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Guest TysonTomko420

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Isn't WrestleMania supposed to be the blow off show of all blow off shows? Why are all these feuds extending for?


Because new ideas are hard dammit! They don't get paid to think of interesting things every month, like new stories with interesting draws to capture the audience and make them care. God, next you'll want to know what the HBK/Vince feud is really all about.

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They've been doing that for a while now...you're now surprised?


They did it with Benoit/HHH/HBK, HHH/Batista, Cena/JBL, Angle/Eddie...



Two years of doing it versus 19 years of not doing it isn't really a while, but I guess it's the new way of doing things...

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Well, it's technically three with WM 20, 21 and 22, but those are just the ones I mentioned.


19 was alright for it, IIRC.


Jericho/Hunter from 18. Austin/Rock from 17, IIRC.


You might be on to something.


Mania 21 HHH/Cena extended

Mania 20 Triple Threat extended

Mania 19 the feud continued later

Mania 18 extended

Mania X7 doesn't really count because the match was the next night and it was continued down the road

Mania 2000 extended

Mania 15 extended

Mania 14 blown off



Mania 14 was the last true blow off main event...wow

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They've been doing stuff like that for awhile now.


In addition to what CC mentioned:


Brock and Angle kept feuding throughout '03 after WM 19.

HHH and Jericho had a PPV rematch two months after WM 18.

Rock and HHH feuded forever after WM 2000.

Rock and Austin had a big rematch after WM 15.


Even after WM 14, Taker/Kane and Rock/Shamrock kept on feuding for months.


I don't like it either but it's hardly anything new. Ever since the demise of IYH, it's been pretty common. The instances in which they don't continue with a lot of the top feuds have been due more to injuries or guys leaving than anything else.

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Eventually a WrestleMania main event will happen again so no feud is truly blown off. But there has to be a proper amount of time before two wrestlers can wrestle again and the match not feel like it is a continuation of a feud. I would say the proper amount of time needed for this is at least six months. What do you guys think?

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WM13 had Austin/Bret go on for months after.


That wasn't a main event. (if you were responding to snake). Of course, ME angles won't get blown off because they only started 6 weeks before Mania.

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WM13 had Austin/Bret go on for months after.


That wasn't a main event. (if you were responding to snake). Of course, ME angles won't get blown off because they only started 6 weeks before Mania.


He said "Why are all these feuds extending for?", not just the main event.





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After seeing the Spirit Squad ring entrance and some of the spots Kenny has executed since coming on, Ken Doane may actually give Shelton Benjamin competition for "most athletic". I have some OVW stuff with Ken Doane and while you could see he is a gifted athlete, I've never seen him display his raw athleticism like he does on Raw.

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After seeing the Spirit Squad ring entrance and some of the spots Kenny has executed since coming on, Ken Doane may actually give Shelton Benjamin competition for "most athletic". I have some OVW stuff with Ken Doane and while you could see he is a gifted athlete, I've never seen him display his raw athleticism like he does on Raw.


I was serious, the other day. Once Doane drops the cheerleader gimmick (and by god, they are actually getting over to the dismay of many here) and goes on his own, Doane will main event WMXXVIII.

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Dug this little nugget up from the Torch. It's a follow up to the SNME ratings flop..



The March 18 Saturday Night's Main Event drew a 3.1 rating. Ratings for NBC on Apr. 1 - up against a much higher profile NCAA game than WWE went up against - were above 5.0. Repeats of Saturday Night Live - out of prime time - draw ratings in the 4.0-4.2 range. So, other than the positive of drawing strong in a key young male demo, the ratings for SNME are weaker than typical NBC programming, which didn't bode well for the XFL's staying power.

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Here is the latest Foley is Blog:




Foley is Blog: Reflecting on WrestleMania

By Mick Foley

April 5, 2006


I now stand corrected. I wrote a few weeks ago that WrestleMania X-Seven was my favorite ’Mania from a personal standpoint in that I was able to stand back and really enjoy the atmosphere surrounding the event. While I may have had too much pressure on me to really take in the atmosphere this time around, I ended up leaving WrestleMania 22 with so many great memories that this year’s experience left X-Seven in the dust.


I loved Bret Hart’s speech at Saturday night’s WWE Hall of Fame event. I was happy that I got to see so many members of the extended Hart family before the event, and I was shocked to see how much Bret’s kids had grown since I had seen them last (probably right around November 1997). I questioned the decision to put people that Bret doesn’t particularly care for front and center, and I wondered at the decision to show so many reaction shots of those people during Bret’s speech. Did the production team not know the hard feelings Bret has toward those people, or were they deliberately using those reaction shots to make for good television? Either way, I think it would have been more appropriate to go to more reaction shots of Bret’s friends during the speech.


It would have been easy for Bret to go negative. He didn’t. Instead, he delivered a speech that was both funny and touching on a night that I believe will give Bret a healing sense of closure to his legendary career.


I must admit that upon hearing of Bret’s induction, I wrote the “Hit Man” a letter, volunteering to induct him. As it turned out, Stone Cold was a better choice, especially because he and Bret had engaged in one of the all-time great ’Mania matches. But it certainly would have been an honor to be up on that stage with Bret.


I was also very happy to see Eddie Guerrero honored. As a lot of you know, I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the way Eddie’s memory was being handled several weeks ago. But I decided to give it some time before I judged the whole thing, and I’m happy to say that I am now much more comfortable with how the whole thing is being handled.


So many of my other great memories of the weekend involve the Guerreros. It’s a little-known fact that I am the only active WWE guy around (alright, I understand the word “active” is a little bit of an overstatement) who worked with all three of Eddie’s brothers, Hector, Mando, and Chavo Sr. That match goes back to 1988 at AWA Superclash III, and although the match will not go down in anybody’s book as an all-time classic (although it certainly didn’t stink), I have always gotten along very well with all three brothers. (WATCH*)


I spoke to Eddie’s wife Vickie for the first time since his death. I had always thought that Eddie liked me, but it was certainly nice to have Vickie confirm it. It seems that our time together as roommates in Iraq had meant as much to him as it did to me.


Not being a “SmackDown guy” until recently, I only had Melina’s televised performances on which to judge her. Based on those, I wouldn’t have guessed that the girl had a kind bone in her body. But seeing the love and care she gave to Eddie’s children in the hours leading up to ’Mania was truly touching. I’ve got to admit, I used to get a lot of thoughts in my head when I saw Melina, my all-time favorite bad girl on television, but “Wow, one day she’s going to make a great mother!” never really made the list. And, no, this is probably not an appropriate place for a gratuitous Melina photo. Maybe next week. Okay, definitely next week.


Oh yeah, I also had a match at ’Mania. Did it steal the show, as Edge proclaimed the next night on RAW? According to some, it did. Was it the classic ’Mania match that I was shooting for? I don’t know. Ultimately, that’s up to you fans and the passage of time to decide. I do know that it was very good, and, unless everyone who talked to me afterward was trying to protect my feelings, it may have been great. As far as defining WrestleMania “moments” go, I’ve got to believe that the image of Edge and I crashing through the burning table will prove to be an incredible one. (Although I’d really like to do a public service announcement warning kids not to try anything remotely like it at home.)


I’m always super-critical of my own matches. Come to think of it, I’m always super-critical of Al Snow’s matches, too. So, as good as I thought it was, my initial reaction was: “Man, my underwear is really showing.” And I couldn’t help but notice that I was about 25 pounds too heavy to really look dangerous.


But Edge was tremendous. In my opinion, (although this might not be politically correct), Edge is the best heel in the business. His willingness to go all out in his first match of this type is an indication of his dedication to his craft. And I can only wonder what was going through Lita’s head as she went for her little piggy back ride over the top rope — the most dangerous part of an out-of-control, 700-pound package. She was a vital part of the match. If, indeed, the fans’ opinions and the passage of time deem the match a classic, it will be in no small part because of her.


Yeah, it was a great weekend, and I really want to thank everyone involved for making it so special. I’m not sure what I will write about next week. But please log on in two weeks, when I will do my best to explain the story behind the gratuitous Melina photos in an article I would like to call, “The Story Behind the Gratuitous Melina Photos.”


*Watch this mach as often as you like over a seven-day period for only $1.49.

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In my opinion, (although this might not be politically correct), Edge is the best heel in the business.

I don't really like Foley these days but he's right on the money with that.

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I really do wanna like Edge. I really do wanna be mad at HHH for making Edge look like his personal nugget, but as I've said a million times before, until Edge ditches the spear from his moveset, I'll never weep for seeing him plunger back to the midcard.

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I really do wanna like Edge. I really do wanna be mad at HHH for making Edge look like his personal nugget, but as I've said a million times before, until Edge ditches the spear from his moveset, I'll never weep for seeing him plunger back to the midcard.


Give Foley five bucks and a can of Beefaroni, and he'll write this in his next blog.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

The DVD MB had a great thread on God as Shawn's partner. here's the highlights IMO:


Michaels will take the heat of the match & then make the hot tag to God.


Flash of light, two pillars of salt that use to be VKM & Son = The winners of the match, HBK & God.


Unless the McMahons add a "No Miracles or Plagues" stipulation that forces a DQ.


I'm surprised The Supreme Being agreed to this. I guess it came down to Him wanting creative input over the Best of God DVD set Vince is putting out next quarter. If He hadn't agreed to the match, they were going to put out "The Self-Destruction of Jesus Christ" instead.


I predict shenanigans: Michaels does something completely insane off a ladder onto Vince or something, Joey Styles yells "OH MY GOD," God turns around to look at Joey going "What? Dude, are you taking my name in vain? Stop that shit." And BAM, when the ref's not looking, nutshot from Shane, rollup, grabbing the robes, McMahons win.


If Backlash took place on Easter Sunday, this would be the greatest angle of all times.


I honestly think that HBK should grow a full moustache & beard for the match & come to the ring in white ring attire. And then blade Only from the forehead, his palms, his feet, & his right side


God is a monster face & the People's Champ. He shouldn't sell for blasphemers like the McMahons


Actually, Vince didn't specify which god, did he? Shit, with 4 arms, Vishnu could pull out submissions that would make Dean Malenko blow his load.


Vince will probably go full-out with the sacrilege; have them build a shallow reflecting pond so he can "walk on water" during his entrance, hand out fish and loaves to the crowd, do a Last Supper vignette backstage. Stuff like that.


God loves even the most vile sinner. That's a Ricky Steamboat level of baby face.


God does do some tweener stuff in Revelation, so we'll have to see what the bookers do with the angle.


Read the Easter Story. Jesus always kicks out before the 3 count


What's the over/under on God testing positive for a performance enhancing drug?


"We'd like to wish God well in all of his future endeavors."


Shawn beats the hell out of Shane and Vince. Spirit Squad runs in and turns the tide to the McMahons. Amazing Grace hits the speakers and out walks God with the spirits of Eddy and Owen Hart. Shawn cracks a grin, knowing the REAL Spirit Squad is in the house. Eddy and Owen clear the ring as God walks to ringside. Shawn offers Owen his hand in friendship, only to be given a low blow from behind by Eddy. Owen locks in the sharpshooter and God yells at the time keeper "RING THE BELL! RING THE ME-DAMNED BELL!!" A swerve of, (cough), Biblical proportions.


Actually as I understand it, the WWE quietly bought all of the rights to Heaven (which was going under to the high upkeep of the pearl gates, streets of gold, etc.) for the video footage for WWE 24/7, so he now owns all intellectual properties and trademarks including, but not limited to "God", "Yaweh", "Allah", "Holy Spirit", etc. That's how they got the rights to "Spirit Squad". So Vince is protected and keeps the gimmick should God go to TNA.


"You saw Him part the Red Sea, now watch Him part the ropes for the first time at Backlash..."


The contract signing for Vince V God will be intense. Each participant seated at a table in the middle of the ring, their sons at their side.


Vince: As owner of WWE I demand that I be allowed to choose the stipulation for our match.

God: Silence blasphemer! As the Alpha and Omega I will decide the stipulation. And you will know that I am the Lord, your God!

Vince: Now just wait a damned minute! Who died and made you (glances at Jesus), oh yeah. Nevermind.


I'm an Atheist, does that mean I'll be watching a handicap match or does it mean I should be rooting for the McMahons? I'm confused...


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Or how about this when Shawn is in the ring with Vince and tags in God for the first time all of a sudden Vinces eyes roll into the back of his head, he starts speaking in demon talk and then he starts splitting pea soup out of his mouth and eyes and then his head starts spinning.

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Or how about this when Shawn is in the ring with Vince and tags in God for the first time all of a sudden Vinces eyes roll into the back of his head, he starts speaking in demon talk and then he starts splitting pea soup out of his mouth and eyes and then his head starts spinning.

So...a typical Saturday night for him then, right?

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Guest JRE

Is this God/Michaels vs. The McMahons angle supposed to be like those Christian wrestling shows with Sting and Ted DiBiase?

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I really do wanna like Edge. I really do wanna be mad at HHH for making Edge look like his personal nugget, but as I've said a million times before, until Edge ditches the spear from his moveset, I'll never weep for seeing him plunger back to the midcard.


He doesn't need to drop the spear, he just needs a real finisher and that inverted DDT type thing he use to do isn't going to cut it. Problem is he's tall but not strong enough to pull off a power finisher and too tall and lanky to make a submission move look real. He needs to find something that will look believable and I'm sure this isn't new information to Edge.

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