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Community College

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Reading these have made me feel better but of course, I'm still nervous.


I guess it's because I have to get back into study habits and as a person who is shy (I don't care if you call me a pussy for being shy) I'm nervous about meeting new people.


But I'm not all negative, I am excited about going back to school.


Thanks to everyone who has responded.

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Reading these have made me feel better but of course, I'm still nervous.


I guess it's because I have to get back into study habits and as a person who is shy (I don't care if you call me a pussy for being shy) I'm nervous about meeting new people.


But I'm not all negative, I am excited about going back to school.


Thanks to everyone who has responded.


Study habits? In community college? Seriously though, it's the way to go, unless you're one of those people that just has to get away from their parents and immediately go to a four year college. Saves you a ton of money too. Additionally, I can count on my hands the number of papers I wrote in my two years at community college. Compare that with a freshman year at a four year school and you'll be glad you went to CC.

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That's what I hated about Community College. I felt I wasn't being challenged enough. I swear...I had more open book or take-home tests than I care to remember. Once I got to real school and got to write four or five 10-page papers each semester I was happy. The only term papers I got to write in CC were in my English classes. I remember I wrote one in a British Literature class that was vaguely about Beowulf, Emily Dickinson, Shakespeare, Harry Potter, and various Romantic poets. I wrote the entire thing as a segment on the Johnny Carson show with Jack Hanna as a guest. It was entirely in dialogue and terrificly weird. It was called "Johnny Get Your Grendel". I got an A. My girlfriend's sister is going to Community College and in her Freshman English class, the teacher gave them a list of books that had been turned into movies and told them to go watch the movie and do a report on it and under no circumstances to read the books. I almost filed a formal complaint.

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I never went to community college, which is different from regional branch schools.


That's what I would recomend. It's just as easy to get into these but you are still a part of the actual institution, so you are held to the same standards academically. You just pay a drastically lower price.


Which is why I can't fathom why people need to be at the main campus the first couple years. If it's to get the party lifestyle, you aren't going to miss out on it by going to a regional branch. It might be a commuter school but they usually aren't far from main campus.


I got both worlds last year and I was probably challenged more at the regional branch as opposed to the main campus.

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Guest The Satanic Angel
I think the worst thing for someone is having stupid parents who spoil their kids well into their 20's.


This is me. ^


Just do it.

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Guest DRH 502

^ Whats worse is the kid's lack of appreciation for money, where it comes from and their lack of work ethic because of it.

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I'm 20. I left high school 2 years ago. I have been working since then. I'm in the process of registering for CC classes this fall for the first time.




Anyway, just a stupid question:


If I wanted to transfer after finishing all my GE requirments, will those units be accepted anywhere or only at specific colleges with a relationship with my school?

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I'm pretty sure that most 4-year schools accept transfer credits from Community Colleges. However, sometimes the classes that you take at Community College don't transfer over to the University as the class that you wanted them to transfer as. For example, I took a Psychological Statistics class my last semester at Community College, but it only transfered over as a "miscellaneous Psychology elective". I'm not sure about every other University, but at mine, what you have to do when your transfer credits don't transfer over right is file a petition for transfer credit, which will get approved or disapproved depending on what you want your transfer class to transfer as. Also, there's a limit to the number of transfer hours that you can transfer, so you can't take like...100 hours of classes at Community College and just transfer them all over. I think it's like...40-something hours that transfer over. Something like that. However, you should probably check with your advisor and make sure, and check with the school you're planning on attending after you get your basic classes.

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Guest The Satanic Angel

Most CCs are on page with the other universities in the state. The problem you may run into is that 3 credit hour math class you took doesn't equate to the university's 4 credit hour math class they require, thus you have to take it over. Just keep in touch with your advisors about it.

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Guest NYankees
If I wanted to transfer after finishing all my GE requirments, will those units be accepted anywhere or only at specific colleges with a relationship with my school?



Most colleges on their website will have a tranfer credits page so you can see for yourself which classes would transfer into and out of that college, what class and requirement do they transfer in as and how many credits. Doesn't hurt to look.

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Guest Princess Leena

When I attempted to transfer to 4-year... only 40-45 of my 62 credits were able to be transferred over.


I highly suggest that if you know you're going to 4-year school afterwards, speak with counselors and figure things out beforehand.

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If I wanted to transfer after finishing all my GE requirments, will those units be accepted anywhere or only at specific colleges with a relationship with my school?


I spent two years at a community college, and all of my credits transferred to a private college -- even my one retard class I didn't think would.

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I really don't know what I'll be studying in to be honest. My interests include movies and computers and I've said on a few occasions that being a film critic would be a cool job and something that I would be interested in since I know alot about movies, and enjoy watching them.

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I really don't know what I'll be studying in to be honest. My interests include movies and computers and I've said on a few occasions that being a film critic would be a cool job and something that I would be interested in since I know alot about movies, and enjoy watching them.


Theater for you!

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I really don't know what I'll be studying in to be honest. My interests include movies and computers and I've said on a few occasions that being a film critic would be a cool job and something that I would be interested in since I know alot about movies, and enjoy watching them.


Do you intend to transfer to University?

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I really don't know what I'll be studying in to be honest. My interests include movies and computers and I've said on a few occasions that being a film critic would be a cool job and something that I would be interested in since I know alot about movies, and enjoy watching them.


Do you intend to transfer to University?

Not really sure at the moment. I'm just taking things as they come. I really don't know what toexpect.


All I know is I have to do something.

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I really don't know what I'll be studying in to be honest. My interests include movies and computers and I've said on a few occasions that being a film critic would be a cool job and something that I would be interested in since I know alot about movies, and enjoy watching them.


Do you intend to transfer to University?

Not really sure at the moment. I'm just taking things as they come.


Why? Am I making a bad decision.


No, It's just that if you think you want to do something with theatre or something, look into what you can take at CC and then see what all the local universities have to offer.

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As someone who's entering his third year of community college...


It's not that bad really. When I first went to the college here, I was immediately considered someone of interest due to my writing abilities, and the way I can explain the concepts of writing far better then any of my instructors. I had people asking me to give them advice, and I basically carried all my fellow students through two English classes with the worst goddamn teacher I've ever seen (HE RANTED ABOUT WAFFLES FOR AN HOUR. The class WAS ONLY AN HOUR LONG!), but since I haven't taken any English classes for over a year, I've kind a lost that status.


It's not a bad experience. I show up, do my shit, help people get through the classes then I'm out. I generally don't study with other people if I can help it, and if a situation arises that we need a "leader" (like Sociology, where we had "teams"), I generally step up for whatever reason. I think most people consider me a bit of an enigma. I don't talk about my life inless it's REALLY bothering me, and I don't ask for help from anyone. The major drawback for me is math, which is absolutely kicking my ass. I dunno how I managed it, but I've failed one math class twice in a row. This fall term will be my THIRD attempt. How the shit progresses is just odd, because at first, math was easy as fuck. Now it just confuses me. It doesn't help that I won't even ask the instructor for help, and instead consider myself a moron for not getting the concepts. Such is my mental state.


Overall, it's been a good experience for me I think. I'm a social recluse, and generally dislike being around people I don't know, but it's gotten better as time has went on. The less I go though, the more I notice that my old tendencies are coming back, especially since I can't work due to my knee being fucked up massively. I'm also shifting focus this coming term. I realized that specializing in writing may make me a better writer, it won't, however, help me make any money. As such, I'm going to take a couple political / law classes and test that out. If nothing else, when the time comes I might be able to land a job as a columnist in a paper if I do well enough, and write books on the side since I think that's where my passion inevitably lies. All depends on how it works out, ya know?


I also agree with the other people on the majority of Community College work being exceptionally easy. I’ve had a few bad grades, but that was mostly due to my own squandering. Every thing I’ve TRIED at, I’ve aced with pretty much flying colors. Everything but MATH, God I hate math.


Just have courage with it, and remember that the people won't eat you or anything. God knows I panicked when I started going at first.

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Guest Vitamin X

I don't know what community colleges other people here have been going to, but my experience with college and university work in general, in terms of easiness, has more to do with the professor than the "prestige" associated with the university.


I'm about to transfer out of state to my second 4 year university (Portland State University) after the private arts one I've been at for the past year, which I've decided is far too much money. Before that, I was previously at a CC in California for a semester, and at THE NATION'S LARGEST COMMUNITY COLLEGE in Miami (Miami Dade College) for about a year. I have various friends who study at the University of Miami, and Florida International University, two fairly known schools, as well as my best friend who attends the University of Oklahoma after having gone to the same CC in California (College of the Canyons) that I did. Anyways, the coursework is really about the same, don't let these other morons here fool you; they're just trying to justify having spent 5x the money they paid for tuition at a 4 year school beforehand. There are some advantages to going to a 4 year school in your first two years, and really I think it has to do more with what you want to study. You start right off mixing your core classes with your major at a 4 year, whereas at CC, you mainly focus on your core/GE classes. Which is really, the most important part when you get into college right away.


You can also take the CLEP and be done with GE's right away, so you can go into a 4 year school with the program of your choice, and that'd pretty much do away with the purpose of going to CC. But, for your first two years, it's worth the money. I really regret taking the GE's that I did at the private arts school I was at, considering it's about $20,000 in debt for the one year I went there. Most people go for a full three years, and they end up $81,000 in debt. It's not a bad school, in fact, it's pretty good, but for an undergraduate degree, it's a fucking ripoff.


Trust me, CC will be just fine. Nothing to worry about.

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I'm taking Physical Anthropology and Human Sexuality. Anyone got any advice who've taken this? Thankfully, this is my last semester of CC, then I get to go to big people school or CSU.

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I'm taking Physical Anthropology and Human Sexuality. Anyone got any advice who've taken this? Thankfully, this is my last semester of CC, then I get to go to big people school or CSU.


I took a Human Sexuality class since it technically covered two different requirements. The class really depends on the professor. Where I took the class, you either got 1) an Indian woman who approached the class in a scientific/formal manner or 2) a fat, old white dude who told hilarious sex jokes.

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Well, I start on Tuesday. I'm taking Tuesday and Thursday classes from 9:10am to 1:30pm. I'm nervous as can be.


So, did you survive?


On a side note, while it's only been 2 weeks now, I can proclaim this semester of classes to easily be the best semester/trimester/quarter (whatever) that I can remember since the days of 3rd grade.


That reminds me, I can't remember this far back but why don't I remember the shift from recess in school (K-7) to no recess from there on out? I would imagine after years of being a huge fan of recess that the sudden lost of Recess would have some impact.

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I have in fact survived so far. I'm thinking about dropping one of my three classes (it's my second) - it's a powerpoint/word excel class. I know this stuff, so it's kind of boring to me. I would have a huge break between my 9:10 class and my 12:45 class.

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I don't like big breaks between my classes. No more then 90 minutes apart, really. I wouldn't get in the habit of dropping a class simply because it's boring because you'll get alot of classes that are boring but you have to take.

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I'm assuming your college has a gym/fitness center of some sort. If you were to drop the class, you could easily fit in a good workout in that empty space.


Hitting the gym following a long day of classes is just what I need after sitting on my ass pretending to pay attention for hours on end.

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