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Feedback for 6/29 HD

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I have to say that I'm really digging the whole Wildcards/Zack/Hooligans angle right now. Also, it's nice to see Hoff and Drek back on. I'm thinking that Battlebowl should be a good little event (provided everyone that volunteered gets their match in). Also, congrats to Otaku for his title win.

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Typical short post-PPV show with plenty of angle build. I won't comment on my own angle because that's just not fair, but needless to say it wouldn't be possible without the added enthusiasm of Rando and Blank, who are having a blast writing it out along with me. There's much more to come, believe you me.


Good buildup to make up for the lack of Hoff, Drek and Axel in recent weeks. Hoff apparently has the OAOAST confused with his Lego collection, thinking that it's the house that he built. He'll learn :).


Glad to see MMOM able to write more, and get motivated. Hopefully he's got something good cooked up for the first portion of this title run.


Longdogger Pete makes his in-ring debut against one of the old school creations. Short and to the point, but I like the direction Pete has taken where he has to earn respect simply because of the "ex SWFer" stereotype.


Is Zane Maxwell another PFL creation? It intrigues me, I'll say that much. He's another one that I'm glad is writing more these days, as he's always brought the quality. Makes me wish Sly would come back already, but Gibraltar was his other "baby" and it looks like it's his time to shine.


I should mention here that I'm starting to compile a State of the OAOAST address that will be up shortly (few days to a week) where I'd like to discuss a few of the issues we face publicly (and it's nothing bad, but rather how to rectify situations such as short shows one week, stacked the next), as well as discuss the new PPV schedule for the rest of the year. If there's anything you'd like me to make sure to include before it goes up, feel free to PM me and I'll voice any concerns anyone has. We seem to be on an incredible role lately and I'd like to keep it that way, so this is my way of making sure, or at least starting to get everyone on the same page.

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I totally spaced on the show tonight. I entered an announcement on the World title match at Battlebowl near the beginning of the show.

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Joe Mauer is hitting .392 right now, folks. For those of you that don't follow baseball, that's good. Really REALLY good.


Good show this week, if short, which, if you know me, you know I approve of, even if it isn't the most exciting thing in the world.


Otaku II gave the typical face-post-title-win PPV, but was very well spoken in doing so, and it came off very well.


Zane Maxwell, huh? We'll see about this. Not that beating Brits is Hoff's forte...


Gibraltar is 1-0 against a certain two-time World Champion from Minnesota. He sure looked good destroying that nobody, but more impressive was St. Andrew's address to the fans. Very well written segment.


Zane Maxwell, huh. This guy pisses me off. I think I'm secretly racist against Europeans or something, but hopefully someone will put him in his place.


Kind of a weird segment with the Hooliogans and the Triple Threat. What WERE they doing there? And I mean, do we really care about the Garners? But you know, it gives the GPX and O'Hara something to do, which is good. basically we need more @#$% writers, but you work with what you got.


A couple big men in here from the SWF...I like it. I look forward to what could go down, down the road. I'm also really intrigued by the LDP character, as it is something a little different, and could go a couple different ways. Impressive debut for Pete, he writes VERY well. I look forward to seeing him around.


B-B-B-B-Battlebowl! You know I won that bitch last year, right? RIGHT? Fuck yeah. FUCK yeah. Fuck you, Malibu, I built this house. THUG LIFE!


*crosses arms*


Hey, um....Caboose...woo!


Drek Stone is your new god, people. I like that NYU wrote Hoff as being drunk and promising to be even drunker. CONTINUITY~! Good stuff from my man over there, as always. Love the arrogance.


Bruce Blank is gonna be the big star out of this whole angle. You can just tell. Very good promo, ending with the triumphant hero getting one-up on his enemies yet again. When they catch him, there's gonna be hell to pay. I liked it.



So a good show overall. But Malibu is right, we need to find a way to balance out the shows, as much as I like something I can read quickly. Another match or two would have helped out here a lot. I know we all like to be surprised, but we may have to communicate a lot more "spoiler"-type stuff in order to get people working together a little more. Or not. We'll see.


Battlebowl on Tuesday!

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Hoff already knows what I thought about his stuff with NYU and Adam. It rocked, of course. While running through past OAOAST authority figures too bad Abe wasn't mention. The Tigers and White Sox say hi, btw. :o


Little is known about GCW here, but referencing what I'm sure was a real storyline done there was a nice touch.


All right, a new singles wrestler. That's what we need more of -- singles characters. Zane's promo later on was money.


Gibraltar's path of destruction continues. If this keeps up Gibraltar's gonna become a major player sooner than thought...or expected for that matter.


The Triple Threat's return provide The Hooligans a team other than The Wildcards to fight with and there just aren't that many 6-man combos currently active.


Looks like Pete caught onto the OAOAST style of writing faster than his fellow SWFers. And his work this week showed he's going to become a valuable asset like the others who came over before him have.


Drek and Hoff ranting and raving was awesome.


Excellent end to the show with the breakthrough star of the year and Zack Malibu posing as a cameraman. Great shit. And you know I mean it because you hardly ever see me cuss.

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Little is known about GCW here, but referencing what I'm sure was a real storyline done there was a nice touch.

GCW was my old fed, I think I was there on and off from....oh...2002, maybe...to 2004, whenever they shut down. They werre a promo based fed, which meant that you won or lost a match depending on how good the promos you wrote during the week were. And while I stayed to the basic real wrestling promo, being were basically writing stories. I remember one week a dude named Taintking, I kid you not, won his match that week without once mentioning wrestling, instead relaying a tale of going to some cheap place to eat some kind of beef and macaroni and cheese thing and getting diarrhea and the aftermath. The guy running the fed thought it was the funniest thing imaginable. Anyhow, what happened to Otaku and Ayane....I was to get another player as a tag team wrestler, but it didn't work out, and I had Ayane established as a threat, so I had Ayane and Otaku team up. We were heading into the big event of GCW, Wrestlebowl V, I think, which was in August and I was going to go inactive for school. My promos were better, I won the match, but then they had one of the past evil authority figures come out and demand that there be a rematch, the heels clocked Ayane with a chair, the bell rung, and she got pinned. They were tag champs for about 10 seconds or so. That's the GCW story.


Now, as for feedback, it was a good show, even with two matches, it was a lot of feud development. I'm interested to see Zane, he looks like a neat variation on the shooter character. And, um...to be honest, I know what I'm doing for August, but if someone has a heel they want to work with Otaku for a month, let me know. Preferably have a little spare time to help me out if I get writer's block again. Thanks all.

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My 24/7 segment is in. I think I've finally lost it. Everything else will have to wait, because my laptop is on the blink and I need to get Battlebowl done.

Well done...except that Phasers shoot and kill people. What he could have done is pull out a communicator and shout into it "Beam me up!" hopefully without the Mr. Scot, since James Doohan passed away

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