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Guest The Satanic Angel

Fucking petty ass neighbors.

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Guest The Satanic Angel

All right, I'm pissed. It's 4:30am and I can't sleep because I can't get my mind off of my neighbors.


Little background: My parents and I moved into a house in mid-January, and found out AFTER we moved in that there was a homeowner's association with covenants that prevent you from doing anything without their permission. One of the covenants is that pets have to be on a leash.


Okay, how many people put their cats on a leash? How many people understand that cats are pretty much untrainable?


Enter two of our neighbors. One is right next door. Tennets don't like any animals. The wife bitched that my dog (a 3lb Chihuahua) got into their basement and made a big mess. First of all, don't leave the door to your basement open! Second of all, my dog isn't big enough to make a mess larger than your pinky. The guy complained about our cats moving around the mulch in their landscaping. Guess what, folks? Cats gotta go, too! We put down repellant, appeased them. Whatever.


Next neighbor is right next door to them. Two houses down from us. She comes by today, being walked by her dog (which was the first time I'd ever seen her walk that poor dog, who is always tied up in the garage) and says to me that our cats are putting paw prints all over their cars, and scratching them up. First of all, wash the damn car! Second, the cats are on our cars all the time, NO SCRATCHES! Half of the cats don't even have claws! Third, get a hose and spray the cat! Get repellant! What the fuck do they want me to do about it? Stupid bitch also claims that she brought one of our cats back at 2am, so that's how she knows it's one of ours. Reality check! She has a dog, her neighbor has two dogs, neighbors across the street have dogs, our cats want nothing to do with that end of the street! Also, four out of five of our cats wouldn't let you touch them with a 10 foot pole if they didn't know you! How the fuck are you going to be able to hold onto a cat and carry it down the street two hundred feet?!


And it's 4:40 in the morning, and I can't sleep because this shit is irritating. I thought West Virginians were nice. Stupid fuckers in this neighborhood think they're high and mighty because they have a homeowners association.

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Guest Felonies!
How many people understand that cats are pretty much untrainable?

Bulllllllllshit. I trained my cat to talk. She'd meow back however many syllables I said, up to four. Smart cat. Shame about the kidney failure.



"Leave me out of this."

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It seems dubious to me that your family didn't find out about the local housing covenant until after they moved in. That's usually something your realtor would tell you about, and would be mentioned before closing, etc.


That said, I think such tracts are pretty much a socialist invention, and I would never move into a neighborhood where one is necessary. I shouldn't need permission from the neighbors to, say, put up a TV antenna of reasonable size, or build a tool shed, or paint my house a different color, etc.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Around here, someone would've just shot whatever animal was trespassing.

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But don't complain if the next time your cat or dog gets on someone's property, they poison it, like AoO said.


You've had more than fair warning, if you let your pets run around willy-nilly, they're risking their lives anyways to cars.

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Well, at least where I live, homeowners are far far more likely to have a poisonous substance they can sprinkle on tunafish than to have a rifle...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Ok, I can either light you on fire or shoot you. Not the same.

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Yes, thats fair.


TSA, if they light your kitty on fire while it's on their property, you'll learn. Oh you'll learn.

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Guest The Satanic Angel

In all fairness, we knew about the homeowners association, but didn't get a copy of the covenants until after we'd moved in. My dad was the president of our homeowners association in Nebraska, and it wasn't anywhere near as restrictive as this one is. Satellite dishes were not allowed ... the big ten foot ones that took up your entire yard. The small ones were fine. People weren't nearly as petty, either.


The only reason this pisses me off is because if it wasn't my cat, it would be a bird shitting on the car, or rain leaving watermarks, or pollen dusting it. It's a FUCKING CAR. Put it in the garage. We have had cats our entire lives and no one has ever told us they were a nuisance.


FYI: I do live in West Vriginia. If someone doesn't have a gun, their son has a bebe gun. There are people who still have working CANNONS, ferchrissake.

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Guest The Satanic Angel

My parents have jobs at the FBI center, which is in West Virginia. I could either live here with them, or in SC with my brother and his fiance.


SC is looking better every day.


Anywhere is looking better every day.

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Guest Felonies!

Your car has to deal with snow, hail, water, road salt, sand, gravel, and you're worried about FUCKING CAT PAWPRINTS?

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Okay, how many people put their cats on a leash?


*Raises hand.* Or at least I did when I used to let them out.


I'm as pro-cat as they come, but I'm siding with the neighbors on this one, as long as there aren't any double-standards.

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Guest The Satanic Angel
My cats > Palestinians.


Fuck their petty ass bullshit, too.


The people complaining about paw prints on the car also break some covenants of the HOA. Cars are not allowed to be parked on the street or in the grass, they do it all the time. And someone at that house likes to speed up and down the road, and there is a 15 mph speed limit. But we aren't complaining. Just taking notes. :-P

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Then bust 'em on that. But it sounds like they're probably going to do something to your cats sooner or later.


And with good cause.


Stop letting your animals loose. My girlfriend's cat was an outdoor cat, but can't be now that we're living where we are. She has to leash him and take him for walks. It's being a pet-owner. If you're not going to be responsible and take after your pets, either give them up or suffer the consequences.


Enter two of our neighbors. One is right next door. Tennets don't like any animals. The wife bitched that my dog (a 3lb Chihuahua) got into their basement and made a big mess. First of all, don't leave the door to your basement open! Second of all, my dog isn't big enough to make a mess larger than your pinky.


First of all, that's trespassing. Like Agent said, you're lucky they didn't kill the barking rat. Second of all, you acknowledge that your dog went into their house. Right there, it doesn't matter how big a mess it made. Apologize and move on. Attach the rat to a leash.


The guy complained about our cats moving around the mulch in their landscaping. Guess what, folks? Cats gotta go, too! We put down repellant, appeased them. Whatever.


Good, considering the fact that it's their landscaping on their property. You'd be bitching too if someone took a dump in your yard.


Next neighbor is right next door to them. Two houses down from us. She comes by today, being walked by her dog (which was the first time I'd ever seen her walk that poor dog, who is always tied up in the garage) and says to me that our cats are putting paw prints all over their cars, and scratching them up. First of all, wash the damn car! Second, the cats are on our cars all the time, NO SCRATCHES! Half of the cats don't even have claws! Third, get a hose and spray the cat! Get repellant! What the fuck do they want me to do about it?


They probably want you act like a responsible adult and abide by the same rules that they have to abide by. Since you're seemingly above the law, maybe you should rethink the original post you made and put yourself in the neighbor's shoes and see what you'd do about it. Personally, I'd just rat you out and get your animals taken away/you and your parents fined/whatever.

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Guest Smues

I hate annoying neighbors as much as anyone, but it sounds like they're in the right here. They have a right not to have your animals running around on and damaging their property. It's not the neighbor's fault for leaving the basement door open, it's your for allowing the dog to get in. And christ you're complaining because someone dares not want a cat to mess up their lawn? I never understood why people think it's ok for their pets to go crap in other peoples yards.

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Guest Princess Leena

I have to side with the neighbors here as well... if you're gonna have pets, you can't have them messing up other people's property. If you don't have the means to control that from happening, then sadly, you shouldn't have pets.


Walking cats with a leash isn't that hard to do, either... obviously, they don't walk nicely by you like most dogs, but it's no trouble as long as you find the right size leash.

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