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I'll be rooting for Baldomir too. He's been really fun to watch this year.


Some good action on the undercard for this as well.

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What are the predictions for Mayweather-Baldomir? Toughest fight of PBF's career, imo. Baldomir is Tough.


Castillo and Corrales are both better fighters then Baldomir. They were byfar the toughest fights of his career.


Mayweather will win by a wide desicion.


No way will Corralles be a tougher fight than Baldomir. Sure, he'll probably get hit twice as many times, but he's a bigger, more durable fighter who's not going to get dropped 5 times and will pressure Floyd throughout.


Corralles will probably go down as a better fighter than Bladomir, but that doesn't always have anything to do with being a tougher fight for a certain opponent.


I want Baldomir to win so bad, but Mayweather will knock him out in the 5th.


You're giving Baldomir less credit than Gatti? Come on.

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I like Baldomir a lot, but he's fighting somebody that's on a completely different planet than him. Mayweather destroyed Gatti, and I think he'll do the same here. When Floyd's most focused, nobody can beat him.


Baldomir is a far more superior fighter than Gatti, but Floyd has progressed a lot since he beat Arturo. Both fighters don't matchup particularly well with PBF.

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I like Baldomir a lot, but he's fighting somebody that's on a completely different planet than him. Mayweather destroyed Gatti, and I think he'll do the same here. When Floyd's most focused, nobody can beat him.


But there's no way Floyd is going to be able to KO Bladomir, short of climbing a a ring post and landing a leaping Superman punch on the back of Baldo's head, and at no point is Baldo likely to simply stand around and play dead like Gatti and get TKO'ed.


For all the hype Arturro gets, Bladomir is about 5 times as durable as Gatti ever was.

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Baldomir is a fighter that hasn't been on TV much here, so there's a pretty small sample size for him. With the fighters on his record, I'm not going to make the assumption that he won't be knocked out.

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So Judah & Gatti, both bigger punchers than Floyd, teeing off on Bladomir and getting little in response except smirks and right hands alone isn't enough? I've seen Bladomir a little bit more than most people and while he hasn't faced a fighter on Floyd's level, there's no denying that the guy is tough as nails with a solid chin.


I still don't see logic in thinking the tough, linear welterweight champion is going to be KO'ed at all by a smaller, relatively-light puncher at all, much less quicker than someone like Gatti or Sharmba fucking Mitchell.

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Let's look at the guys Floyd has KO'd.


Emmanuel Augustus only was KO'd twice before he fought Mayweather, one of which was a clear dive in Denmark. Watch the video if you can find it, it's pretty hilarious.


Genaro Hernandez got whooped by Floyd. I don't think I need to elaborate further about Genaro.


Justin Juuko was a good fighter, and his loss to Floyd ruined his career.


Jesus Chavez was destroyed by Floyd.


Look how many corner stoppages are on Floyd's record, and then try to say that he's not a great puncher. If guy's trainers are jumping in, their fighter is getting fucked up.


Baldomir's a great fighter, and my KO5 is a hunch pick, but regardless of hunches or any of that, I still think he'll get knocked out, most likely later in the fight.


EDIT: I didn't want to point out the more obvious ones, like "weak chin" Corrales, Gatti, Manfredy or Mitchell.

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Look how many corner stoppages are on Floyd's record, and then try to say that he's not a great puncher. If guy's trainers are jumping in, their fighter is getting fucked up.


Floyd's a great fighter and technician, but it's not as though he has tremendous one punch power like a Trinidad or even a Gatti. He overwhelms guys with the volume and accuracy of his punches, and thus stops guys who may have taken harder single shots from bigger guys before.


However, Baldomir is a full 2-3 weight classes above many of Floyd's best opponents. That alone will have a dramatic effect on how well he'll be able to take Floyd's punches. Also, it's not as though Carlos hasn't been hit with a high volume of hard shots before. Judah basically used him as target practice for half of their fight, and never came close to discouraging him, and while not nearly as technically sound of a fighter as Floyd, he's a physically talented guy who carried a bit of his power to 147lbs.

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Floyd's a great fighter and technician, but it's not as though he has tremendous one punch power like a Trinidad or even a Gatti. He overwhelms guys with the volume and accuracy of his punches, and thus stops guys who may have taken harder single shots from bigger guys before.

Yeah, I can agree with that.

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Baldomir probably won't hit the canvas, but I can see it ending in the second half of the fight on cuts or a twenty-punch barrage. Still a very interesting fight. Baldomir is like a bigger, rougher, stronger Castillio.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

How prone is Baldomir to cuts? I haven't followed him THAT closely. I know he's not really a knockout specialist, which works in Floyd's favor. When has PBF really been hit hard in his career?

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The Mighty Mike Arnaoutis vs Ricardo Torres fight underneath Morales-PacMan 3 will now be for the vacant wbo 140lb belt.

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I guess Lyakovich called Briggs a nigger.


Briggs claims that his fire has been fueled by a supposed racial remark directed toward him from Liakhovich. He angrily remarked, “I heard he called my a nigger through somebody else. That’s a touchy subject. A nigger means ignorant person. I’m a be ignorant Saturday night, very ignorant.”

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I guess Lyakovich called Briggs a nigger.


Briggs claims that his fire has been fueled by a supposed racial remark directed toward him from Liakhovich. He angrily remarked, “I heard he called my a nigger through somebody else. That’s a touchy subject. A nigger means ignorant person. I’m a be ignorant Saturday night, very ignorant.”



Sounds like bullshit thought, I hate the whole "though somebody else" I mean if he thinks Liakhovich said, call him out about at the press conference and let Liakhovich respond.......


Anyways, thoughts on Baldomir/Mayweather. To me it is what we don't know about Baldomir that will make or break the fight for him. Is he going to stay distanced from Mayweather, allowing Floyd to hit combinations, or is he going to walk through his punches like he did Gatti, and storm on the inside with body punches to set up head shots.


Jose Luis Castillo's first fight with PBF, was Floyd's toughest to date, and you'd think Baldomir would that sort of gameplan....We already know what Floyd is going to bring to the fight, so I think it is more up to Baldomir to go out and take this fight from PBF.

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Briggs-Lyakhovich (A fight that probably would have made television a few years ago) has really become interesting.


It'll be nice to see Juan Diaz again as well.

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So I heard that Mayweather whipped Baldo's ass.


I can't believe that Shannon Briggs holds a heavyweight belt.

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And Briggs scores the shocking upset in an otherwise crappy fight. Briggs looked as terrible as ever while Liakhovich and his corner seemed contempt with a head scratching minimalist strategy of trying to win while doing as absolutely little as possible. Odd approach from the guy that overwhelmed Brewester.

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Considering the brewster fight was the first time Sergei had ever looked exceptional, it was only a matter of time before he lost his title.


But to Shannon fuckin' Briggs? Good fuckin' Lord.

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Christ...Briggs has the size advantage, its his first title shot in years, and he called his opponent a 'faggot' among other things...then he fights like a pussy for 11 1/2 rounds? One of the most pathetic displays I had ever seen in boxing. Briggs just completely lucked into a title belt. Lame.


Bring on DLH-PBF.

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Liakhovich was awkward and sloppy as hell in the Brewster fight but he was still very busy and threw lots of clean combos. Briggs was a walking statuesqe target last night, yeah really odd turn of events overall.


"and he called his opponent a 'faggot' among other things...then he fights like a pussy for 11 1/2 rounds?"


Yes, this is on top of a horrid fight is not the type of thing the heavyweight division needs. Especially from a guy that supposively won for America, never mind most of the Europeans are fighting out of US cities now.....

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I was glad they didnt try another 'Americas Last Line of Defense!' type ad-campaign for this fight...considering they were in Sergei's hometown of Phoenix.


How do you call a guy a faggot then keep your distance for an entire fight waiting for the guy to practically fall before you throw some serious punches? Unreal.


Promote this, Don King - "America's Champion: Big Fat Bitch!"

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