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EVIL~! alkeiper

LWIB 8/14-8/20

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Luke Scott came into the game tonite hitting .425 and he's raised his batting average to about .435 during the game. And he's not getting soft hits, either. Even when he makes outs, he's stinging the Hell outta the ball. He's right around 100 PAs for the year. If the Astros do make the postseason and Scott finishes the year with an average of .400 or more, he's GOTTA get some consideration for Rookie of the Year.


He's at 88 ABs right now. If he shoud get ROTY consideration, Shane Spencer should have had the thing WRAPPED up with his amazing run after his call up in 98. Theres just no way with all the other choices out there.

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I don't know if I've ever heard such decisive boos over pickoff attempts from a crowd with their own pitcher on the mound. With a lefty coming in to face Jones, I expect the Astros to still pull this out, but at least the Cubs have helped the cause of ruining Lidge forever.

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I remember when Lidge didn't give up hits, let alone homeruns, on a regular basis. I have no idea why Garner didn't leave Wheeler in. He's riding a 25 inning scoreless streak against the Cubs. I have no witty comments.


I don't expect Luke Scott to win the ROTY. I'm going Zimmerman all the way. I'm just saying he should get SOME votes if he keeps up this torrid pace.

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Guest NYankees

Luke Scott came into the game tonite hitting .425 and he's raised his batting average to about .435 during the game. And he's not getting soft hits, either. Even when he makes outs, he's stinging the Hell outta the ball. He's right around 100 PAs for the year. If the Astros do make the postseason and Scott finishes the year with an average of .400 or more, he's GOTTA get some consideration for Rookie of the Year.


He's at 88 ABs right now. If he shoud get ROTY consideration, Shane Spencer should have had the thing WRAPPED up with his amazing run after his call up in 98. Theres just no way with all the other choices out there.



Shane Spencer had an ops of 1.321 in 1998.

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I don't expect Luke Scott to win the ROTY. I'm going Zimmerman all the way. I'm just saying he should get SOME votes if he keeps up this torrid pace.

Ethier for ROY, beeyotches.

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Lastings Milledge is looking scary bad right now. I know it's early but he has been so awful he doesn't look like a Major League ready player and I'm starting to seriously doubt if he will ever be any good.


Also, very quietly David Wright has been in a horrific slump since the All Star Break. So much for that MVP talk.


Willie is also pissing me off by giving "Super Joe" Mc Woodward back to back starts to "get him going".


This team has also seemingly stopped being able to hit left handed pitching.


Sean Green or Preston Wilson should be on the way.

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It's going in to the 17th inning at MMP. There's a game at 1PM this afternoon. At this point, I'd really like to go to bed, but I've been watching this fucker for over 5 hours. I have too much invested. Dave Borkowski's gotten 2 ABs. It's ridiculous.

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The Cubs just used Carlos Marmol to pinch hit in the bottom of the 17th. Tomorrow's starter Rich Hill is about to come in. Dave Borkowski has worked about 4 innings, given up 1 hit and faced the minimum. He's thrown 45 pitches and only 9 balls.

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And that's player #25 for the Cubs. Good Lord.


The camera shots of the sleeping fans on WGN are GOLD.


EDIT: And with four pitchers still listed on Houston's reserve sheet, that's 46 players used by two teams as we enter the 18th.

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The Cubs actually scored. I'm stunned. Watch the Astros win with a 3 run pinch hit HR by a pitcher or something just to make Bruiser want to commit suicide.

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Of course they scored - they had Borkowski in there for six innings.


Seriously though, nice job by him even if he does get the loss, for holding out so long - he kept his pitch count way down and looked good out there for awhile.

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Well, Big Dave did his best and that's all I could ask for. And Jason Lane was a pitcher in college. He pitched a bit for USC in the CWS. In, I think, his freshman year, he was playing some outfield and hurt his knee diving into the stands, and that ended his pitching days. He was gonna pitch the 19th inning in the Astros-Braves NLDS last year. Goodnite, all.

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If you had just sat through an 18-inning game to see your team lose, would you be very angry or appreciative of the effort of both teams?


This isn't little league. I'd be pissed if I invested 5 1/2+ hours of my life just to see my squad lose.

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As far as being pissed at them losing, I mean, yeah, I wish they woulda won, but I didn't have anything to do today anyway, and it was nice seeing a Herculian effort by Dave and Chris Burke. The only person that I'm really pissed at is Brad Lidge. The game at 1PM's gonna be a sloppy ass game.

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Jesus lord, 18 innings? I left for the pub during Murton's AB in the 10th and figured it couldn't last much longer than that. Well, glad they won. Losing a game that long would be tragic.

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i actually watched that cubs game. damn. what a snoozer. the 'stros look weak. izturis went 4 for 8. just weird to hear.


and i'd say that at this pace, andre ethier will be the nl roy. no doubt.

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