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Last Comic Standing?

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I was looking throught the channel guide last night, and Last Comic Standing is back? I thought it was cancelled, I heard nothing about this.

Jay Mohr isn't this host anymore, now it's generic guy. Road Rules Theo and Bil Dwyre from Extreme Dodgeball are on it... Hasn't anyone seen this?

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Isn't one of the casting guys the gay guy who interviewed New Jack in "Beyond the Mat"?

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I was looking throught the channel guide last night, and Last Comic Standing is back? I thought it was cancelled, I heard nothing about this.

Jay Mohr isn't this host anymore, now it's generic guy. Road Rules Theo and Bil Dwyre from Extreme Dodgeball are on it... Hasn't anyone seen this?

The host is Anthony Clark, from "Yes Dear" and "Boston Common".


Like season two, most of the comics are professionals who are looking for their "big break". Of course, the problem is that since there is a "reality" portion to the competition, producers seem to be taking that into account when choosing the final ten. So far we've got:


- the one note comic: Props to Josh Blue for overcoming Cerebral Palsy, but he's gonna have to come up with some new material when it comes to the "live" voting, should he make it that far.

- the loud one: Roz is actually pretty funny, but I think she'd benefit from turning down the volume. On the plus side, this probably means Nikki Payne won't make it.

- the hot-from-the-neck-down chick: April wasn't all that funny, plus her eyes don't look quite right.

- the "normal" ones who will stir up shit: Joey Gay and Chris Porter.

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Out of all the people that I have seen before on various tv shows I want Nikki Payne and Josh Blue to make it to the house.

Which is funny, because Nikki Payne is the last person I want to see there. I'd take Dat Phan in the house again over her.

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Out of all the people that I have seen before on various tv shows I want Nikki Payne and Josh Blue to make it to the house.

Which is funny, because Nikki Payne is the last person I want to see there. I'd take Dat Phan in the house again over her.

The house needs a D-list star on the show and Nikki Payne's cartoon voice owns all!

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She's annoying, but I did see some short film she did where she danced (wearing not too much in the way of clothing, which I could have done without) to the Littlest Hobo theme song, which was pretty cool (although mostly for the music).

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Out of all the people that I have seen before on various tv shows I want Nikki Payne and Josh Blue to make it to the house.

Which is funny, because Nikki Payne is the last person I want to see there. I'd take Dat Phan in the house again over her.

Speaking of Dat Phan, in the first episode, did anyone notice how they hyped how well Heffron and Bodden were doing, but didn't even mention Dat Phan?

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Out of all the people that I have seen before on various tv shows I want Nikki Payne and Josh Blue to make it to the house.

Which is funny, because Nikki Payne is the last person I want to see there. I'd take Dat Phan in the house again over her.

Speaking of Dat Phan, in the first episode, did anyone notice how they hyped how well Heffron and Bodden were doing, but didn't even mention Dat Phan?


Because Dat was the least funny guy in that house, and shouldn't have won? His whole gimmick was looking Asian, cutting a few jokes in an accent, and then speaking un-accented English.


I remember him pulling that on Leno right after winning, and like five people laughing at that bit. He killed his best joke by getting on TV.

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Out of all the people that I have seen before on various tv shows I want Nikki Payne and Josh Blue to make it to the house.

Which is funny, because Nikki Payne is the last person I want to see there. I'd take Dat Phan in the house again over her.

Speaking of Dat Phan, in the first episode, did anyone notice how they hyped how well Heffron and Bodden were doing, but didn't even mention Dat Phan?


Because Dat was the least funny guy in that house, and shouldn't have won? His whole gimmick was looking Asian, cutting a few jokes in an accent, and then speaking un-accented English.


I remember him pulling that on Leno right after winning, and like five people laughing at that bit. He killed his best joke by getting on TV.

His only joke.


There were only three people in that house that weren't funnier than him. I would have voted for Mordal, Vos, Kahaney, Ralphie May, Geoff Brown and Rob Cantrell before him.

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Ralphie May's only joke was "I wish I was black".


No, Ralphie had some good stuff. The whole I wish I was black schtick worked and he did it well, but it wasn't all he had.

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Ralphie May's only joke was "I wish I was black".


No, Ralphie had some good stuff. The whole I wish I was black schtick worked and he did it well, but it wasn't all he had.

Maybe it worked for him, but it still doesn't make it funny.

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Ralphie May's only joke was "I wish I was black".


No, Ralphie had some good stuff. The whole I wish I was black schtick worked and he did it well, but it wasn't all he had.

Maybe it worked for him, but it still doesn't make it funny.

Depends on your view of what's funny. Depending on the set, I found him either offensive or hysterical. No in-between.

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Out of all the people that I have seen before on various tv shows I want Nikki Payne and Josh Blue to make it to the house.

Which is funny, because Nikki Payne is the last person I want to see there. I'd take Dat Phan in the house again over her.

Speaking of Dat Phan, in the first episode, did anyone notice how they hyped how well Heffron and Bodden were doing, but didn't even mention Dat Phan?



I noticed it immediately and laughed heartily. I only watched the first episode and was shocked at the number of "established" comics trying out and not really getting anywhere. Hearing some bits for the fiftith time (Iglesias' "DAMN~!' bit for starters) didn't help much either (and I like that guy).


If I would have known where/when some of the tryouts were I might have went.

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Depends on your view of what's funny. Depending on the set, I found him either offensive or hysterical. No in-between.

Very black or white. How appropriate.


I actually like "stereotype" comedy, but it's weird, because the two guys from LCS1 that did that style, Ralphie and Dat, I didn't find funny at all. Guys like Alonzo and Russell Stevens, they make it funny.

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Unfortunately my DVR messed up and I only recorded the first episode, not the 2nd. So I had to just watch some of the performances on the website (the ones who got cut apparently). Wild Willy seemed funny as was Tig, although her delivery was a bit too derivative of Stephen Wright. I personally can't believe Roz made it. Her "Woo child I've got problems!" schtick seems played. Blue was funny in the tryouts, and I hope Iglesias goes far (although I've heard his "DAYUM!" joke a few times by now as well). The kinda hot one (April?) didn't seem too funny, but hey I have no problem with eye candy.


Uh, why is Bill Dwyer on the show? As a contestant? I think the guy's pretty damn funny, but I thought the show was for relatively unknown comedians. I've seen him on TV a lot of times, such as hosting Extreme Dodgeball.

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Uh, why is Bill Dwyer on the show? As a contestant? I think the guy's pretty damn funny, but I thought the show was for relatively unknown comedians. I've seen him on TV a lot of times, such as hosting Extreme Dodgeball.

Because relatively unknown comedians gave is Dat Phan.

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May was at least somewhat funny. I liked his bit about the dress.


"Bitch, that's a hole!"


Dat Phan was painful. "I'm Asian." That was the sum of his material.

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May was at least somewhat funny. I liked his bit about the dress.


"Bitch, that's a hole!"


Dat Phan was painful. "I'm Asian." That was the sum of his material.

No, he had two things. "I'm Asian" and "I can talk like an Asian".


Thank goodness for poker giving us some higher-profile Asians:



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May was at least somewhat funny. I liked his bit about the dress.


"Bitch, that's a hole!"


Dat Phan was painful. "I'm Asian." That was the sum of his material.

No, he had two things. "I'm Asian" and "I can talk like an Asian".


Thank goodness for poker giving us some higher-profile Asians:



Not to mention...




All you can eat, bay-bee!

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Thoughts on last nights show?


I think Roz deserved the immunity for heckling, as she really got into it. Maybe a bit too profane, but hey, that's what would happen in real life. I thought Gabriel was pretty decent as well as the guy who laughs at anything.


As for the heckled, I'm not sure why Chris won - maybe it was because the aoudience felt bad for they guy heckled by a guy with cerebral palsy. Or it could've been the "I'm being heckled by Screech" line. I thought Kristen (the one who looks like an anorexic Ellen DeGeneres) did a much better job, but I suppose it didn't matter in the end.


The Showdown. Stella was a dead duck, no question about it. April was funny, but I think that her weird facial expressions may have turned the audience off. Of course, that didn't matter since Michele took 83% of the audience vote, but I can't deny that she did the best job out there.

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I agree with you starvenger. I've actually found the tall blond to be the best on most of the shows so far. I thought it was between her and the cerebral palsy guy and Chris for who was the best. CP Guy had a couple of good lines with his mom being dead and his sister being dead, but Chris killed me with the whole Chia hair bit, "I spread it on, water it and then have your dead sister come over as fertilizer".

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