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OAO 5/25 Impact Thread

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Wow, that's the best Steiner promo I've heard since ~2000.



That fits since his match against Sting and Joe at Sacrifice is the best match he's been in since roughly that time period as well.


And he's got a feud with Joe forming that has actual "people give a crap" juice to it.





That's just the awesomeness of Joe for you.

Is Joe awesome enough to Muscle Buster Steiner though?


I don't think it would be physically possible. Steiner would combust if he had to compact all of that muscle for the move. May be why the move is called the musclebuster though.

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Chase Stevens' cat uses those jeans as a scratching post.


They totally don't get why Hansen called it the Western Lariat (he's a southpaw). Unless Roode hits from the top rope, it can't be the Northern Lariat.

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Have Elix Skipper and Ron Killings ever teamed up? It seems like a match made in heaven. One likes to sing, one likes to dance, they both do it badly, but both could make it work.

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Boy I really wish they'd drop Killings the hip hopper and bring back Truth the compelling character.


Of course we haven't seen him in about 3 years or so...so it's probably time I give up on that wish.


I would love for TNA to take Ron Killings more seriously than they do. I think he has alot of talent he hasn't been able to show in the ring due to constantly being teamed with less-talented workers.

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Chase Stevens' cat uses those jeans as a scratching post.


They totally don't get why Hansen called it the Western Lariat (he's a southpaw). Unless Roode hits from the top rope, it can't be the Northern Lariat.

Who cares its just a Clothesline! He needs a new finisher.

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Why does the ref have shorts on? That's bush league.


It's part of a storyline where he's in good (or thinks he's in good) with the new DoA. They're playing him off Larry Z, who's been wearing ties and sportcoats after a year of showing up in Hawaiian shirts because the new DoA put Larry on probation. Slick got in good with the said new guy, who hasn't been revealed yet, after Larry kept giving Earl Hebner the big main events to ref instead of him.



That fits since his match against Sting and Joe at Sacrifice is the best match he's been in since roughly that time period as well.


And he's got a feud with Joe forming that has actual "people give a crap" juice to it.





That's just the awesomeness of Joe for you.


I said it before, but I think it's worth repeating...two months in, TNA has gotten more out of Steiner than WWE did in his entire run. They've effectively played to his strengths and hid his weakness. Who would have thought when Joe debuted at last year's Slammiversary that he'd be set for the most anticipated match on the 06 card, against Scott Steiner?

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Boy I really wish they'd drop Killings the hip hopper and bring back Truth the compelling character.


Of course we haven't seen him in about 3 years or so...so it's probably time I give up on that wish.


I would love for TNA to take Ron Killings more seriously than they do. I think he has alot of talent he hasn't been able to show in the ring due to constantly being teamed with less-talented workers.

The King of Truth would kick all kinds of ass!

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Ron just about wrote himself off with that dropkick, good thing his neck is made of rubber.

That was a dropkick? I looked away from the screen and I thought he did something lots of spins and flips when I turned back and saw him land on the back of his head.

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Chase Stevens' cat uses those jeans as a scratching post.


They totally don't get why Hansen called it the Western Lariat (he's a southpaw). Unless Roode hits from the top rope, it can't be the Northern Lariat.

Who cares its just a Clothesline!


They're technically different and if it's good enough for Stan Hansen it's good enough for me.

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Hey, this closing montage music was used on WWE's WrestleMania X-Seven DVD (in the WM Anthology set). This was what replaced "My Way" as the PPV theme song.

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I guess Jeff Jarrett and Sting will get the final two spots and Scott Steiner will be left out so he can face Samoa Joe.

Leaving Raven to unfortunately face Larry Z, most likely.

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They certainly want us to think that Jarrett/Raven and Sting/Steiner are the matches, huh? I don't know...I just can't see them blowing either of those matches on TV. I think it'd really put over the randoming pairings if they did a swerve next week and did Jarrett/Steiner (cuz you know Sting's match is going the last week).


Anyway, overall, I'd say it was a good show, save the Team Canada segment.

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I fell asleep, but I'll watch the show on saturday.


Two things I have to know:


1.) Was Kip in black face for the promo?


2.) Just how crazy was Sting's promo? Can I get an upload? Link? Transcript?

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