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OAO "WWE .VS. ECW Special" Thread - June/7th/06.

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Show and Angle talking to the camera just now reminded me of the good ol nWo days...hell, everyone in WCW used to brag to the camera after a win or a beatdown...good times.

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I can't wait for this explanation. At least Angle made some sense.


I'm sure it'll be "contract expired".


Didn't Heyman say that they'll allow anyone who wanted to jump to do so? Yes it makes the draft picks superfluous but I guess that was the only way to justify getting Angle onto ECW.

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Well...it's hard to have guys that are ECW guys...when they haven't run a show in over 5 years.


Well yeah.


Which makes me wonder why they're even bothering.


I just don't like the idea in general. I can understand it only from the perspective of "we're desperate and we better try something drastic." But I really don't see what reviving a bastardized ECW brand will really accomplish. If they couldn't pull off the WCW invasion, I doubt they can make this work.


Maybe it's just because I never really liked ECW in the first place. Maybe it's because I don't like this whole "ode to wrestling history" stuff that saturates the product today.


To me, this idea is just taking all the negative things about the Alliance angle... and judging by this Big Show turn, the nWo.

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So the epic ECW vs WWE battle is going to end in a 2 to 2 tie that needed a WWE guy to turn for it to even end in a tie.


Mark out moment but one that makes less than zero sense.

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Ok now they have 45 minutes to kill how will they do it?


What, you don't think Sabu and Cena can break out a 45 minute classic?

I predict 15 minutes for the match and the rest for the truth.com commercials.

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I can't wait for this explanation. At least Angle made some sense.


I'm sure it'll be "contract expired".

Well, Orton was drafted around the same time Show was so the contract could have expired like Randy's did.


I wish for once someone would just go "I'm leaving. What are yo going to do? Sue me? Please, You know how much you pay me? You can't beat me. I got the best defense on my side." and just leave. No bs contract expirations or drafts or anything.

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Ok now they have 45 minutes to kill how will they do it?



They could start by explaining how this was a good idea for either the identity of the supposed ECW or how it makes any storyline sense whatsoever.


He's hugging a man who tried to kill him...and joining a company that he has no history with.



Yea, at the moment, I'm being the anti-smark ;) , but seriously...wrestling's fake. We all know this. Does it really matter?


Since when do you have to have history with a company to beecome a part of it? He didn't have any ties with WWF when he joined back then. Maybe he just likes ECW? Maybe he'd just rather be a part of it then WWE. There doesn't always have to be a complex, or hell even logical 'reason'.

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You've gotta feel like shit to be on SD right now. Also, no matter how you think they're booking ECW, there is no denying that they want this to end up being a huge success.


I know it wont be what we had at one time, but damnit, as long as it's entertaining and something somewhat new, I'll take it after the slump we've been in for so long.

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You've gotta feel like shit to be on SD right now. Also, no matter how you think they're booking ECW, there is no denying that they want this to end up being a huge success.


I know it wont be what we had at one time, but damnit, as long as it's entertaining and something somewhat new, I'll take it after the slump we've been in for so long.

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