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Don't worry we'll take Chave too ...


I'm sure you could find a job over here, and then you're in, right?


I dunno much about immigration..


Christ, you're white, just get over here and noone will make you leave...


And speaking of immigration, I have ALWAYS been a proponent of quality ass being a requisite or at least a subsitute for a requisite for immigration here. Seriously.

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Don't worry we'll take Chave too ...


I'm sure you could find a job over here, and then you're in, right?


I dunno much about immigration..


Christ, you're white, just get over here and noone will make you leave...


You need £10,000 in the bank. The immigration boards see this as enough to support yourself for a year while you secure work and get a green card :) I am currently training to be a teacher as I figure this is a good proffesion to enable moving countries. I COULD apply for training in my desired country, but I have other reasons for not being able to move. I do want to come over at christmas though, I have been planning it with a friend but money is tiiiiight :)

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£10,000 is quite a lot.


but you're right, teaching is teaching is teaching.


Once you find work here, it's easier to come, no?

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£10,000 is quite a lot.


but you're right, teaching is teaching is teaching.


Once you find work here, it's easier to come, no?



Oh yeah much easier, I would just have to get a work placement and I would be set!

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I'm just SO sure someone here could find a place for you to work.


How hard can it be for an english speaker to find a proper job around here?


Ye Olde English!


That like automatically makes for a better host/ess or receptionist if s/he's got some sort of swank accent.


The russian chick at my old job got oodles of attention.

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That like automatically makes for a better host/ess or receptionist if s/he's got some sort of swank accent.


Ha ha I would make a terrible receptionist, I did used to wait tables but I would never go back to it, people are idiots!


We have totally taken over this thread :D

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No I don't think more money is the answer, just better use of what we have ... It would be sensible if our government gave better funding to the nhs...


I assume by "better" you mean take money from other areas and put it toward your commie health system. What would you cut (besides defense, because that's always the easy answer)?


It's not hard to get into America. Just enter via the Mexico border and accuse anyone who questions the legality of your residency as being RACIST. You're white? Get a tan before coming over.

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No I don't think more money is the answer, just better use of what we have ... It would be sensible if our government gave better funding to the nhs...


I assume by "better" you mean take money from other areas and put it toward your commie health system. What would you cut (besides defense, because that's always the easy answer)?


It's not hard to get into America. Just enter via the Mexico border and accuse anyone who questions the legality of your residency as being RACIST. You're white? Get a tan before coming over.


Ha ha I am VERY white, I don't tan at all well.


As I said earlier I would cut funding for things like the tower they built and use money they spend on re-laying roads (which they only do to fill the spending quota so no cuts ARE made) pointless little things like changing the appearance of high streets to attract more tourism (which doesn't work) And use it to help hospitals and schools.


Saying that it all seems so simple to say that doesn't it? :)

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We can put you up here someplace too, Chave.


Your accent would do well for you here, too, mark me. There's a gamekillers commercial about that here for chrissakes. It's true!

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France is filled with boobs, not to mention pussies. At least when it comes to their government.


Anyway, how come the British have such bad teeth, what with Big Government health care and all?


Ha ha because our amazing government has never fairly funded national health service patients (people who can't afford private care...... which is nearly everyone) so all our hospitals are understaffed and waiting lists can be years long for simple operations.


As for the dentistry side of things, for the same reason dentists are overcrowded and refuse national health service patients treatment, only accepting private clients. This means that anyone who is on a low income or state benefits for whatever reason cannot recieve dental treatment purely because no dentist will accept them.


It is also worth pointing out that only very basic dental work is covered by the nhs, treatments to correct mis-shapen teeth (like a brace) replacing lost teeth or any work that is not required to stop pain is viewed as cosmetic and the full price will be charged regardless of your situation. For example if I can find a dentist willing to accept me I can have a filling for free but if I wanted my teeth straightened I would have to pay over £4000 for the course of treatment. I don't know many people who can spare that!


Sorry government rant coing on there......


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I was born in West Virginia, to a single mother with no job who was 17 at the time. So, I had worse Dental Insurance growing up then most people overseas.


WV has some of the worst Dental Insurance, ever. It's fucking horrible.

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I had a tooth that has been giving me some problems the past few days... so I woke up yesterday to see it was infected and the right side of my face was swelling. After 4 hours of work, I left to go to the dentist and they said if I didn't come in a couple of hours earlier, I probably would have to go to the hospital. Basically... the swelling was getting close to my eye, so I got some antibiotics today to stop that. And then today, I went to an oral surgeon who did a draining to trying and get rid of the swelling. So far, so good... probably will have to get a crown or a root canal though for that tooth. Oy...

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Root canals suck ass.


Wait til it gets so bad they have to crown it.


Just be sure to request the Nitrous, man.


And ask for some pain pills.

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Thank god for my European and American Passports. I can pretty much go anywhere.


Oh and on the teeth thing. I think over here its until your 16 you get free coverage until you're 16, then you have to pay for it yourself.

Oh, and the British health care system > Irish health care system. I think we're all behind Canada though.

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