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Lt. Al Giardello

Any weed smokers here???

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Well yeah I didn't mean to make it totally legal to where everyone is growing it in their backyard and getting high walking down the street.

I support the over 21 thing where you have to buy it in a liquor store(or make special head shops that can sell it) and you can only smoke it in said head shop, in a coffee shop, or at home. And if you are caught selling it you are subject to a stiff fine(NOT any kind of jail time. i can't begin to talk about how stupid it is to arrest people for weed).

If it's regulated it might be less potent sure(actually I can gurantee it'll be less potent so that you have to buy more to get high and the gov't lines their pockets) but it's better than buying it from some guy that might put some other shit he sells in there to get you hooked. I've seen this happen to a couple of people and heard about it from countless others.

I mean by fighting this drug war and making it illegal the government is just making it less safe for the American public and wasting money and increasing the black market.

On top of that some people only do it because it is the "forbidden fruit".

I mean shit alcohol is legal and it's waaaaaaay more dangerous than weed. And you can get it anywhere!

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Guest DRH 502
I mean shit alcohol is legal and it's waaaaaaay more dangerous than weed. And you can get it anywhere!


So true. Fuck drinking, fuck smoking tobacco. Tabacco is whacko unless its whacko tabacco.

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Usually most of the time Cops aren't really strict in my hometown(Calgary).


One time my buddy got caught with a half oz, and they didn't arrest him or anything, they just made him stomp it out.

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You CANNOT get high by just throwing marijuana in brownie mix and eating it. THC is not water soluble, it is soluble in alcohol and fats. You make your cannabutter and you mix it in your brownie mix in place of the required oil. Also when you make the cannabutter be sure to strain the particulate out. Cook on low heat...as far as how much to put it I cannot answer but I do know this much about it. Wikipedia has a good article on it...


Nice! I'm going to try this soon. :P

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Guest DRH 502



^^^Great how-to.




From Wiki:


"Cannabis may be orally consumed by blending it with ethanol or lipids. With this method, some claim that more cannabis must be used, though considering that the effects of oral consumption are different from those of inhalation, others may claim that less is required. The effects of the drug take longer to begin, but last longer and may be perceived as more physical rather than mental, though there are claims to the contrary. A dose of oral cannabis is often considered to give a stronger experience than the equivalent dose of smoked cannabis. A common belief holds that while smoked cannabis has a large volume exhaled, or simply burned, without consumption, ingested cannabis has 100% consumption, an assertion which cannot be confirmed without objective analysis. It is thought that the active component of cannabis, Δ9-THC, is converted to the more psychoactive 11-hydroxy-THC in the liver.[11] Titration is much more complex than through inhalation. Common preparations involve blending with butter, to create Cannabutter that is used in preparing Brownies, Fudge, Cookies or Ganja Goo Balls or Space Cakes. However there are two preparations that do not contain butter in them and therefore fall into a slightly different category. These are the Leary biscuit and Nutella biscuit which require less preparation than more "conventional" recipies. Infusion in drinks containing milk and flavoring herbs is also possible, and more common in India.


As with other drugs that are taken orally, it is sometimes customary to fast before taking the drug to increase the effect, possibly because an empty stomach will absorb the drug faster so it 'hits' stronger. However, some people do eat before consuming the drug because eating it on an empty stomach makes them feel sick. Still, time to effect onset is an hour or sometimes more, as opposed to smoking, where effects can be almost immediate.


Some people have tried to consume cannabis as a tea. THC is lipophilic and not particularly water soluble, with a solubility of less than a few milligrams per litre, not enough to make an effective tea. Water-based infusion is generally considered to be grossly inefficient."


Also on Cannabutter:


"Cannabutter is an oil/fat/butter based solution which has been infused with cannabinoids. This is achieved by heating the raw cannabis along with the oil or butter and allowing the cannabinoids (THC and others) to bond with the fat. The exact procedure for this varies greatly. The equipment necessary for the manufacture of cannabutter can be as simple as a sauce pan and spatula or as complicated as a double-boiler, or crock pot, and cheese cloth and funnel.


Due to its cannabis content, it is illegal in some countries.


Cannabutter is intoxicating but the high from ingested cannabis (like cannabutter or foods containing it) is reported to be somewhat different from that obtained by smoking the plant. Particularly the effects are much slower to begin and last much longer, due to the time it takes to digest the fats, rather than the near instantaneous absorption of smoke in the lungs.


Cannabutter can be used just like butter, or baked into anything that would require butter such as brownies or cake in order to create a tasty and intoxicating treat. The flavor and color of the oil or butter used are changed variably depending on the method used."


EDIT: I just realised I probably have way too many post and replies in this thread...sowwy.

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Wicked. I've also seen some methods of just sautee'ing it with butter and no water - but the boiling one seems more prevalent on the net.

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Guest DRH 502

Yeah it is perfectably acceptable to just saute in a pan with butter...actually I thought the link I sent you was said method but after reading I realised it was that damn boiling method...

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I can't believe people only pay 120 for an OZ in the States.


In Canada, AT THE LEAST it costs 150.


Yeah, but those are in American dollars. Granted, that makes it only 130 at the current exchange rate, but that's at least a little better.


I'm curious though...I know the laws are supposed to be stricter in the states but like...how much? For example, lets say you were walking down a public street, smoking a joint, and a cop saw you. Around here, assuming the cop doesn't feel like being a bastard, that means you get told to put the joint out and throw it away. At worst he might make you toss out whatever other weed you have on you (assuming you don't have enough weed to warrant serious shit). Is it like that in the states too? Or are you pretty much boned? Or does it just totally depend on the cop and the location?

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Sucks to be you.


I get 3 g's for 20 bucks (which is only half a gram less then an 8th, assuming I did the math right), but that's because my dealer is like, one of my best friends, so he doesn't worry about making a profit off of my sales.

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Woah dude.


I didn't mean for him to just add the shit in there. He just wanted to know how much weed to use.


I ain't just dumping a bag of weed in brownie mix and throwin' it in the oven.



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Being able to obtain shit weed opposed to straight wall-sticking chronic also has a lot to do with the level of dealer you are buying from. I personally, was a witness to my Girlfriend's brother climbing the ranks as a dealer. When he first started out in his mid-teens, it was considered good to get a hold of some DOJA, nowadays that would be considered a poor-man's marijuana to his standards. A lot of it has to do with how long you have been selling, because longer you have been, the more likely you are to aquire more contacts, and then you start going over your original suppliers head to get better stuff and a larger quanity.

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Guest DRH 502

Maniac, Kentucky has strict marijuana laws and enforce them. If they pull you over, smell weed and find say just a joint you are going to jail. If they find papers with the joint you get paraphanelia charges. Every paraphanelia charge after your first is a felony. Marijuana up to 8 ounces is a misdemeanor, and they will charge you for anything. They came and searched my house, found 2 roaches and some hightimes magazines and i'm fighting charges for possesion of marijuana and possession of paraphanelia and i'm wasn't even home when it happened. It was a month later before they even came back and arrested me for it...

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Guest DRH 502
because longer you have been, the more likely you are to aquire more contacts, and then you start going over your original suppliers head to get better stuff and a larger quanity.


Feel you. I only deal with folks over the age of 40...they always have the funk and hook you up straight you never have to worry about carrying scales and weighing it because dude will have it out on spot for you, and even throw a gram extra. Old country boys...that fuckin' old man's dope :)

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Maniac, Kentucky has strict marijuana laws and enforce them. If they pull you over, smell weed and find say just a joint you are going to jail. If they find papers with the joint you get paraphanelia charges. Every paraphanelia charge after your first is a felony. Marijuana up to 8 ounces is a misdemeanor, and they will charge you for anything. They came and searched my house, found 2 roaches and some hightimes magazines and i'm fighting charges for possesion of marijuana and possession of paraphanelia and i'm wasn't even home when it happened. It was a month later before they even came back and arrested me for it...


Ok why did they search in the first place and wait a MONTH to arrest you?

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Guest DRH 502

Domestic dispute i'm not gonna go into detail over...I left before they got there. They asked if they could go in my room to see if I was there, nosey bastards snooped around and found it. They didn't come back till about 2 weeks later but I was gone...they never said they had a warrant or anything they just asked if I was there and then left. Around 2 weeks later they come as i'm leaving, pull me over and take me to jail.

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Just curious niskie; why would you just want to decriminalize it and not legalize it? What would be so harmful with that?


Okay, so how harmful is this stuff? Ever since I can remember I've heard of all the negative side effects and such, and it seems wayyy overblown. How badly does it affect your lungs, your cardio, your memory, etc.? Is anyone educated enough to explain this shit to me?

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Just curious niskie; why would you just want to decriminalize it and not legalize it? What would be so harmful with that?


Okay, so how harmful is this stuff? Ever since I can remember I've heard of all the negative side effects and such, and it seems wayyy overblown. How badly does it affect your lungs, your cardio, your memory, etc.? Is anyone educated enough to explain this shit to me?


It can make you fat.....really really fat.

I recently wrote a critique from a book discussing the legalization of marijuana. I was supposed to decide who made a better argument, the yes or the no. Usually whenever someone is strongly against the legalization they come off sounding like a crusader against drugs and they end up sounding like a moral soldier rather than an educated person giving an informed opinion.

But you know the devil weed can make a black man look at a white woman twice and cause you to fall under the influence of listening to jazz.(I shit you not......JAZZ!)

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Okay, so how harmful is this stuff? Ever since I can remember I've heard of all the negative side effects and such, and it seems wayyy overblown. How badly does it affect your lungs, your cardio, your memory, etc.? Is anyone educated enough to explain this shit to me?


Never had fucked up lungs nor cardio after some weed. Memory was fucked up for a couple hours after the peak, then back to normal. What I suggest you do, is get high by yourself for the first time, lock yourself in your room, play your favorite cd, and eat some bad fatty food.


Then forget about it the next day, and go back to your routine.

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And if you're black you're locking yourself in your room as a public service. You know to protect all those poor white women you may look at so you don't get any funny ideas.



Seriously I don't remember where I heard the black guy and jazz thing at but they used to seriously use it as an argument againts weed.

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I've smoked weed nine times in my life. All while in junior high and high school.

Each time was pretty unremarkable and the people I did it with annoyed the shit out of me.

I have no problem with getting high(obviously since i want it legal) but I can't stand people that only do it to be cool and tell people they do it. If you're going to do it then do it because it's fun!

I don't do it because I didn't have any fun doing it(that and my work randomly tests and i don't feel like going through all the crap to pass one when you've been smoking) but I've known countless people that don't even like smoking but they do so because everyone around them thinks it's cool and they get to brag about it.

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Guest DRH 502
You can actually get sent to jail for just a joint? Holy shit.


I've heard in most states they just write you a ticket and fine you, or just ignore such a little amount. Not here in Kentucky, they enforce the drug laws hard. I got busted with 3 roaches, no more than a half inch each. Bastard cops lied and said it was in plain view which gave them authority to search...

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Guest Felonies!
Seriously I don't remember where I heard the black guy and jazz thing at but they used to seriously use it as an argument againts weed.

You were probably watching the original Reefer Madness or the recent musical version that was on Showtime. That was back in the 30s, when jazz was considered the Dangerous Counterculture that corrupted young boys and seduced young girls. They don't make Dangerous Countercultures like they used to.

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I don't think weed should be legalised. It tends to unbalance peoples mental states (although it probablyt just aggrevates what's there instead of causing new problems). It may be safer than cigarettes, but that doesn't mean it's good idea.

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