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Duke Rape Case

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I'm not sure why there isn't a topic about this, it is about as current of an event as you can get. What does everyone think about the new twists in the story, the second set of DNA tests still don't link any of the players to the accuser. A few of the accused are in court today and I've heard about protestors that include people against under-age drinking and the Black Panthers of all people. It seems like this story is falling apart, what does everyone else think?

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The situation was being discussed in the sports folder but the conversation died out.


The woman's case seems very suspicous to me, and I keep waiting for the Law and Order SVU swerve to occur.

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The situation was being discussed in the sports folder but the conversation died out.


The woman's case seems very suspicous to me, and I keep waiting for the Law and Order SVU swerve to occur.


Eliott punches a locker, and nearly blows the whole case.

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The fact that some people are taking the woman's story as fact when most of the evidence seems to be siding against her boggles my mind.

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The fact that some people are taking the woman's story as fact when most of the evidence seems to be siding against her boggles my mind.


I think it boils down to a politically motivated DA, the racial interactions, and social decrepacies. The Tri-Cities area where Duke is located is really rundown outside of the campuses of North Carolina and Duke. These are silver spooned kids from New England from what I've read, outrage is bound to happen, despite proof.

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The fact that some people are taking the woman's story as fact when most of the evidence seems to be siding against her boggles my mind.


I think it boils down to a politically motivated DA, the racial interactions, and social decrepacies. The Tri-Cities area where Duke is located is really rundown outside of the campuses of North Carolina and Duke. These are silver spooned kids from New England from what I've read, outrage is bound to happen, despite proof.


From what I see on the news everynight, Durham is a very dangerous place.

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It turns out that the second dancer initially told the police that the accuser's claim of rape was a "crock" and that she was with the accuser the entire time they were at the house except for a span of five minutes. Fantastic, we have ruined the lives of 45 young men for absolutely no reason.

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That's what happens when you let the media report on a breaking legal case almost non-stop, and their "reporting" consists of interviewing "experts", followed by wild speculation and reading viewer e-mails on the air.

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It turns out that the second dancer initially told the police that the accuser's claim of rape was a "crock" and that she was with the accuser the entire time they were at the house except for a span of five minutes. Fantastic, we have ruined the lives of 45 young men for absolutely no reason.


Yet that wasn't splashed across nighttime news to get the information out. All anyone is going to remember is "White rich boys raped a poor black mother."

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I really take comfort that my life is fantastic that I have managed to avoid any and all reports and details on this Duke Rape Case.


Then again I don't think rape cases should be in the news in the first place.



Gay Lincoln still gets my vote.

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I could see it being a local news story, but the national news media just loves to run with these rape and kidnapping cases like crazy. I'm sorry, but a missing person story shouldn't be all over the national news for weeks at a time.

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I don't know...a few months ago two young black boys went missing in the Milwaukee area, and the story was all over every single channel and news outlet in the area.

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Only time you willl hear about a kidnapping case nationally is if it is a white pretty girl and it is a jackpot if the girl comes from a rich family. See, Natalie Holloway, Elizabeth Smart and Dru Sjoudin.

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She'll get what's coming to her, one way or the other.


Dont worry, theMikeSC will hunt her down for you...

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After watching the story on 60 Minutes regarding this, I'm pretty sure these guys are getting railroaded.

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Happy they got off if they were innocent. I think that between this case and the Kobe case, it goes to show that rape cases should just not be in the news until the trial hits. If that was the case, noone would know about either side in this nasty ordeal.

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