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Stupid stuff that pisses you off

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New thread from Marvin: "Guys, I Got Beat Up Today"


Nothing says hopeless loser like getting beat up by skateboard punks. Marvin is already in too deep, no point him risking drowning.


If you chase them off, wow you chased off a bunch of little bitches

If you try and they beat you up, you got your ass kicked by a bunch of pussy skateboarders.


No good could come from it for Marvin.

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he would have been better off just not sharing his story with us...admitedly, if there's more than 1 skateboarding punk, I would probably call the cops as well or plaza security or whatever. I'm not going to get jumped for some lousy job...I assume it's a lousy job if it requires him to carry trash outside to a dumpster.

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he would have been better off just not sharing his story with us...admitedly, if there's more than 1 skateboarding punk, I would probably call the cops as well or plaza security or whatever. I'm not going to get jumped for some lousy job...I assume it's a lousy job if it requires him to carry trash outside to a dumpster.


Im a cook and I dont have anyone else to empty my garbage for me. I also have to wash my own dishes and stuff too.


As for me sharing the story..this is the stupid stuff that pisses me off thread..and I got pissed off..those kids (kids is used loosely, probably should have said teenagers even though I doubt any of them were older than 15) have been out there ever since school let out skatboarding out in the employee parking lot when clearly they aren't supposed to be because of the sign. No one was saying anything as usual, but they actually did physical damage to property that wasn't theirs (by moving the platform they cracked it in several places and now a new one is needed..guess who's paying for it?). And I only called the police after calling my boss and mentioning what had happened and he told me if they were still out there to call them and not move the platform back or anything. And if they are too stupid to ignore my "Im calling the police" and continue to skateboard out there for another good 90 minutes until the police showed up, then they deserve whatever happens to them. I dont feel sorry for the whole "Skateboarding isn't a crime" feeling when you have people tresspassing and breaking things and their only reason is cause they wanted to skateboard..there has to be a million other places around here to skateboard than the parking lot of a hospital.

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That's cool. It's good to see that you can recognize this. I might start posting in there again soon, should something interesting enough happen. Right now it's a bunch of one-sided issues at the public fore.


This is different than usual how.


Get AIDS and go to fucking hell, Spoon.


Are we talking about the CE folder again? If so, then what's he got to be bitching about now? All the conservatives are gone, or at least the really evil, mean ones.


Marvin, I can officially now say that you are a dick for calling the cops on the skateboarding kids.


I called the cops on a bunch of little shits before -- you can't beat the hell out of them so you might as well do the next best thing and bust them for underage drinking.

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Guest Felonies!

I believe he meant that most of the stuff in the news lately is open-and-shut, with an obvious right and wrong.

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I have a few gripes.


People who either let their children answer the phone that are under age, say, 8...or have the child on their answering machine. I don't find kids on an answering machine cute and if you can't handle an adult convo don't pick up the phone.


Answering machines that say, "I'll return your call at my earliest convenience." Sorry I inconvenience you by calling me back, you stupid numbnuts! I'm sure that few minutes will prevent you from rubbing one out to the latest anime porn.


Someone who doesn't have the courtesy of saying "Thank You" when you open the door for them. One time I was in a liquor store, the woman I held the door for didn't say a word when she walked by. Needless to say, we were leaving at the same time and I didn't bother to open the door for her at that point even though her hands were full. Courtesy is just that...a courtesy. It's not required but should be appreciated.


Finally...knee-jerk political reactions. OK, I know some people would pay to go down on President Bush, some wish he would go down and stay down. But it seems like we've gotten to the point where if Bush says he ate an omelet for breakfast that the Bush-haters would tell us to eat pancakes. And then the Bush-lovers tell us if we don't eat eggs we're terrorists or some shit.

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But if we don't eat eggs, then the terrorists win!


True. That's why they hate us. It's our vast egg supply.

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Women who like to fantasize about characters from books like Harry Potter doing each other up the ass. I don't even like Harry Potter, and this pisses me off for some reason, but I don't know what it is. It also really creeps me out.

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