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Guest InuYasha

Bush attacking the Gay Community again.

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Fuck, that tax does seem excessive according to that article. If I was rich, I'd have 46% of my estate going to charities, not the fucking government.

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Guest JustPassinBy
Look, JPB, it seems like the Democrats are focused on protecting and helping people,


In a time of War, I dont think the Democrats are interested in protecting me, considering they like to cut defense spending.

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Guest JustPassinBy

Id like to see something done about that Tax hurting small business owners and farmers...but its plainly obvious that those folks arent the ones the Republicans are trying to help with the repeal.




Anyway, Feingold tried to introduce an amendment that would exempt the first $100 million of an estate from the tax, but that was roundly defeated by the Rs.


Am I missing something? The GOP repealed the estate tax for EVERYONE.

The Feingold "Amendment" wants to reinstate the Estate taxes for estates over 100mils.


Whats the issue? The GOP wants no estate tax for anyone.

The Dems still want to tax the rich.


Sorry dude. I dont want anyone taxed, no matter the tax bracket. I'm not rich, but its absurd to tax people just bc they have more than you. I hate progressive taxation.

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Heres the problem...this Republican administration is spending far more money than any admin ever. More than any Dem/liberal administration in the history of the country. Where does this money come from? If we say that rich people dont have to pay taxes, then its just the working people that have to foot the entire gigantic Republican bill.


So, if you continue to support this monsterous liberal-spending administration, you should explain why you feel that only working class Americans should pay the bill justpassinby. With the majority of Americans paying huge taxes to support this big govt, and people trying to ban gay marriage (and the spying deal, and the war on marijuana, and roadblocks outside music festivals, and increased fcc power, and invasions of other countries, and violently opposing all different viewpoints, and etc...) I will continue to view this administration as something very close to the Stalin mindset. Its quite disturbing.

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Guest JustPassinBy
, but it's not going to end up with half our country owned by foreign interests.


There's nothing wrong with deficit spending as long as the US dollar remains strong, which it has despite the globalization of the EURO. Its cheaper to debt finance rather than equity finance. That lesson is taught in the first finance/economics class most anyone takes at any college.

The US debt isnt a problem bc the dollar is strong. Consequently, bc the dollar is so strong there's going to be trade deficit. Thats just how economics work.

A trade deficit, National Debt, and Strength of the Dollar are all intertwined.

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I seriously have to ask this... are you guys seriously confused as to why the majority of posters with opposing viewpoints to your own don't post on this board?


Your side consists basically of one guy who gets his talking points from John Stewart and thinks 9/11 was orchestrated by the government, another guy who wants everyone to agree with him and if they don't he thinks it's okay to use coercive means to force them into following his views, and a third guy who legitimately thinks Bush is close to Stalin.


And the one guy willing to waste enough time to engage in this pointless debate, is essentially belittled every time he posts.


And don't think you know what my views are on this issue because of this critical post.

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Id like to see something done about that Tax hurting small business owners and farmers...but its plainly obvious that those folks arent the ones the Republicans are trying to help with the repeal.




Anyway, Feingold tried to introduce an amendment that would exempt the first $100 million of an estate from the tax, but that was roundly defeated by the Rs.


Am I missing something? The GOP repealed the estate tax for EVERYONE.


My point was that the tax definitely wouldn't hit "small farmers" under the Feingold Amendment (even if it did already, which it doesn't).

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What the fuck ever, Spicy. You act like this guy is engaging in reasonable, measured debate.


Are you an idiot?


When I point to far leftist liberal anti-american wack jobs, its a close tie between EricMM and SnuffBox but I think EricMM is still winning.


All the Anti-American/far left liberal wackos need to watch the movie Team America, and particularly listen to the speech about Dicks, Pussies, and Assholes. They could learn something.


the reason why no conservatives post on this board is bc its filled with far leftist anti-american bullshit and frankly, why spend time reading mindless depressing drivel when the internet should be fun?


But I guess there really are hippies, that smoke weed, and continue to talk in terms of "we're slaves to the corporations"....


I dont even know why I bother to debate this nonsense.


Nope, no "belittling" there. And you criticize Eric, NoCal, & Snuffy for razzing JPB by insulting all of them. Nice.


EDIT: By the way, NoCal is never rude to anyone, as far as I can tell.

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Guest Felonies!
Your side consists basically of one guy who gets his talking points from John Stewart and thinks 9/11 was orchestrated by the government, another guy who wants everyone to agree with him and if they don't he thinks it's okay to use coercive means to force them into following his views, and a third guy who legitimately thinks Bush is close to Stalin.

Stop that. Democrats are secular angels.

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I seriously have to ask this... are you guys seriously confused as to why the majority of posters with opposing viewpoints to your own don't post on this board?


Your side consists basically of one guy who gets his talking points from John Stewart and thinks 9/11 was orchestrated by the government, another guy who wants everyone to agree with him and if they don't he thinks it's okay to use coercive means to force them into following his views, and a third guy who legitimately thinks Bush is close to Stalin.


And the one guy willing to waste enough time to engage in this pointless debate, is essentially belittled every time he posts.


And don't think you know what my views are on this issue because of this critical post.


Do I get to guess which one is me?

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I seriously have to ask this... are you guys seriously confused as to why the majority of posters with opposing viewpoints to your own don't post on this board?


Your side consists basically of one guy who gets his talking points from John Stewart and thinks 9/11 was orchestrated by the government, another guy who wants everyone to agree with him and if they don't he thinks it's okay to use coercive means to force them into following his views, and a third guy who legitimately thinks Bush is close to Stalin.


And the one guy willing to waste enough time to engage in this pointless debate, is essentially belittled every time he posts.


And don't think you know what my views are on this issue because of this critical post.



Actually everyone at the Pit, the ultra-conservatives used to post here, the Current Events folder was hot, however as time went on, any debate turned into people being called "fuckheads" and when presented with any concurrent evidence it was written off as "unmitigated bullshit" if it wasn't from a source of the person's liking. Basically the board Mods got tired of every thread being turned into a "who can belittle the person of the opposite opinion the most" contest and threads kept getting closed. This wasn't exclusive to just the conservative posters, but it's not like a lot of the old liberal posters aren't gone as well or just rarely post here anymore.


If you want to play the "Your Side Consists of This" "Yeah Well Your Side Consists of This" game, then I am down, however don't use it as an excuse as to why most of the conservative posters ran out of here a couple of years ago.


So now you have TSM with mostly liberal posters in the CE forum, where conservative posters are naturally ganged up on due to the sheer numbers game, and then you have The Pit where it is the same thing, just reversed. It is what it is and there is nothing anyone can do about it besides everyone just using the same msboard again, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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, but it's not going to end up with half our country owned by foreign interests.


There's nothing wrong with deficit spending as long as the US dollar remains strong, which it has despite the globalization of the EURO. Its cheaper to debt finance rather than equity finance. That lesson is taught in the first finance/economics class most anyone takes at any college.

The US debt isnt a problem bc the dollar is strong. Consequently, bc the dollar is so strong there's going to be trade deficit. Thats just how economics work.

A trade deficit, National Debt, and Strength of the Dollar are all intertwined.



Which is interesting because wasn't there rumors that Saddam was going to start dealing with Euros right before the invasion?

(OMG~~!!C0NSPIRACY THE0RY #4769LOLZ2006~!)

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Guest JustPassinBy

, but it's not going to end up with half our country owned by foreign interests.


There's nothing wrong with deficit spending as long as the US dollar remains strong, which it has despite the globalization of the EURO. Its cheaper to debt finance rather than equity finance. That lesson is taught in the first finance/economics class most anyone takes at any college.

The US debt isnt a problem bc the dollar is strong. Consequently, bc the dollar is so strong there's going to be trade deficit. Thats just how economics work.

A trade deficit, National Debt, and Strength of the Dollar are all intertwined.



Which is interesting because wasn't there rumors that Saddam was going to start dealing with Euros right before the invasion?

(OMG~~!!C0NSPIRACY THE0RY #4769LOLZ2006~!)


They must have been unsubstantiated rumors since Saddam was found with over $300,000 in American money when he was found in that rat hole. You'd think if he was dealing in EUROs, he might have had EUROS on him, not American dollars.

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Oh, I thought you were telling me I was using coercive arguments.


Yeah, I want to use the market and the taxes and the courts and the legislature to save the environment.


So what.


Other people use those things to save money.


I fail to see how that makes ME worse.

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Guest LiveFastDieNever

Well. Money is fucking cool, Eric.


Trees aren't.


Just sayin'. : )

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Guest LiveFastDieNever

Agreed. For general stances that I guess make me a conservative, I really don't hold money in too high of a regard. It's there. If I have alot of it I end up spending it on friends for meals and stuff like that. If I don't have alot of it I'm cool too. I'm generally pretty free with personal belongings and stuff. I'm pretty conduit-like about that stuff. It just passed through me to other places, people, and matters.

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