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8/10 Booking Thread

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Torneo Cibernetico Match

Brock Auustin, Reject, TJ Burns, Dark Predator, Sly Sommers, & Zane Maxwell


James Blonde, Ultimo Villano X, Ultra Shago, Faqu, Colombian Heat, & Otaku II - RECEIVED


Alfdogg & Thunderkid vs Drek Stone & Hoff - RECEIVED


Ninjor "King of Ninjas" Vs The Great Scott! - POSTPONED


24/7 Open Challenge

Leon Rodez vs. SWFer Ghost Machine 4.0 - RECEIVED


HI-YAH Tag Team Titles

D*LUX vs. The South Central Militia

Guest Commentators: The GPX - RECEIVED


Zack Malibu's final OAOAST appearance - RECEIVED


More hype for Theodore Moneymaker (because wrestling needs more men named Theodore) RECEIVED


pre-recorded comments from the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, the Heavenly Rockers RECEIVED


And more.


Plus Peter Knight will be in action. - RECEIVED

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Bruce and the WIldcards promise some SERIOUS reprecussions on what went down on HeldDOWN - Innocent people were threatened at gun point after all!!


You won't want to miss it.




I’ve got one this week that’ll fit the “Marquee” bill even if it doesn’t look like it up front.


Ultimo Villaño X may to most people just be a guy that comes to the ring, gets his ass kicked and then goes home with a pay check – Well on the next HeldDOWN that perception is changed for ever. Every moment of UVX’s presence in the OAOAST has been building to this evening* - this is the proverbial “it” if you will


It’s an event you don’t want to miss, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise of what it actually is :D


So let’s just say


Ultimo Villaño X Vs ???: Be adequately prepared to ROCK!!


(* Technically it hasn’t been planned that way from the beginning but now I’m retroactively making it so since I got his idea last night. ;) )

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I have 3/4ths of the Torneo Cibernetico written with Villano in it, and it's this week.
LOL I totally forgot about that - man color ME embarrassed, sorry man.


Alright UVX's life altering night is postponed till next week ;)


This weeks Scouting Match

From Japan

Ninjor "King of Ninjas" Vs The Great Scott! :lol:

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Looking pretty good already - we've got 5 full matches and promises of even even more action *thumbs up*


Did anyone see my suggestion to have the top post be edited to contain the card as it gets booked? just an idea

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I have 3/4ths of the Torneo Cibernetico written with Villano in it, and it's this week.

LOL I totally forgot about that - man color ME embarrassed, sorry man.




It's cool. The match is:


Brock Auustin, Reject, TJ Burns, Dark Predator, Sly Sommers, & Zane Maxwell


James Blonde, Ultimo Villano X, Ultra Shago, Faqu, Colombian Heat, & Otaku II


If I could request the main event slot, that'd be cool. If not, cool too.

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More hype for Theodore Moneymaker (because wrestling needs more men named Theodore) and pre-recorded comments from the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, the Heavenly Rockers

Edited by Tony149

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After last week's shocking conclusion to HeldDOWN~!, closed door meeting have been held all week long at various points with company officials, all three of The Wildcards, members of the Los Angeles Police Department, and Zack Malibu. While all options have been considered, the OAOAST as well as the three members of The Wildcards and the LAPD officers involved have unanimously agreed charges will not be filed against Zack Malibu for his actions.


However, there is a catch.


Due to the perceived "black eye" on the company, as well as the only way The Wildcards would agree to not press charges, Zack Malibu's appearance this Thursday night will be his last, as he must exit the OAOAST on a forced retirement. Malibu has not been contacted for comment, but one can imagine how the man who has led the company through thick and thin is feeling.


This Thursday night, at the top of the program, Zack Malibu will have the clearance to set foot in an OAOAST ring for the last time, to say goodbye to his friends, his fans, and his wrestling family. We encourage any and all of you who have been OAOAST fans past or present, to join us as we say goodbye to the most popular athlete in company history.

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Editing the first post is a very good idea. When I get stuff, I can just either cross it out or just put RECEIVED next to it.

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There will be a promo from Otaku and one from Ayane - RECEIVED

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Due to an increased workload this week and the fact that I've got a much more important thing to write for HeldDOWN the Ninjor Vs the Great Scott scouting match will happen next week instead. And I just realized that I didn't actually post what I was working on for HeldDOWN did I now??


A "We all hate Bruce because he's a total dickhead" Punisment Cage Match

Bruce Blank Vs Gibraltar



A suitable replacement I hope, sorry for forgetting to post this earlier.

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