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Spaceman Spiff

The Amazing Race: 10 Edition

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Good episode, mainly because it increased Dustin and Candice's hotness quotient tenfold. More running in shorts, plz.

One of them is starting to leave the other in the dust though. Dustin, I think. Kandice looks like she's starting to get more stressed as this goes on.


Doesn't look like there's going to be a Yield. That new Intersection looks intriguing, though.

Two possibilities - teams have to work together to complete a task a la Treasure Hunters, or it's some sort of head-to-head to determine a departure time.


And two legs in a row where they're shown something and simply told to find it without knowing what or where it is (save for the country). It's like they're trying to make things "hard" for the teams...

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Two possibilities - teams have to work together to complete a task

This is probably it. The preview said something like "1 of these teams (Alabama and I forget the other) must work together with Dustin & Kandice".

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I didn't...I wanted them to get eliminated, and they did. My wife was out-and-out in tears, though.


I like the Intersection. It's a neat little twist. I especially liked that the two teams I like the most (BQs and Chos) teamed up, instead of saddling them with the other two teams.


I was actually thinking the FF teams might even finish last. That looked like hell. I couldn't have done it.

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Yay blondes!

Pretty funny that Bama & Kentucky were all "nuh-uh, we ain't working with the blondes", because either of them could have probably benefited from doing so (provided they wou;dn't have been sniping at each other the whole time). That's OK by me, since it meant neither of them could drag them down (I actually thought the Chos would drag them down a bit, since I thought the bros would be all mopey and unmotivated).


I bet each of those teams is going to make a point of checking the gas whenever they hail a taxi. The Cho's getting 2 taxis that had to stop for gas - wow.

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Thank God Mary is gone. She could not have been more annoying, and their team certainly didn't deserve the THREE chances to win they still ended up wasting.

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I really wish 'Bama would have been booted off instead of David and Mary. Neither team is/was particularly strong, but at least it was entertaining to watch Mary react to every new locale with wide-eyed amazement and wonder.


The Blondes are slowly but surely growing on me, while the supremely arrogant alliance of Rob/Kimberly and Tyler/James is getting on my nerves. I've never seen someone complete a Fast Forward yet not finish in first.

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Thank God Mary is gone. She could not have been more annoying, and their team certainly didn't deserve the THREE chances to win they still ended up wasting.

Funny, but I didn't see Mary as annoying as, say, Dr. Douche or Rob or Kimberly or Sarah. The bickering with Dave is the way they seem to do things, and they never let it get way out of control (like Dr. Douche and Rob). And for a woman who probably never even left her hometown, Mary was pretty open-minded about a lot of things and it was fun to see how she was enjoying the adventure afforded her and Dave by the Race.


With that being said, this was about the furthest that they should've gone. The Chos could only carry them so far.


I think Intersection would've worked better had this come up earlier in the Race. At this stage of the Race, I wrote "bye, Kentucky" the moment they decided to team up with Alabama. Not a good omen when the two weakest teams are teaming up to complete a task.


I've never seen someone complete a Fast Forward yet not finish in first.

It's happened three times before:

- Team Guido nearly got eliminated after gaining the FF and arriving last in season one (they were saved by a time penalty to another team)

- Father and gay son Dennis and Andrew took a FF in season three but were way behind to begin with and were eliminated

- Footballers wives Monica and Sheree finished fourth after completing the FF in season four.


I'd have to say that the layout of this leg was specifically designed to screw over the FF group because two teams would get the FF and could be supremely overconfident about their placing in this leg (which they were). The Detour was tough, but the Roadblock was a nothing task and were it not for Godwin's taxi driver needing to refuel, the Chos would probably have been second.


I liked the look on Rob's face when Phil told them they were 3rd. You could literally see the letters "WTF" forming above his head.

I thought that that was his normal look?

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Kind of a "meh" episode tonight. It was kinda jarring for the episode to just end after Tyler and James completed their task, with three of the other teams still running around crazily trying to figure out where to go next.

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I kinda figured it was going to be an extended leg just by the number of tasks & travelling that was going on. Kinda surprised, though, that we didn't get the "Phil stands there, only to give them a clue" fake out.


I wonder how much of a time gap there is between the Blondes & the other 3 teams. The blondes & models got the 1-hour head start on the train, so I'm assuming they were able to keep most of that lead. I'm guessing they ended the episode that way so we couldn't see the Blondes at the top awaiting their turn w/ no other teams in sight (other than the Models).

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I think this is the first season I can remember where NONE of the final 5 teams deserve to win due to either stupidity or just a general quality that makes them unlikable.

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1) An all-female team has never won the race so there's something to root for there


2) They've proven that they're serious competitors


3) They're smokin' hot.


What's not to like here?

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1) An all-female team has never won the race so there's something to root for there


2) They've proven that they're serious competitors


3) They're smokin' hot.


What's not to like here?

Not enough tasks which require them to strip down.


Right now only AL are the only team that's really exceeded expectations. Apparently they break their alliance with the Chos next ep, which is about the best thing that could happen to those guys. Freed from the shackles of the Backpack alliance, we can see if they can actually do well when they're only looking out for themselves.

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Just read the recaplet over at TWOP, and the recapper mentioned something that I totally missed - Alabama was all upset when the Models jumped ahead of them in line a few episodes ago at the airport ticket counter due to the Blondes saying "they're with us", yet last night's episode had Alabama jumping way ahead in the line for the cabs in Finland.

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Just read the recaplet over at TWOP, and the recapper mentioned something that I totally missed - Alabama was all upset when the Models jumped ahead of them in line a few episodes ago at the airport ticket counter due to the Blondes saying "they're with us", yet last night's episode had Alabama jumping way ahead in the line for the cabs in Finland.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Miss Alli doesn't miss much.

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1) An all-female team has never won the race so there's something to root for there


2) They've proven that they're serious competitors


3) They're smokin' hot.


What's not to like here?


It's hard to root for two chicks who basically have "everything" to get some more. Win or lose this race they'll end up marrying some rich dudes and end up with a house with a white picket fence, a dog and 2.3 children anyway.


Bold prediction: The Barbies don't make the Final 3.

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1) An all-female team has never won the race so there's something to root for there


2) They've proven that they're serious competitors


3) They're smokin' hot.


What's not to like here?


It's hard to root for two chicks who basically have "everything" to get some more. Win or lose this race they'll end up marrying some rich dudes and end up with a house with a white picket fence, a dog and 2.3 children anyway.


Bold prediction: The Barbies don't make the Final 3.

They'd have to mess up pretty badly for that to happen. I don't see it. Nor do I want to.

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See, The Barbie's aren't the brightest bulbs in the shed but every other team has made just as many if not more stupid errors then them. Team Zoolander has proven to be horrible with directions, as have Rob and Kimberly. It's not like the Blondes are just waiting to be picked off here.

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The only really dumb thing the Blondes have done is think that the guys working at the airport had no idea what they were doing and had the nerve to call one of them stupid directly in front of him.

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I'm assuming Lyn and Carlyn are eliminated next which means the other 4 teams are pretty comparable. One misstep and the Barbies are done. I think they'll make theirs at the worst possible time and finish 4th. I have a bad feeling Rob & Kim end up winning this.

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It sucked that the Chos got eliminated, but they really deserved it for all the non-racing they did. Plus, seeing them nearly get arrested was pretty funny.


Alabama really pissed me off in the previews with their "what goes around comes around" comment about yielding the BQs. What the hell did they ever do to them that would need to come back around? If we're talking about things coming back around, Bama should be eliminated next leg for thigs like stealing that poor guy's cab from last week.

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OK, if the purpose of this episode was to show that the Chos screwed themselves over by waiting for Alabama and NOT TRUSTING THEIR FRAKKING MAP, then mission accomplished.


Alabama really pissed me off in the previews with their "what goes around comes around" comment about yielding the BQs. What the hell did they ever do to them that would need to come back around? If we're talking about things coming back around, Bama should be eliminated next leg for thigs like stealing that poor guy's cab from last week.

I believe that they're from the school of "make snap judgements about people, and don't change your opinion despite any evidence to the contrary".

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