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I usually am flipping between all of them depending on what the specific segment is about. I also watch a bunch of FSTV.

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What's FSTV?



Free Speech TV. I believe every major broadcast company has it. On Dish it is channel 9415.


Hmm, from wikipedia:


"The network is often accused by its detractors of advocating extreme left-wing ideals and causes, and its programming is often very critical of the United States, President George W. Bush and his administration."


What a surprise you're into this. Glad to see you went for the fair and balanced route. I'd best not catch you mocking Fox News again, or you'll get a talking too. Bill O'Reilly will call Fox Security on you.


Since I've been working a lot lately and can only catch later programs, Lou Dobbs is really, really good.


GOD do I hate Lou Dobbs. Every fucking day with that immigration shit! I get it, Lou, you hate the Mexicans. Dey tuk ur jobs! Jesus, half of his show is immigration. EVERY DAY!!!

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I agree. Dobbs is too focused on that shit. It was really funny when Jon stewart called him from mexico and said "what the fuck".

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Guest asher66

I generally watch CNN and MSNBC (keeping in mind that there's no such thing as an unbiased news source these days).


If I want a good laugh, I'll watch Fox.

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Lou Dobbs is the only one focusing on the border issue. At least he shows footage of people actually crossing the border, and nothing being done about it. Why is anyone who talks about that immediately labeled a racist? Do you think it's really only Mexicans coming through the border?


What is wrong with protecting our nation's sovereignty?

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I suppose I don't mind him covering it so much as the fact that he has a one hour program, and he LITERALLY spends HALF of it devoted to immigration.

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He gets mad about other stuff too. Right after N. Korea launched those missiles, I thought he was going to beat someone to death. He basically criticized Bush for running the US "like a banana republic."

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I like to watch FOX News just so I can hear the term "homicide bombing" and see them spell that terrorist guy's first name USAMA inatead of OSAMA. They're so cool.

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He gets mad about other stuff too. Right after N. Korea launched those missiles, I thought he was going to beat someone to death. He basically criticized Bush for running the US "like a banana republic."



Lou entertains me. Sorta like a drunk guy in a bar that has talked too much trash and is about to get his ass kicked for ruining everyones buzz.

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He's also been hitting the "Why are we trading with China and not Cuba?" thing pretty hard lately...though I find that interesting as well.

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He's also been hitting the "Why are we trading with China and not Cuba?" thing pretty hard lately...though I find that interesting as well.


Honestly though, besides cigars and fruit what will we get from Cuba? Eilien Gonzalez?

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Hmong sounds like mung.


This is true.


The Vietnamese have had a large presence in Wisco for decades...theres a massive community of them in La Crosse. My pops, a Vietnam vet, took his time getting used to that scenario...eventually, he found that speaking at schools etc helped.


Theres definitly a place in Wisconsin for you if your a hillbilly racist...or Liberal From Mars.

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I watch MSNBC purely for the fact that their liberal jackass/conservative jackass ratio is the closest to 1:1.

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I use to be a diehard FOX fan but the network went downhill for me about 2 years ago when everything kept getting repetitive. Seriously, the network is nothing but one debate after another. Even the morning show has a Ann Coulter wannabe.


I think Anderson Cooper is the best news guy PERIOD. Nobody does his job better than him. Keith Olberman show is stupid but funny, I like this guy. I use to like Bill Oreilly when he introduce new and exciting stories but now his show is nothing but the same thing he been talking about for the last two years "NEW YORK TIMES have a story out I hate..." "Liberals is the most evil people in the world..." Then he have Ann Coulter come on and let her get away with everything.

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I watched the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams last night for the first time in forever, because I was home early and I'm usually at work at that time. Anyway, I guess they have a new thing now where he reads viewer emails at the end of the show. A couple of the emails were serious, but then the last one somebody wrote "I had to change the channel to ABC last night because I couldn't stand the way Brian was dressed." Williams then came up w/ some "clever" retort about how he would have to call that guy from ABC and ask him where he buys his clothes. WTF? Can't there be a single newscast that doesn't try to be all funny and young and hip anymore? Is this what is supposed to bring viewers back to network news?


I think Walter Chroncite would be rolling over in his grave right now. Wait, is he dead? I have no idea.

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Cronkite's alive.


Peter Jennings passed away recently...TSM/Pit poster Vyce somehow thought he was Dan Rather and marked out.

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What's FSTV?



Free Speech TV. I believe every major broadcast company has it. On Dish it is channel 9415.


Hmm, from wikipedia:


"The network is often accused by its detractors of advocating extreme left-wing ideals and causes, and its programming is often very critical of the United States, President George W. Bush and his administration."


What a surprise you're into this. Glad to see you went for the fair and balanced route. I'd best not catch you mocking Fox News again, or you'll get a talking too. Bill O'Reilly will call Fox Security on you.



Right, because a show on the importance of enviornmental regulations is SOOO anti-american. Anti-corporatocracy, maybe.

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Guest Felonies!

Still, it's no surprise that you'd watch "Free Speech TV."


"Working with activists and artists, Free Speech TV uses electronic media to cultivate an informed and active citizenry to advance progressive social change." Chortle.

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