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Atticus Chaos

RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

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Slightly edited Jericholic92's signature:


Bodies have been broken...


JR: How do you learn to fall off a 20 foot ladder?


Careers have been ended...



RVD: I got pulled over with weed in my car.


Yes, this is entertainment, but the hazards are real. Whatever you do, please don't try this at home (or finally become the WWE Champion and blow it all by getting caught with illegal drugs).

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I think Orton is good on the mic and has a great look but he's lazy as hell in the ring, particularly his amazing overuse of rest holds. I think this feud with Hulk will show us how much he's matured after his suspension because he's going to need to do the bulk of the physical stuff in their match(es). Like Leena said, he's young and got hotshotted to the WHC probably before he was ready, and then booked horribly to compound the problem. My dad likes him, my sisters think he's hot, and I really dig his cocky personality, so I hope for his sake that he can turn it around and capitalise on the chances he's being given.


As for Angle, props to WWE management for stepping in when they needed to, and I hope Kurt heals up, fixes his marriage and comes out on top of this Vicodin situation. I've also got a new respect for Sabu after reading that he was willing to sacrifice probably the first decent paying contract of his whole career for RVD. Its nice to hear that they both took their punishments like men.

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Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the best look in wrestling. Rob does not.


Sweet holy Christ you're a twit.


Can't we ban idiots here for "useful" posts like this.


You'd be at the top of that list, sunshine. Shouldn't you be off camwhoring somewhere?





As for Orton being better on the mic. Not quite. They both suck. Randy Orton Promo = Change the Channel Time.

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Guest JustPassinBy

Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the best look in wrestling. Rob does not.


Sweet holy Christ you're a twit.


Can't we ban idiots here for "useful" posts like this.


Shouldn't you be off camwhoring somewhere?




Whats wrong with camwhoring?

Without Leena's erotic pictures, this place would be uber uber gay.

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Guest Princess Leena
Randy Orton can speak on a live mic?! HAHA Please. Dude can barely get through a sentence without stumbling over 2 or 3 words.




Not all of his speaking segments were as bad as his pre-ONS stuff.

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Most of them are.


Everything with him is a bunch of stumbling over words, until the end where we learn that it's his destiny to defeat whichever guy he's feuding with at the time.

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Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the best look in wrestling. Rob does not.


Sweet holy Christ you're a twit.


Can't we ban idiots here for "useful" posts like this.


Shouldn't you be off camwhoring somewhere?




Whats wrong with camwhoring?

Without Leena's erotic pictures, this place would be uber uber gay.


Wow, I hope that's internet-sarcasm.

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Guest Kobe24KGold
Kurt Angle is taking time off because of personal reasons. As a matter of fact, Kurt has been suspended for 30 days as well, but they are not sure why. The reason he didn't come back now that RVD is off the show for now, is because he's officially suspended because of some sort of personal reason.


You'd think they would be able to keep Kurt's suspension quiet like they did Benoit's.



Wait, Benoit was suspended?


For what?



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Kurt Angle is taking time off because of personal reasons. As a matter of fact, Kurt has been suspended for 30 days as well, but they are not sure why. The reason he didn't come back now that RVD is off the show for now, is because he's officially suspended because of some sort of personal reason.


You'd think they would be able to keep Kurt's suspension quiet like they did Benoit's.



Wait, Benoit was suspended?


For what?




I thought Benoit was having surgery on his shoulder or something...

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Benoit's wife just recently had neck fusion surgery and needs his help around the house. Plus he's burned out. That's my understanding of it.

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WWE responds to charges against RVD and Sabu

By Ed Williams III

July 5, 2006


World Wrestling Entertainment earlier this week announced it was investigating five violations, including drug possession, levied against Rob Van Dam and Sabu by the Ohio State Highway Patrol. WWE announced today that based on information gathered over the past few days, Van Dam has been suspended without pay for 30 days and Sabu has been fined $1000. These actions are consistent with the Wellness Policy at WWE.


According to the Ironton Tribune, Rob Van Dam and Sabu were pulled over on U.S. 52, near Patrick Street in Hanging Rock, Ohio at about 10:15 p.m. Sunday night. The two were apparently driving from their performances at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena earlier in the evening.


According to the Ohio State Police, as reported by the Ironton Tribune, Van Dam was initially stopped for speeding. When troopers approached his vehicle, they smelled marijuana and performed a search. Troopers found RVD in possession of 18 grams of marijuana and five Vicodin, prescription pain pills. Sabu was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and also had nine pills that were not immediately identifiable, but were known to be controlled substances, according to the OSHP. Both were cited and posted bond at the scene.


Maybe this was posted on a previous page, but it's too early for me to want to even bother checking. ;)

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Guest SetsunaMeioh
Since when has Wrestling-news.com been a credible source though?


They leeched from PWInsider's Elite Section.

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I think this entire RVD/Sabu thing has been blown out of proportion. Yeah, they embarrassed the company in a minor way, but I hardly think them getting caught with some weed and prescription pain pills should wreck their careers.


As far as RVD killing his push, I don't really think he did. From the PWInsider report he was scheduled to lose the title at SNME anyway so all this did was speed up what they already had in mind (and ironically protects RVD's heat since even the dumbest marks would realize something was up). In terms of the ECW title, he'll end up regaining it after a certain point when this blows over and the court case is settled.


Here is one question I have that I haven't seen reported anywhere. How fast were they really going? From the sound of this town it's a speedtrap. It would suck if they got pulled over and all this hell was raised over them being like 2mph over the limit.

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Guest Overworked

In the end, RVD or Sabu won't be fired. RVD in particular will be low profiled while the WWE handles the legal business of keeping him out of jail. Once everything in settled he will be back on.

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They probably weren't going that fast. I live in Ohio and the fucking state troopers in this state are always looking for an excuse to pull you over.


My friend was driving 67mph and got pulled over for going "73"


Anything they can do to fill their quota.

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