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Open the Muggy Gate

Tomorrow will be MY DAY....FROM...HELL!

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So right now I'm working two jobs (one has my two week notice). And I got them back to back in the same day. That's bad enough as it is. But my hours this time around... FUCKING EEP... 9AM-6PM at O'Reilly's Auto Parts doing delivery for them. Next, 7PM-12AM at the Family Fun Center (I run the skating rink). Now that's bad enough as it is... so let's throw in a Project Graduation for shits and giggles! That'll last from 12-6 in the morning. Oh Lord this is gonna suck...


Anyone here had to work longer than twenty hours a day?

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So right now I'm working two jobs (one has my two week notice). And I got them back to back in the same day. That's bad enough as it is. But my hours this time around... FUCKING EEP... 9AM-6PM at O'Reilly's Auto Parts doing delivery for them. Next, 7PM-12AM at the Family Fun Center (I run the skating rink). Now that's bad enough as it is... so let's throw in a Project Graduation for shits and giggles! That'll last from 12-6 in the morning. Oh Lord this is gonna suck...


Anyone here had to work longer than twenty hours a day?


Most of my summer last year, I was working 15-20 hrs a day.

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I've never worked more than 15 hours in a day. My worst streak of hours ever was me working 5PM-12AM then 10AM-12AM followed by another 10AM-12AM shift then a 10AM-5PM shift. I was dead by the end of it.

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My problem is that if I hit 10 hours, I am like a freight train and I keep going and I usually have no desire to quit. (It's the kind of job where you can never not have anything to do) Luckily, my new postition at work now forces me to work in 8-10 hrs per day max.

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Working a 9 hour shift at the moment, but this is nothing other than the fact that I'm tired. Post-Production has me doing 10pm-2pm (Yes!) and then coming back later at 10pm-8am or some crazy shit like that. Thing is, long hours in the night make it hard to get sleep and makes it feel as if you've missed a day. Good news is the Summer is _really_ slow, so it's just chill and I go back to 10pm-6am.

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Worked the noon-2/3 a.m. shift at the movie theater many a weekend while in college.


Worked the 10 p.m.-3 p.m. Saturday/Sunday shift at the Quickie-Mark many a weekend while in college.


Worked a 8 p.m.-8:30 a.m. shift with two jobs (leaving one and going directly to the other) three days a week (the other four days of the week had different hours) for 14 months.


Now I work eight hours a day/40 hours a week, get paid more than I did at either job situation mentioned above and spend more time than I should playing on the Internet.


Welcome to America.

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Most I ever worked was one summer in college at a factory job, doing about 60 hours a week. It sucked (the work was tedious and morale was horrible), but at least I made a lot of money (that time and a half really helps), and basically didn't have to work a real job during the school year.

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During my last job, I worked at a place which needed to do some temperature testing on their product. This required monitoring all throughout the test and the deadline was approaching fast. Since I was a co-op student, I got the "lucky" job of working a 22 hour shift to monitor the thing until the next guy came.

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Guest Princess Leena

Tried doing the 2 job thing a few years ago... had some weekends like that... definitely not worth it.

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I've done 12-13 hour shifts before (years ago when I worked one of the family bakeries, and then again up until last year when I was working my teaching job and my longtime office job). The long shifts never bothered me, personally.

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Guest StylesMark

I did 15-16 hours a day, 3 days in a row for months.


Quit your bitching.

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Man, I'm glad I never did any of these jobs. Most of the jobs I've done in my life rarely exceeded a 9 hour day, and the one job where I did do 12+ hour shifts I knew what I was getting into.



Now I work eight hours a day/40 hours a week, get paid more than I did at either job situation mentioned above

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Guest StylesMark



I paid my dues, now I'm salaried, 40/week with LOTS of benefits.

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Guest Princess Leena

Working 10+ hours at a place where you plan on moving up the ladder is one thing...


Working insane hours at Quickie Mart is another.


I saw too many kids fuck up their education, and eventually their life, by needlessly working 2-3 jobs, 60 hours a week, and shit.

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Guest StylesMark

As did I. I did it when I had to, then got the fuck out. Now I climb the corporate ladder working 40 hours.


Life is grande.

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I still work 12 hour shifts with no overtime sometimes.


Of course, long hours are a lot more palatable when your only job is playing poker.

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Guest Felonies!

Muggy's sig pisses me off, but I can't explain why. It just makes me want to slap him.

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Guest StylesMark

If it mentioned Pedro Gomez watching Bonds in the shower, it'd be better.

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Day went alright Friday. Skating rink wasn't that packed for the regular public skating. We had to keep the Project Grad group in the rink till about 12 till they got the bowling alley cleared out and cleaned... then they let them loose all over the property... and I pretty much never saw those kids again. We had a couple show up here and there... but other than that, after that, it was 6 hours of sheer boredum and trying not to fall asleep. Nearly drove off the road on the way home by falling asleep at the wheel. Other than that, it was an alright day.


And enjoy the new sig kids! :D

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My worst work day ever was 22 straight hours without so much as a break after the second hour because my work partner got sick and went home. It took about 16 hours to sleep that one off, and I was pretty much useless for the 3 days after that one night. I routinely worked 12-16 hour days/5 or 6 days a week that entire summer depending on how many parties were booked. Never again will I work slave hours.

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