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King Cucaracha

Booking for 5/19 HD (Special Friday show)

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This Thursday on HeldDOWN~!, arguably the most heralded, and now the most controversial star in the company, Zack Malibu, will have something to say. Amidst locker room backlash after bringing Bloodshed, Todd Cortez and Bruce Blank into the OAOAST, Zack himself has seemingly snapped, as he went after Jamie O'Hara with brutal intentions last week, trying to slice the youngster open with a glass shard! We've learned that Zack plans on addressing his war with the GPX and O'Hara, the tension surrounding the arrival of the Wildcards, and what's in store for the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title come our next Pay Per View extravaganza!

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Crystal speaks. A lot. To the point where you just want to smack her. But you don't because you know that Gunner will kill you. And Crystal will spit on you and kill you some more. Don't mess with them.

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I'm not going to have anything tonight...I was having computer problems last night, and I have to go to work in an hour. Sorry.

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Well......I hope everyone's just waiting until the last minute to submit stuff because right now I've only got two segments for the entire show (plus a promo I'm going to write).

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I'll put the show together after Ultimate Fighter (11PM Eastern for you non-MMA based reality show fan types)

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If Hoff reads this thread, I need him to write things, because I have to go to work, and I've also got a test today. I'll be in touch.

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I give credit to EWC for getting his segment in on time, but that brings my segments received total to just 3, so here's the deal: This week we're gonna have a special Friday Night HeldDOWN~! so anyone that's late with their segments has an extra 24 hours or so to get them in and anyone else that didn't have time to do anything this week but can whip something up can submit stuff as well.


I don't remember having to do this since I've been putting HD together, so I hope this is the only time I do have to do it. Alf, if you can get online and read this, I'll write that promo that I brought up in the PM I sent you if your computer problems haven't cleared up or if you are working or something. (if you read it before things crapped out on you).

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I'll try to get that promo written tommorrow.


Match for this week, if I have time to write one, if not, next week:


Thunderkid vs Mr. Boricua

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Well, it's a pretty short show, but I've put together what I've got. If anyone wants to add anything, go ahead, but I'm putting it in HE right now.

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