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The Niggardly King

I'm ninefuckingteen

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Whenever I get stressed out, I get drunk as fuck and go out on streets with my homies and beat up people.


We stomped a bum one night.

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You said you've been in a bunch of street fights. Do you consider this one of them, or more than one since there were a group of people beating on the homeless guy?


It was a joke... But then again, coming from me, I wouldnt be suprised if people thought I was serious.

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lol that's one of the first things you've said on this board that made me laugh out loud.


Congratulations, you're not a fucking tool after all.


EDIT: I can see why you might be offended by that, don't be. Let's be friends, you and I.

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Like others have said it is not a bad thiing that your parents are on your case. My parents were that way and I am glad they were. Many of my friends parents were not and they are wasting their life away doing boring menial jobs, dropping out of college and such.


With my parents challenging me to do my best, I graduated college and will begin teaching this fall. My sister is in graduate school right now, so we are glad our parent challenged us.

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Guest Princess Leena

So, go to college. What's hard about that.


And get a job while you're there.

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No, don't get a job unless you have to.


Try to get a scholarship or mooch off your parents.


And take the minimum number of hours you need for full-time status.

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Take the minimum amount of hours and get a severely part time job on campus.


College can be excellent, just take it easy at first. You can always take summer or winter classes to make up for an easier freshman year.

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Guest Princess Leena

Even a 10-15 hour job would do a lot of good. Make a bit of money yourself. And get job experience.

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Don't listen to Leena, only get a job if you have to.


I'm getting a job that's about 8 hours a week, but that's a cheap cashier job in the faculty "general store" in that it sells a bunch of snacks/drinks as well as textbooks and the like. That's only for pocket money and because when I'm not using it as time to study I can chat with people that come in that I probably know. Then again, I've been working all summer to save up money that will actually pay for school, so my situation is different from yours. Still, fuck a real job while going to school. Your life will be a lot more boring, trust me, I know plenty of people that do it. Only if it's a necessity.

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Guest Princess Leena

Working 10 hours would not affect your social life.


But, go ahead and fuck around in college if you want.

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Believe me, I without a degreem, got the fine job I have now based SOLEY on my work experiance.


Like Leena so rightly put it, everyone who's been to college knows what it takes and what it does not take to get a degree. A sincerely good recommendation and solid years of quality work ethic are worth so much...

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Guest Princess Leena

Same with me... without work experience, I definitely wouldn't have the job I have now. My degree is basically useless, at this point. Don't assume things for the future.

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More to the point, that 8 hours x $6 per hour adds up to $50 a week get-fucked-up money each week.


Unless your parents are giving you a fine allowance or something like that, don't you think you'll need SOME SORT of bank during the year? The only downside is three three hour shifts a week or two four hour shifts. MAYBE 12 hours a week tops. You realize how easy that is to fit into a schedule, right? Sure you'll bitch the one or two times your work conflicts with a party, especially if it means an early morning here and there. But, you know, it'll be worth it, really.

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Guest Princess Leena

You can get more money than that...


Even in Buffalo's dreadful job market, even with the slightest computer skills, you could get a $10/hr clerical-type PT job.


10 hours of that is ~$80 after taxes. It's not bad.

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I actually have a decent amount of money saved up from working the previous two summers, and the odd job here and there. I'll probably get another job once I get settled into school... so probably around mid November.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Sell dope. You'll make a lot more, and it's not really "work."


Tax free, too.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Or skip college entirely, pick up a trade, and make money right now.

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Got to school, dude.


At least a trade school, something.


When you're older, you'll always have that to fall back on, even if you start out doing something completlely different.



And don't get a job until you have to.

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Or skip college entirely, pick up a trade, and make money right now.


sage advice for KOAB, especially considering his age...he could be making 20 bucks an hour in a trade by the time he's 22 or 23. Printing press operator, electrician, local energy providing company, water and gas company, post office, UPS, Fed Ex etc.

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