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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO Impact Thread - August/17th/2006.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster



TNAwrestling.com has learned from TNA management that Christian Cage has agreed to speak out on tonight's Impact regarding his shocking betrayal of Sting at Sunday's Hard Justice Pay-Per-View! How can Cage possibly explain his actions in costing Sting the NWA World Heavyweight Title? Will "The Man In Black" be in attendance and will all hell break loose between the two stars? In addition, TNAwrestling.com has learned that following the Pay-Per-View there was a backstage confrontation between Cage and "The War Machine" Rhino that was captured by TNA cameras! The footage will air tonight on SpikeTV!



Still reigning NWA World Heavyweight Champion, "The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett has demanded time at the start of the broadcast tonight to celebrate his successful title defense at Hard Justice. Rumors have it confetti, balloons, and other party favors are being delivered to Universal Studios as Jarrett is in a celebratory mood and wants all his adoring fans at the "Impact Zone" to join in on the festivities with him!



Samoa Joe won the wild three-way brawl at Hard Justice, and now "The Samoan Submission Machine" is looking to continue his rise up the ladder to the NWA World Heavyweight Title in TNA. However, tonight he has a huge roadblock in the two-time former champion Ron "The Truth" Killings! Will "The Truth" be the one to stop the dominance of Samoa Joe in TNA as he looks for a third World Heavyweight Title reign? Tune in and find out!



Due to the chaotic situation that occurred at Sunday's Pay-Per-View, the tag team bout between America's Most Wanted, The James Gang, The Naturals, and Bentley & Kazarian never took place. However, TNA management has announced that tonight on SpikeTV new number-one contenders will be determined in a four-way match where each team will select a member to compete in the bout! The winner of the bout and his partner will be named the new top challengers to the tag team gold!



Also tonight, the stars of TNA's X-Division will be in action as Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, and Jay Lethal will be in six-man action against the pairing of The Paparazzi (Alex Shelley & Johnny Devine), and Petey Williams! Tune in to see some of the most innovative in-ring action in professional wrestling tonight on SpikeTV!


Seems like a good show, I'm looking forward to all three matches.

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Guest Connzilla

Rumor has it Killings is on his way out also the X-Divsion 6-man tag looks like it will be Match of the night

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I think I read that Killings was going to wrestle for a promotion started by Vampiro.


Is this right?


Anyway about it, it's a shame they didn't use the guy right when they had the chance to, like 2 or 3 years ago.

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Guest Connzilla

Yeah I heard Killings is going to RXLL(thats Vampiros Promotion) and Wrestling Society X hopefully Vampiro uses him right

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Yeah I heard Killings is going to RXLL(thats Vampiros Promotion) and Wrestling Society X hopefully Vampiro uses him right


I never heard the WSX story. I guess it make sense because Killings had a feud with A1 recently on Xplosion and even job to him.


Joe is also wrestling in RXLL and there is talk of using more TNA stars. They want to replace AAA as "TNA's little mexican friend".


EDIT: I just found out Ron Killings just signed a new deal with TNA a couple of weeks ago.

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A parody of himself, I hope.


If he's being serious with his heelness right now, then I feel bad for the guy. Because he's lost it.


Either way, the shit's funny.

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So uhh...is there any real reason they look like they're gonna competely no sell the build towards No Surrender?


I'm sure eventually the stuff going on now will lead to No surrender, but right now, all the talk is BFG.


I know it's their "Wrestlemania", and WWE can afford to build months early to WM, but TNa who's everything is based around their PPV every month, I don't really see why they're gonna build to BFG already.

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Jarrett celebrating while everyone was brawling was fucking hilarous.


With Brown and Killings out, the upper midcard for TNA looks pretty shitty.

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Guest Connzilla
Killings signed a new contract, I think.


I thought Brown quit, then came back?

I heard two storys on The Killings Situation


I heard Brown Might be leaving agian

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Fuck it. I don't care for Monty, and like we already talked about; Killings hasn't been used correctly in years.


He had a good match with Joe tonight, and it was fairly even as far as offense goes. And Killings is still over as hell.


I'm loving the Styles/Daniels vs LAX fued. Money promos from Daniels and Konnan tonight.


I dug the sixman, and the sixman pin was cool.


The AMW stuff was done very well. Storm can be a main eventer within a year, year and a half.


I really liked the Joe/Killings match. Good, competitive match. Hopefully if Killings did resign, then he'll be pushed right.


I'd like to see him go after Joe's title once he wins it.


The Christian interveiw was great television. Dude has always been able to cut a promo, and he cut a damn good one here.


No Nash segment sucks.

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They should have Killings transform into The oppressed Truth character that he was in 2002 and have him join LAX, becoming the top guy in the group with Homocide/Hernandez as the tag team enforcers with Konnan being the promo man. Konnan/Killings could cut some badass promos. Once Joe wins the title have Truth go after him in a long world title feud. Truth w/LAX v. Joe has money written all over it.

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That sounds good to me.


Throw in a tagfued for LAX with someone, hell, the current one with Styles/Daneils is fine. Then Joe can help them and visa versa whenever the entire LAX is jumping one of them.


Could all be really fucking good, if they do it right.

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LAX should be completely unpredictable like nWo was. They should be jumping anyone and everyone. Since Sting came out and cleaned house on them this week, I'd love next week's show to open with LAX jumping Sting, rubbing off his face paint, etc.


Throw in a tagfued for LAX with someone, hell, the current one with Styles/Daneils is fine. Then Joe can help them and visa versa whenever the entire LAX is jumping one of them.


Joe/Styles/Daniels v. LAX could be real fucking good as they could play off the history between Joe/Daniels/Styles with Joe playing the guy who unwillingly cooperates with with two guys that he used to feud with just so he could get at Truth/LAX.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
So uhh...is there any real reason they look like they're gonna competely no sell the build towards No Surrender?


I'm sure eventually the stuff going on now will lead to No surrender, but right now, all the talk is BFG.

Yeah, even on next week's Impact preview, it's like "all this, plus more news on the huge Bound For Glory Pay-Per-View event on Sunday, October 22nd!" What the fuck is up with this? Bound For Glory II isn't for another 9 weeks, No Surrender is just 5 weeks away.

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My TV peview for this week and next mention Bound For Glory and not No Surrender.


I guess they're basically saying,"Well, we know a cartain ammount of fans will order regardless. Everyone else, buy BFG! Sting's gonna win the title!!" and shit.

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Guest Connzilla

Thoughts On Tonights Impact!


Shit Daniels is busted open a minute into the show


AJ slammed on the ramp looked like it hurt


LAX is pissed about losing on Sunday


I liked The Lax-Styles Daniels Brawl


Great way to open up Impact


Rino out to make the safe Brown after Rhino

Brother Runt abyss start fightin Jarrett on his way to the Ring


All hell as broken lose


Sting cleans house with his bat


Sting Challenges Jarrett to a rematch at Bound For Glory a whole two months away what about no surrender and why do this match when every one wants Joe to win the title at Bound For Glory


A great fuckin way to open up Impact


Six Man Tag Time!!!


Petey is wearing a swank Black jersey


Graet Match I liked all the wrestlers in the match Lethal just needs a personailty


Heel Chirstian is the best Chirstian I loved the interview


Daniels is on the Arn Anderson Level of intense Promos IMO


Konnan cuts a damn good promo


LAX vs. Styles & Daniels next week in a BORDER BRAWL


The Bobby Roode Video Package kickedass


Didn't Kazarien leave the WWE becuase he had to cut his hair? Now He has a Buzz Cut WTF


4-way match was good but short


I think a AMW break up is in the making


The Crowd was chanting fight during the Harris-Storm altercation


Joe out first major over Joe chant starts up


Killings is out next he is also major over but is not used correctly


Holy shit this match is good but why a commercial two minutes into a tapped match


Goddamn this match is fucking awesome


Musclebuster and Joe gets the pin


Good to see an Impact main event no plagued by interfernces and no contest finishes


Jarrett Backstage same old Blah Blah Blah he answers Stings changle for Bound for Glory worst thing possible Joe should get the belt in Detroit


Well like last week good show with good matches and good promos what a great opening one thing that bugs me is for the second striaght week no Low-ki each one of your champions should be on TV each week how hard would it of been to have Low-Ki cut a 45 second promo about going into his match at Hard Justice with the odds agianst him and coming out on top and how he is going to stay on top and how saban has a tough row to tow at no surrender it wouldn't of been hard at all it could of aired right before the Main event but other than that good show and best hour of wrestling by far this week

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I was gonna type up a full review of the show, just because I've never done one before.


But Connzilla took out all the unnecesary shit that I would have written in between the points he made, and that post would be my review more or less.


Good show, I told my boy to watch because Steiner and Sting would be on, before I read the spoilers. He called me up like what the fuck, dude?


And I asked him if he liked anybody he saw on the show. He said he didn't know most.


But he recognized The Truth from K-Kwick, Rhyno, Konnan, BG James from Road Dogg and Jarrett.


He liked the Christian promo. He was a Capt. Carisma mark when he was in the WWE, and to see him takin' out Sting and Rhyno getting in his face, he was marking out. He said WWE are stupid for not letting Christian be this good.


Then I mentioned Joe, and he started goin' off about how bad ass dude was, and he loved the "Joe's Gonna Kill You" chants. He started askin' me,"remember when Joe did this?" and I'd explain what the shit was.


I sent him a few links to some good Joe shit. He said he couldn't get ino it because of the 6 sided ring when he tried watching it before.


So, there ya go, Sting and Steiner brought a fan in, and Christian and Joe kept him there.

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Good show. I agree with pretty much what everyone is saying about LAX, Killings/Joe and other stuff.


The only thing i didn't like was the Bobby Roode stuff. I'm sick of seeing these vignettes. Either wrestle or shut up. I haven't seen one thing from him that makes me think he's Not overrated.

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The only thing i didn't like was the Bobby Roode stuff. I'm sick of seeing these vignettes. Either wrestle or shut up. I haven't seen one thing from him that makes me think he's Not overrated.


Has he picked a manager yet?

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I think Roode will debut at BFG in 9 weeks which is close to the Canadian border and BCW fans will be in the house.


I miss tonight's episode, fell asleep. Who won the UFC fight on TUF?


I think TNA don't know what to do with Joe yet. Either win the title at BFG or wrestle an UFC star at BFG(Spike TV idea), they keeping all options open at the moment.


I think the plan should go like this.

Have Joe beat JJ at No Surrender in a non title match.

Have Sting beat JJ for the WOrld title at BFG. With that being JJ last match.

Have Joe beat an UFC fighter(Shamrock is the only guy I think is possible for the gig or either some guy like Chris Leben) at Bound for Glory

Have Sting beat Christian at Genesis.

Then have Joe beat Sting for the WOrld title at Turning Point to end the year off right.

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This was decent. The Christian/Rhino "backstage exclusive" was SOOOOO horrible. Everything about it was half-assed like they didn't actually expect to use it but then they did. The Christian promo after was awesome though. The cool thing about it is you can kind of see where he is coming from because it looks like he helped Sting a LOT in those clips and Sting just couldn't finish it. I'm wondering how Rhino will respond since he seems to be brought up a few times so far.

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Yeah but the only point of doing the Christian heel turn is to turn him and also job Sting out to Jarrett in a way that doesn't hurt him. Then set up the obligatory Sting/Christian feud. Right now Sting is like "Fuck Christian, I don't care about him. I still want Jarrett and the title." I guess that attitude is refreshing in some ways, but it's just not how booking is done. It's supposed to go "Okay Jarrett, I am going to kick Christian's ass now but I'll be back soon for the title."


Bobby Roode is a nobody. As I said in another thread, he was something like the 4th most talented guy in Team Canada behind Williams, Young, maybe even Devine.

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I guess 6 hours of UFC did'nt do any favors for Impact as it looks right now the fanbase is going to be 0.9-1.2 no matter what they do on tv.

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