluRay is a decision that could be declared legally stupid by Sony. Not even the most diehard Sony fans can/will defend it.


Ken is lying out his ass about people bitching about the "Playstation's" price. PS1's price killed Saturn dead from the start, and when PS2 came around, people were very interested in DVD, and it was considered a huge bargain.


Sony's choice in (an increasingly popular) format then won them developers, because DC was so much easier to pirate and lacked the space a lot of newer titles needed. Sure, Sega was damaged goods anyway, but when a company lies to itself to justify its position, that's downright silly.


When people talk about BluRay, they're like "WTF? WHY?!?"

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because DC was so much easier to pirate


damn staright it was. made my life very cheap haha!

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Ken is lying out his ass about people bitching about the "Playstation's" price. PS1's price killed Saturn dead from the start



Yeah, what's with that? The PSX price annoucement is one of the most classic E3 moments. Them coming out and just saying "299" was one of the smartest moves they made in the early days. So weird.


The stuff about it being "too cheap" is also crazy. I guess technically it's a good value but nobody cares about Bluray. They'd be better off hyping up that yes it is very expensive but it's going to be worth it. Like N64's "quality over quantity" and SNK's brilliant hot dog campaign....nevermind what ended up happening to both those systems.



Remember a couple years ago when the N-Gage people brought out this girl with 299 or whatever the price was and they hyped it up to mimic the PSX price point annoucement? But instead of big cheers it was met with apathy. Silly N-Gage.

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The bizarre analogies and 4D thing are unbelievable. If I didn't know otherwise I would swear that was a photoshop! You just can't make stuff like that up.

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Wow! 4096 simultaneous colors and 380 sprites! With numbers like that, I can't imagine why more people didn't shell out the ungodly amounts of money necessary to purchase that syatem.

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The bizarre analogies and 4D thing are unbelievable. If I didn't know otherwise I would swear that was a photoshop! You just can't make stuff like that up.


Sony's spokesman for PS4:




There are plenty of science-y folk who could probably explain what the hell Sony intends, but it doesn't really fit in with Neo Geo at all, from what I can tell. Here's a wiki on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_dimension


The 4th dimension in that sense is apparently supposed to refer to the spacial 4th, Tetraspace, and not Time. Although plenty of games which play with that element rawk (neo POPs, for instance).

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The Sony PS3 conference in 1 minute:



They missed the "Real time weapon switching!" though.


Riiiiiidge Raceerrrrrr!


They shoulda made this 2 minutes, cause there was much more editing to be had. Escpecially with the "no gimmicks" and "look I lift the controller and it flies" part.

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Guest Smues
The Sony PS3 conference in 1 minute:



They missed the "Real time weapon switching!" though.


Riiiiiidge Raceerrrrrr!


That was awesome.

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"being based on history,the stages of the game will also be based on famous battles that actually took place in japan. So here's this enemy crab..."



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Guest Smues

The Sony PS3 conference in 1 minute:



They missed the "Real time weapon switching!" though.


Riiiiiidge Raceerrrrrr!


They shoulda made this 2 minutes, cause there was much more editing to be had. Escpecially with the "no gimmicks" and "look I lift the controller and it flies" part.


Here you go


The editing isn't very good, but it still made me laugh. No gimmicks!

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When people talk about BluRay, they're like "WTF? WHY?!?"


HDTV-philes (er, what ever the hell you want to call people like me) aren't going "WTF?" though. I just cant afford to spend $500 on one or the other without knowing if either will actually become the default next gen HD optical disc format, but I would love to have one. Cause you know it is entirely possible with the majority of consumers going "WTF?" to the whole next gen HD optical disc format war that it causes both to flop and we stick with DVDs for a while. I mean, even I know from both sides that its all because you can buy DVD players for $20 and DVDs for $5 now..theres no money in DVDs anymore. Problem is, if neither Blu-Ray or HD-DVD get off the ground within the next 18 months, I dont think you'll see another optical disc format..both formats only exist for HD movies and its getting close to the point where VOD and Downloads will be more popular methods for getting movies than buying/renting DVDs..games certainly dont need 50 GBs of space either and they will eventually go to download/on demand as well.

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I just read on Joystiq that all of the W!! stuff at E3 was being run of W!! hardware embedded in gamecubes.

If that's true...


...um, is that a good thing or bad thing?

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I just read on Joystiq that all of the W!! stuff at E3 was being run of W!! hardware embedded in gamecubes.

If that's true...


...um, is that a good thing or bad thing?


Id say bad thing beause it also says that Nintendo doesn't have the W!! hardware finalized yet..


Nintendo of America has come out and confirmed that, in fact, the Wii games were being played through GameCubes -- or, more accurately, Wii hardware embedded in a GameCube, "made specifically for the E3 show and is not the final mass-production version."


NOA's PR Manager Matt Atwood noted that "for some of the games that you've seen, the focus for them was not graphics at all," hinting that a few of the titles may seen graphical improvements. Atwood stated that the system specs are still being finalized, but that their E3 showing was "very indicative of the experience Wii will offer." Don't get your hopes up for vast technical improvements.

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It doesn't seem very Nintendo-like to be letting stuff like that slip out.


But it does explain the lack of a firm release date and price.


Zelda, this fall Nintendo, no later. GC at the very least.

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