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Guest J0bber

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I think Lyndon B. Johnson was as good of if not a better president than John F. Kennedy. If you get rid of Vietnam, then it's obviously LBJ>JFK


Yeah, its not like Vietnam was a big deal or anything...those 50,000 Americans would have just ended up in jail or something if they didnt die in the jungle.

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I agree with you on Israel, Art. Here's another one that bugs me: why does the US feel the need to keep a buttload of nukes around, and why aren't we doing more to secure the loose ones in the former USSR? I can't be the only one who thinks nukes are about the last thing this world needs a lot of

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I just spent a week in Sweden. We Americans are not popular there. We're viewed as the bad guys. After reading about the rape and subsequent murder of an innocent Iraqi girl and her family, who are you to argue? This war has been the worst PR stunt in the 230 year history of this country.


Happy Fourth Everyone!!

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Guest Felonies!

I think Lyndon B. Johnson was as good of if not a better president than John F. Kennedy. If you get rid of Vietnam, then it's obviously LBJ>JFK


Yeah, its not like Vietnam was a big deal or anything...those 50,000 Americans would have just ended up in jail or something if they didnt die in the jungle.

Well you could say that had LBJ chosen not to run in 1964, he would've been remembered as one of the most effective presidents we ever had. However, he did run, so we have to say that LBJ fucked this country up pretty badly.

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Israel is a liberal, secular, democracy in a sea of theocratic authoritarian states. They deserve to be our friends.


Plus a bunch of crazy evangelical dispensational premillennialists want to speed up Armageddon a see Jews convert or be killed...


(I'm looking at you, Tim LaHaye.)

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Well, when I'm choosing who I want to befriend in real life, I generally want to be friends with "good people". Israel is relatively, globally speaking, "good poeple".

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Guest wahoo
This war has been the worst PR stunt in the 230 year history of this country.


Those killing the Native Americans, slavery, and Civil War things didn't look the best. Not to mention that the formation of the US to begin with was a big FU to Europe.

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I just love the idea of segregating races. Going back sixty years is amazing progress I think. Some would disagree, but sometimes we make mistakes as a society and the only way to correct them is to completely reverse our stance on certain issues. Desegregation is one of them.


Let the niggers keep to themselves and let the whites have their own neighbourhoods. I have been spouting that for years. I'm just glad to see someone finally agree with me.


The cries of racism are loud and clear, but the kneejerk is not applicable here if you've ever paid attention to what I've posted recently on the subject. It's not a matter of racism or racial hierarchy. That's for simple people who are likely meth addicts. Jumping to the obvious (easy) conclusion is not fair to either of us.

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Ethnic separation. Two cultures cannot coexist in the same place, and culture is our only defense against valuelessness (what most yobs call "nihilism").


This is segregation. Am I missing something here?


That didn't work the last time they tried it.

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This war has been the worst PR stunt in the 230 year history of this country.


Those killing the Native Americans, slavery, and Civil War things didn't look the best. Not to mention that the formation of the US to begin with was a big FU to Europe.

Point well taken. Destablizing a region by bringing a brutal dictator to justice and helping impliment a constitutional government chosen by its own people doesn't seem so bad by comparison to other episodes in our history. I'm also reminded, for some reason, of the close ties we had with France for the first few years of our existence. Indirectly causing the French Revolution by redirected funds from the French people, and then partially funding the Napoleonic Wars by making the Louisiana Purchase also seem like pretty big FUs to Europe.

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Fuck the poor. Most who are poor are so because they are dysfunctional


Ethnic separation. Two cultures cannot coexist in the same place, and culture is our only defense against valuelessness (what most yobs call "nihilism").


Let's add these perverted shreds of logic to this comment...


There are far too many humans.


...and you've got the makings of one scary line of reasoning.

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After the recent happenings in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, I'm of the mind that Israel needs to pursue a final end game here. If they do not recover Gilad Shalit alive, I think Israel needs to finally declare war on Palestine.


No country has been continually ask to fight for its existence over and over in the past century, more than Israel, with virtually no help from the outside world or even the UN. Israel cannot tolerate the kidknapping and murder of any its citizens, especially its soldiers. They also should not have to tolerate an openly terrorist government at its doorstep. If the Arab world is so concerned about the Palestinian Arabs, perhaps they will be happy to set up refugee camps for them after Israel forces them to flee, and reacquires the Palestinian Territories to set their final borders.

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If there are too many humans, you could just begin the process of elimination by killing yourself.


Just a suggestion, I'm not asking you to do it or telling you that I want you to die.

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Not that it balances out being surrounded by nations that hate the place, but I'd say Israel has gotten a pretty large bit of assistance from other countries for their situation. Compare their tanks, jets, firearms, etc. with those the countries around them could deploy. They can take care of themselves, and could easily blow all of the Palestinians to Kingdom Come if they wanted to. Fortunately, the cooler heads prevail during each incident.

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Guest wahoo

Israel is a relatively small place and gets about 1/5 of all US foreign aid. Billions of dollars from

just the USA, lots of nukes and the USA military looking over their shoulder. What more do they want or have they asked for?


If they do not recover Gilad Shalit alive, I think Israel needs to finally declare war on Palestine.


Yeah lets start WWIII because some extreme radicals take a prisoner. There are 3.5 million Palestinians

in Gaza and the West Bank. If 3.5 million people thought they could become gods with virgins awaiting them in paradise, by being suicide bombers, then there would be a heck of a lot more suicide bombers. Most people there are just trying to live their lives.


If the Arab world is so concerned about the Palestinian Arabs, perhaps they will be happy to set up refugee camps for them after Israel forces them to flee


There are about 9.5 million Palestinians worldwide. 3.5 in Gaza and West Bank --- that leaves 6 million already in other places. 2.6 in Jordan, etc.


But you said you were the one concerned with helping people with their existance - So do you plan to try and adopt some Palestinian refugees into your home or will you just send financial support?

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Frankly, I don't think I give a damn what percentage of aid abroad goes into Israel's coffers. I used to be rather neutral on the Israel/Palestine issue, but really, it makes a ton of strategic sense to prop up their country. The present conflict aside, they're a very stable country that provides us with a lot of intel in a region full of countries that are hostile to us. If we could genuinely trust another country in that region, I'd be in favor of doing the same for them, but Israel's our best bet. So, if we have to give them a little more aid to make sure they survive, it's fine with me. If they need a few tanks to fight their World War III against countries that are a threat to us, even better -- as long as they win.


Realpolitik is a bitch, if you think about it in black and white terms. We should be doing all we can to ensure that Israel overthrows Hamas and coerces Iran to intervene -- and then, we should ensure that Israel has the wherewithal to obliterate Iran and make a mockery of their little nuclear games. Probably won't happen, but it would be a nice thought; Iran and the rest of the Islamic world is never going to love Israel. so they don't have much to lose by doing that; we can play a game of good cop/bad cop with them and make Saddam-esque empty threats to them and, perhaps, win a bit of a PR war with the rest of the world.


See, that's what I'd do!

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That's a great idea, but the government would catch so much shit for it. Not that I care, as they're catching heat as it is.

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If we hadn't built our country on cheap oil and taken the 1973 energy crisis as a wake-up call to work on alternative energy, we wouldn't give two shits what the fuck a bunch of people in the desert are doing and you all fuckin' know it.

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Well, the US definitely needs to do better when it comes to alternative energy. For instance, we haven't had any new nuclear plants since the 1970s, when it is one of the safest and most reliable forms of energy in existence. We need to get over the nuclear boogeyman and start pursuing an agressive domestic nuclear energy policy.


As far as Israel...you need to understand that they're the only civilized country in the middle of the barbarians. It makes sense for us to ally with them.


Wahoo...I never said I wanted to help them. The Palestinians have been unwilling to help themselves. They voted in a terrorist group to run their government. Basically, they have been a completely unwilling partner for peace with Israel. I think their time should be about over. They've shown they don't have the competence to run their own government, or even have their own country.

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Guest wahoo
As far as Israel...you need to understand that they're the only civilized country in the middle of the barbarians.


We have Jordan on the east. A country that reserves slots on their congress for Christians and females. Let's allow the USA government to talk about Jordan:


"Jordan has consistently followed a pro-Western foreign policy and traditionally has had close relations with the United States and the United Kingdom. Relations between the U.S. and Jordan have been close for over four decades.


U.S. policy seeks to reinforce Jordan's commitment to peace, stability, and moderation. The peace process and Jordan's opposition to terrorism parallel and indirectly assist wider U.S. interests. Accordingly, through economic and military assistance and through close political cooperation, the United States has helped Jordan maintain its stability and prosperity. "


Then we have Egypt on the west. The third highest receiver of US foreign aid. 2 billion per year sent to these barbarians. Nearly 8 million Christians live in Egypt.


Lebanon to the north. Their president is required to be Christian along with half their congress.


Nearby Saudi Arabia is the good buddy of the USA. Iraq pretty much has to do whatever the US wants them to now and Iran is probably next.


If we want to talk about governments promoting terror, most independent human rights groups have Israel as one of the biggest offenders. 1000s of Palestinian woman and children killed and 1000s of homes destroyed by Israel's army in the last 6 years.


Not to defend the Palestinian leaders, but things are a lot more complicated than "bad guys vs. good guys"

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Ethnic separation. Two cultures cannot coexist in the same place, and culture is our only defense against valuelessness (what most yobs call "nihilism").


This is segregation. Am I missing something here?


That didn't work the last time they tried it.


Hey, Omaha Nebraska is deciding that they would like to go back to the good old days before Brown v Board of Education.


law to segregate Omaha schools

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Ethnic separation. Two cultures cannot coexist in the same place, and culture is our only defense against valuelessness (what most yobs call "nihilism").


This is segregation. Am I missing something here?


That didn't work the last time they tried it.


Hey, Omaha Nebraska is deciding that they would like to go back to the good old days before Brown v Board of Education.


law to segregate Omaha schools

A stupid idea is a stupid idea. It doesn't matter who is in favor of it.

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When it comes to governments, I like Israel's around 20 to 30 times more than I like the Palestinean government. But that's not controversial. The Palestinean braintrust is classicly inept, because they haven't done a lot to get sympathy, and the whole bombing thing has hurt them too.


EDIT: On second thought, you can't multiply by zero.


If you want to smoke a joint and carry a concealed handgun, just make sure that you shoot the right person.


I wouldn't mind if those "get your driving record scrubbed of DUIs" people disappeared off the face of the earth.


I like Barry Switzer a lot more than Tom Osborne.


I wouldn't mind if the entire government was subject to a massive scan to see if the money was being spent correctly and if the programs either worked or could logically work.


If I had a gun with one bullet and I was in a room with Hitler and Stalin, I'd shoot Hitler and pistolwhip Stalin.


Abortions should be legal and so should the Death Penalty.


Hm.. ok..


I don't think I made a single controversial statement.

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