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Atticus Chaos

RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

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They didn't drive all the way to Ohio.


The article states they were driving and since the previous show took place in WVA and were pulled over in Ohio. Tonight's show takes place in Philly. Where does the airport come in play here?


They must have took a plane at some point. I don't see them driving around to score a bag in whatever town they're in. Figured they must have brought it from home.

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The thing I found odd is the cop smelling marijuana, especially if RVD and Sabu weren't lighting up. I assumed it was smoke that the cop smelled. Unless he had a drug dog how did he just smell out the marijuana? Perhaps he recognized Van Dam and figured he ought to check for weed, haha.


Cops always use that shit as an excuse whether they actually smell anything or not. It's just a cover so they can search you without probable cause. It is true though that good weed can smell pretty strong regardless.

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They didn't drive all the way to Ohio.


The article states they were driving and since the previous show took place in WVA and were pulled over in Ohio. Tonight's show takes place in Philly. Where does the airport come in play here?


They must have took a plane at some point. I don't see them driving around to score a bag in whatever town they're in. Figured they must have brought it from home.


It was in W.Va, where RVD and Sabu have worked over a million times over the years . It's not out of the question they have connections. Buying weed isn't hard. Just travel to the nearest upper-class white community and you got what you want.

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And, that failing, hit up local colleges.


Where I'm sure a guy like Sabu would get the royal treatment...although school is out right now.

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Guest Princess Leena
All this will lead to is TEST coming out next week on ECW TV and saying, "You have to take the DRUG TEST!" before beating RVD clean for the belt.


The End.


I'd mark out.

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And, that failing, hit up local colleges.


Where I'm sure a guy like Sabu would get the royal treatment...although school is out right now.

Not sure if that's sarcasm or not, but it's pretty easy to pick out wrestling fans at a college. The obvious ones, anyway. They'll surely know SOMEONE.

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All this will lead to is TEST coming out next week on ECW TV and saying, "You have to take the DRUG TEST!" before beating RVD clean for the belt.


The End.


I'd mark out.



That's because you enjoy the pain of others. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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And, that failing, hit up local colleges.


Where I'm sure a guy like Sabu would get the royal treatment...although school is out right now.

Not sure if that's sarcasm or not, but it's pretty easy to pick out wrestling fans at a college. The obvious ones, anyway. They'll surely know SOMEONE.


I wasn't even talking about the wrestler aspect of him, just a crazy arab running around and probably jumping through tables for fun? College kids would love him.

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How many years has RVD been with WWE now? Five?


I can't help but find some twisted humor in the fact that he made it all those years without getting in any major trouble at all, and then as soon as Sabu joins him on the road and as soon as Vince and Co. finally give him the WWE title, as well as the newly revived ECW title, he goes and gets busted for drugs.


Talk about some ironic shit.

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RVD and Sabu will be fired by Tuesday. End of Story.


If that is true then then they will be in TNA by Wednesday. Does anyone think WWE will fire the two biggest stars of it's new brand over some pot?

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RVD and Sabu will be fired by Tuesday. End of Story.


Suuure, only if they intend on Cancelling ECW after this Tuesday's show. Imagine RVD and Sabu showing up to TNA, there would go any chance of the "ECW" brand drawing away fans from TNA.

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RVD and Sabu will be fired by Tuesday. End of Story.


Suuure, only if they intend on Cancelling ECW after this Tuesday's show. Imagine RVD and Sabu showing up to TNA, there would go any chance of the "ECW" brand drawing away fans from TNA.


Technically they would both have to wait till 90 days is up.

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Sabu was said to be pretty ticked off about the way this "new" ECW was turning out. I doubt he gives a fuck.

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This whole thing seems like a little bit of an overreaction. I mean if RVD did get probation that prevented him from traveling or something, it wouldn't be for months. Why not just let the angle go to it's natural conclusion at SNME? The drug policy obviously wasn't implemented for weed, it was for hard drugs and steroids. I think they basically killed their next few weeks of TV (including a SNME episode that's pretty important to their future on NBC) over absolutely nothing.

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Why would Sabu want to leave when he was getting a pretty decent push and Vince was a fan of his? Not to mention he was making good money for basically the first time in his career

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Vince had to show that superstars(and RVD fit that bill) weren't going to get special treatment if the test positive or are found carrying illegal substances because he wants this policy to have credibility.


Iggy, you are neglecting the fact it wasn't JUST weed they were found with. They were found with pills, which is included in the policy.


Sabu was having to work 3-4 shows per week doing big bumps traveling every day. TNA is 2-3 tapings per month. Much better for Sabu's body. Sabu was depressed about the direction ECW was going.

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RVD and Sabu will be fired by Tuesday. End of Story.


If that is true then then they will be in TNA by Wednesday. Does anyone think WWE will fire the two biggest stars of it's new brand over some pot?

EDIT: beaten to it

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Well, I'd think of painkillers as even less of an offense than weed since someone taking bumps on the road 4 nights a week would be more likely to use them for their prescribed purpose than for recreation. I mean you can get a doctor to give you Vicodin for 1/4 of the pain that people like RVD and Sabu deal with night in, night out. RVD wasn't found with anything other than the weed and vicodin, and he's the one I was talking about here.

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They have a court date on Thursday so we don't know if he's gonna get probation. Hence why Edge is the WWE Champion.


It's not like that's the date where anything would actually be resolved. That's the date that sets up the date that sets up the date where they might decide when they're going to plead. Shit, I got a DUI on December 1, and the first hearing that actually deals with the case is still three weeks away.

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At this stage in Sabu's career, I find it hard to believe he would care about the direction a company was going, as long as he was getting paid. I mean, he does all sorts of indy shows on a per show basis. It just seems at this stage he would be happy with a solid paycheck, and the fact that he is one of the top guys of his show.

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Why would Sabu want to leave when he was getting a pretty decent push and Vince was a fan of his? Not to mention he was making good money for basically the first time in his career


I agree with this, where is everyone hearing that Sabu wants to leave? He came in and was put into arguably the highest profile mini-feud of his career and has not lost to anyone but Cena (as best I can remember). At this point in his career Sabu would be a fool to give this up.

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At this stage in Sabu's career, I find it hard to believe he would care about the direction a company was going, as long as he was getting paid. I mean, he does all sorts of indy shows on a per show basis. It just seems at this stage he would be happy with a solid paycheck, and the fact that he is one of the top guys of his show.


This is a guy who no-showed many events just because of his ego.


People are getting the idea that Sabu wants out because at the 6/23 ROH show, Sabu talked to D'Amore and asked about coming back to TNA because he wasn't happy.

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Well, I'd think of painkillers as even less of an offense than weed since someone taking bumps on the road 4 nights a week would be more likely to use them for their prescribed purpose than for recreation. I mean you can get a doctor to give you Vicodin for 1/4 of the pain that people like RVD and Sabu deal with night in, night out. RVD wasn't found with anything other than the weed and vicodin, and he's the one I was talking about here.


I think its a 50/50 thing on why RVD lost the title tonight. Yes, I'm sure it was because RVD got caught with weed and painkillers...Vicodin none the less. Anyways I also think RVD lost the title tonight for promotional reasons. Since tomorrow is the 4th of July, it might get people to tune in to a title vs title match.....but can someone please tell me why the tag match turned into SNME's main event? Either way you look at it, tomorrow night will be a intresting night.

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They have a court date on Thursday so we don't know if he's gonna get probation. Hence why Edge is the WWE Champion.


It's not like that's the date where anything would actually be resolved. That's the date that sets up the date that sets up the date where they might decide when they're going to plead. Shit, I got a DUI on December 1, and the first hearing that actually deals with the case is still three weeks away.

Word, I got a DWI in October of last year and went to court 4 or 5 times before it was all done, thus my probation didn't start til the April of this year. Nearly 6 months after my ticket.

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