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Celestino Caballero stalked Steve Molitor around like a horny gazelle for 4 rounds before dropping him with some glancing punches via his laces, and finishing him off moments later. The fight was good for a laugh and 20 bucks from my buddy who was convinced that Molitor was the goods.

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I argued with a guy on some other message board a year ago telling him that Molitor would get slaughtered by anyone worth a shit. I feel vindicated.

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Caballero is alright, and has a weird style which is hard for other guys to beat. Which makes him pretty good, I guess. Plus, with his height, awfully tough to beat at 122.

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A fine performance from Wlad, who finally dusted off his big left hook. Not viewer friendly because a terrified Rahman spent the fight hiding in a shell and refusing to fight but what can you do? Shame Povetkin pulled out of the fight. Looking forward to him and Haye being put to sleep.



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Not viewer friendly because a terrified Rahman spent the fight hiding in a shell and refusing to fight but what can you do?


Partly, but Wladimir hasn't been the most entertaining guy to watch for a while now. His safety-first style has made him that much harder to beat, but I doubt you're going to find many people who'll argue it makes him much fun to watch, especially compared to the more offensively varied if also defensively flawed fighter he was a couple of years ago.


Besides, Rahman is as shopwarn as a fighter can get, and was wasn't even in great shape coming in, so a plodding, seven round jab fest was hardly what most people would expect against such competition.


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Not viewer friendly because a terrified Rahman spent the fight hiding in a shell and refusing to fight but what can you do?


Partly, but Wladimir hasn't been the most entertaining guy to watch for a while now. His safety-first style has made him that much harder to beat, but I doubt you're going to find many people who'll argue it makes him much fun to watch, especially compared to the more offensively varied if also defensively flawed fighter he was a couple of years ago.


Besides, Rahman is as shopwarn as a fighter can get, and was wasn't even in great shape coming in, so a plodding, seven round jab fest was hardly what most people would expect against such competition.



I would personally like to see more of this but than again Austin was trying to box Wlad and got caught with his hands down.



Yeah, Wlad especially now is not a fast finisher. He is very methodical and patient but his more recent run of overmatched survival minded opponents haven't helped matters and should share the blame. While the Sultan fight was unwatchable, I think the boredom of Wlad fights is greatly exaggerated. The Brock and Thompson fights for instance weren't that bad.

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The Brock fight was good, but the Thompson fight was pretty mind-numbing, if not comparatively to the rest of Wlad's bouts. And regardless of how much blame you think his opponents have to share in his uneventful fights of late, they all have a common component: Wlad 1-1-1-1-2-1-1-2'ing all night long.


Put pretty well by elsewhere:


Here's a good question: When is a knockout puncher, no fun to watch fight? When he's Wladmir Klitscho.


It's hard to watch Wlad now. He's just bad on the senses. His fights no longer have drama, even though there is a fight ending threat possible in any shot e throws out there. The excitment comes when the fight ends, because you get to do something else.


Is he #1? Of course he is. Vitali has no claim to that place. But I damn well know I'd rather be watching the older brother fight....something I swear to god I'd never thought I'd be saying five years ago.


For all of his technical inferiority and awkwardness, Vitali does at least show alot of aggression and even more punch variety in his fight, and is intent on clubbing an opponent to death.


The most entertaining part of last night's title defense was Lewis making like a British Raul Marquez, and basically taking Wlad to task for so methodically toying with Lennox's leftovers.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Just saw the Pacquiao/De la Hoya fight and boy howdy was that a slaughter. Oh did I enjoy watching that.


The Wlad fight was ugly, but considering that Rahman landed THIRTY punches the entire fight, I have a tough time blaming the champ for a snoozer. I LOVE slugfests, but at the same time, Wlad's been doing everything right to win his fights lately. He's very well-conditioned, and is simply using a successful technique. Crisp jabs and rights, and blocking with his hands. That's a lot different than John Ruiz boring.

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The Brock fight was good, but the Thompson fight was pretty mind-numbing, if not comparatively to the rest of Wlad's bouts. And regardless of how much blame you think his opponents have to share in his uneventful fights of late, they all have a common component: Wlad 1-1-1-1-2-1-1-2'ing all night long.


For all of his technical inferiority and awkwardness, Vitali does at least show alot of aggression and even more punch variety in his fight, and is intent on clubbing an opponent to death.


The most entertaining part of last night's title defense was Lewis making like a British Raul Marquez, and basically taking Wlad to task for so methodically toying with Lennox's leftovers.


Wlad actually brought good offensive variety to the Thompson fight. Thompson just ate big punches, he was also at least game enough to bruise and pound Wlad's body. Actually Wlad's most difficult and competitive opponent since Brock.



The more exciting Wlad fighting Mercer, Wlad bringing similar offense against the difficult Thompson.


Against Rahman, Wlad also threw right hand leads and left hooks frequently. Rahman just spent the fight laying on the ropes, ducked low with his gloves high. Wlad could have pushed and forced the issue more, but he is the Champion and maybe the challenger should be taking more risks in making a fight of it. I agree completely with Agent of Oblivion.


And by the way, Adamek and Cunningham was a fun dramatic fight that I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned yet. Should have aired on HBO or Showtime, VS. commentary is just horrible.


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Tonight I met Elmo Henderson.


I work at a Verizon Wireless as a seasonal greeter (temp job) and about 20 minutes before I got off work, this older woman walked in and started asking about a service, a few minutes this taller, older, man walked in. I asked him what he came in for and he said "the lights, the lights brought me in.".


I kinda figured he was with the older woman, so I let him walk around the store and kinda kept an eye on him just to make sure everything was alright. A minute later he walked up to me and told me that he used to box and that he knocked out Muhammad Ali in San Antonio in 3 rounds in a exhibition match.


At first, I had trouble believing it because he kinda seemed a wee bit off and my manager who was standing next to me didn't really believe it either. He also talked about how he's been to Africa for the Rumble in the Jungle and his wife (?) told both me and my manger that he was telling the truth and told the story. I was in freaking awe.


I started talking to Elmo a little more as he really wanted to tell me about his boxing career. We talked about his travels. He told me how he went to Africa twice, Sydney Australia, and another country. He told me he was George Foreman's sparring partner for the Rumble in Jungle.


Here's a link that tells his story; Elmo Henderson's story


I met someone who fought and knocked out Muhammad Ali. Fucking small crazy world.

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Utter domination tonight from Wladimir Klitschko.


it easy when the other guy doesn't look like he wants to be there. Rahman threw a few punches early in the fight, but was getting his face jabbed off and just stuck around for a beating. I did not get the leaning against the ropes deal, he wouldn't fit, and it was clear that Klitschko wasn't going to punch himself out or anything

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I didn't know you could win a fight without landing a single power shot. Some of these rounds Valuev didn't even land a punch. What a load of dogshit.


I don't even think I can watch boxing anymore. What the fuck.

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The AP's version of events.


The 46-year-old American started the fight brightly, moving around the ring to neutralize Valuev's long reach advantage. The 7-foot Russian, the tallest and heaviest champion ever, struggled to close down Holyfield but began asserting his jab as the fight wore on.


And SI.com's blogger.


The chorus of critics who insisted this fight would end in farce ... well, they were right. But nobody could have forseen this. To be sure, Holyfield never dominated the action against Valuev tonight in Zurich. But the American fought a smart fight and did enough to earn a decisive points victory against a champion who, during many stretches, simply refused to engage. What a sham.

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How pathetic is it that the most trumped up heavyweight fighters of our decade (I'm looking at you too Johnny Ruiz) can't even dispatch Evander Holyfield in his 40s?


To be fair, I don't think Holyfield was quite 40 during the Ruiz trilogy, and wasn't far removed from having twice gone the distance with Lewis. Of course, drunken recall isn't always reliable.


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