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OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

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Liger clapping after Sasuke's mess-up was great



lol....i was just about to type that. That was awesome



Was that Christopher Daniels fucking up a springboard off the ropes in the first clip?

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I Was truly expecting Kurt to say..


"Your homocidal, suicidal, genocidal? Well Im Anglecidial!"


"I killed six million jews this morning! But I'm here, I'm jumping around..."



Anyone remember when they were trying to get Angle over as a heel and he started saying he hates Jesus, Jews, and blacks?

That was awesome, but he was trying to say that no matter what he did and what he said, the "stupid" fans would cheer him.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
CM Punk is suck a fucking good promo.

Yeah, he really sucks a fucking good promo.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

I hope Vince doesn't decide to cut back on RVD's push after THAT botch. Jesus, that depressed me after being on such a high to see him back.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

I just remembered, there was no promo from "The Reject" Shannon Moore...

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I was there tonight and I can say that it was worth it. Crowd was very hot for the beginning of the show but died after the loooooooonnnnng Sandman/Knox/Test stuff. Thorn was getting good heel heat. Everyone was disappointed that there was no CM Punk match. During the dark match there was a very loud "WE WANT PUNK!" chant. Show's promo was awesome as well as Rene returning. By the time RVD came back the crowd was just dead. Who the hell makes Sabu put on a mat-wrestling match anyways?


Biggest Pops: 1.Sandman

2. Punk (promo)

3. Show


Biggest heat: 1.Heyman


3. The guy shooting the T-shirts.

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Is there any news on when ECW shows start on Canadian TV (and what channel)?


Just checking out the videos on their website and it seems to me like the show is getting much better than the initial weeks of garbage that we were given. I was glad to see that there was no WWE Main Eventer on the show this week to fight for the title.

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What was the first whiffed Van Daminator this year?


Canadian, I know what you mean about Sabu. Do they not realize that his only viable way of getting over is by doing crazy hardcore stuff? I mean he can have a rudimentary standard match like last night but it's not what people expect or want out of him.

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Sandman, Punk and Big Show all got bigger pops than RVD and Sabu?



Yeah...by the time of the main event the crowd was completely dead.

I find this funny since it seems that both of them (especially RVD) had huge pops on tv.

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You can see all of the botches mentioned here, and more, in this complete 7 minute package of the worst wrestling botches ever to be caught on film:




Goldberg running into the ringpost had me crying I was laughing so hard.


I was actaully at the show where Low-Ki fucked up that dive against Sabu. The crowd shit on it when he fucked up. The sad part is right after that Low-Ki "Ortoned" the spot by getting right back up and doing it again.


The stuff with the Christopher Street Connectin (the tag team at the end that kisses the other wrestler) isn't a fuck up. I've seen them wrestle dozens of times. Doing stuff like that is part of their gimmic.

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Yeah, Goldberg knockin' himself the fuckout was great.


Punk didn't have a match this week because HHH had one on Raw, and he didn't want to be shown up.


Nah, really though, there's no excuse not to have Punk out there in a match every week right now. Dude is getting over, and needs to be in matches on a consistant basis to keep him on people's minds.

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What was the first whiffed Van Daminator this year?


I think it was the Raw where he challenged Cena to the match at ONS. He missed the kick to the MITB briefcase he threw.

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I took a look at that botch fest. There were multiple bits of Goldberg and Lesnar on there...is it any wonder that match from WM XX is a textbook of suck?

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I wanted a CM Punk match so I was a bit dissapointed, but the idea of making us wait for his matches is pretty smart. They made us wait weeks until he debuted in the ring, and now that he has, we have to wait until match #2.


I did not recognize Dupree at all.

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"I gave everything out there and I got love from the fans that I didn't even get from my family! You can't keep me from the ring. I will return! I am C.....M......Punk!"


"camera pans back to see Punk standing in line at a fast food joint"


".............But sir, all I wanted to know was if you wanted your burger with cheese or not!"



eh, I was thinking that when I saw that promo. har har

thats going i ny my sig, classic


anyhow ecw was kind of there last night, here sosme quick thoughts, since I got to go to work soon.


Dupree looks stupid with long hair


Thorn Looks so different without the white hair and eyebrow. Crowd still doesnt know how to react to him.AT least Tazz and Styles tried to give some backstory to him (talking about the couples involvment in vampirism or whatever)



Test on tv, winning every week, what is this the summer of 1999?


Why is Sabu talking?


RVDS return was weird with the botched vandaminator and all. but he clearly looked pissed which is the point since he was screwed out of his title and suspended (kayfabe wise I mean)



they ran a local commerical here in Yonkers about the house show in White Plains on sunday, advertising Angle, RVD, Show, Sabu, Sandman, Dreamer, apprantly the main event will be a three way for the world title with I think Show vs RVD vs Angle

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Guest DRH 502
Not only did he totally screw it up, but he went back and did the exact same spot over again just to get it right.


That was every bit Jericho's fault as it was Orton's. Blaming Orton for that soley is just retarded. Have you ever been in a ring yourself?

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I really enjoyed last last night's ECW show. My favorite part was during the handicap match, Sandman basically said "Fuck this!" and just caned the hell out of Knox and Test. That's something it seems like we've been waiting years for some babyface to do, after endless idiotic handicap matches on RAW. Why would you even bother trying to wrestle fair in an unfair match?!

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Guest DRH 502

That seems to be the case in alot of "whiffs" in wrestling. Look at the GIF of Jericho and Randy. He makes contact...the spot had to have been pre-planned so he should have been ready. He is a trained professional and he is taught to react instantly to things...it honestly looks like he just wanted to make Randy look like a dumbass...

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Guest wolverine1007

According to my TV guide, ECW is on in Canada, or at least Edmonton, on Global at Midnight on Friday. Not a great time slot, but more than good enough for my VCR to catch for me.

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