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EVIL~! alkeiper

LWIB 8/14-8/20

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Dear Media:


Please stop congratulating one Alex Rodriguez for his "clutch" sacrafice fly in the 7th inning of a tie game with the bases loaded. This ball went high, deep, and to the warning track. a) Mr. Rodriguez had no intentions of hitting a sacrafice fly, such hits don't send outfielders crashing into walls. b) Had it been Craig Wilson, Sal Fasano, or Melky Cabrera, would you be praising them as being the hero of the game? Or do you just want to tell those ungreatful Yankee fans "SEE? He is clutch~!" about your little media darling. c) I would prefer that Alex Rodriguez, the regular cleanup hitter (5th last night) and reigning leauge MVP would put the ball into play in that situation - perhaps line a double down left field line - and score two or three at once - than trying to be the hero he so desperately wants to be and jack a grand slam but fall short and fly out. (Remember, walkoff vs. Atlanta? Still getting booed, these things aren't working out for him)



A person with two eyes.


He got the job done because we got the win. That's good enough for me.

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Ballplayers > Stat players

And funny how Derek Jeter is quite the "stat player" this year and regarded as a legit MVP candidate by statheads. Did he stop being a ballplayer? A-Rod isn't having quite the "stat player" year so maybe he's a ballplayer now.

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Guest Princess Leena

I was going to mention that. People should start rewarding A-Rod for his hustle and heart.

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I was going to mention that. People should start rewarding A-Rod for his hustle and heart.


It didn't look like he was hustling when he thrown out at third on that double play.

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I think the Mets should pick up Preston Wilson. Even the Rockies won't take him. All the Astros wanted for him was Ray King, but they said no. Poor Preston. Nobody wants him and his tomahawk swing. :(

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1st and 3rd one out in the 5th, 1st and 3rd no outs in the 6th and both innings the Tigers don't score. Ugh.


Bedard shutting down the Yanks so far.


edit: Third times a charm.

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And the Mets are getting killed by the Phillies again.


If this team hopes to have any impact in the playoffs, they need to stop worrying about Shawn Green and focus on getting some quality pitching, both in the starting rotation and the bullpen. How much longer do they really think they can try leaning on people like El Duque, Roberto Hernandez, and Aaron Heilman?

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Guest NYankees

Mike456 and the 2004 Yankees have returned. The Yankees had the bases loaded with nobody out and Cano K's, pop up and a ground ball to end the inning. Bases left loaded.

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Mike456 and the 2004 Yankees have returned. The Yankees had the bases loaded with nobody out and Cano K's, pop up and a ground ball to end the inning. Bases left loaded.



popup? How about an absolute lazer that was hit so hard Mora had to come out the game.


Jesus christ, 2 outs and with a base open, YOU DON'T FUCKING PITCH TO ORTIZ. I don't care if Manny's next, YOU DON'T FUCKING PITCH TO ORTIZ. Grr.

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Denis Leary and Lenny Clarke guested during the Tigers v. Red Sox game with funny things ensuing. Seriously. Lenny Clarke is one of the funniest people I've ever heard. Get him on a roll and forget about getting a word in edgewise. The highlight of the interview was Clarke and Leary discovering that Kevin Youkilis is Jewish and then taking shots at Mel Gibson. As they're doing that, Youkilis makes a great diving play in the hole between first and second and Clarke screams, "TAKE THAT MEL! WHERE ARE YOU NOW?! IN REHAB!!!" Remy and Orsillo lost it, Orsillo was off-mike for almost five minutes while Remy did his wheeze laugh while his face turned red.


Good times.

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Guest NYankees

LOL big pop up by AROD with first and third with one out. BOO BIRDS come out.

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haha it actually is two crappy plays a night for A-Rod at this point. The error that led to a run and the popup.


Nice Cano! Sox about to lose so hopefully the lead goes up to three games after tonight.

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A beanball war, a Palmiero double, a 6-5 'Stros lead. Good times. I wonder if the beaning will continue to tomorrow. I doubt anybody getting hit by an 82 mph Pettitte fastball would get too upset.

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Guest NYankees
Nice Cano! Sox about to lose so hopefully the lead goes up to three games after tonight.



Dont count your chicken eggs before they hatched. You need a calculator to count the amount of times the Red Sox have won in their final at bat this season.

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A beanball war, a Palmiero double, a 6-5 'Stros lead. Good times. I wonder if the beaning will continue to tomorrow. I doubt anybody getting hit by an 82 mph Pettitte fastball would get too upset.


I gotta imagine that score's a different story if Pagan and Jones don't look like they're audition for Angels in the Outfield in that inning. Yeesh.

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I think the Everett triple was legit. It was pretty high off the boxes, but yeah, there's no way two runs shoulda scored on the Palmiero double. I think Jones was still keyed up from hitting that fuckin' moonshot 450 foot homerun off Clemens.

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It was high, but Pagan played it like an oaf. He had no chance to catch it, so he should've been playing it off the wall, not damn near running into it before wiping out into foul territory.

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Guest NYankees

Damon with a huge rbi triple and Jeter drives him home on a sac fly to make it 6-3 Yankees. Do Red Sox fans still want Crisp over Damon?

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Just got back from the Red Barons game, a 10-1 asswhupping of the Syracuse Skychiefs. The Barons now sport the best record in the International League. Unfortunately, Michael Bourn now departs for the Olympic Qualifiers.

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Luke Scott came into the game tonite hitting .425 and he's raised his batting average to about .435 during the game. And he's not getting soft hits, either. Even when he makes outs, he's stinging the Hell outta the ball. He's right around 100 PAs for the year. If the Astros do make the postseason and Scott finishes the year with an average of .400 or more, he's GOTTA get some consideration for Rookie of the Year.

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