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Like Lee said the ps3 i understand cuz they are harder to find but to sell the wii on ebay for only 50 to 100 proffit is not worth the hasssle.

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I never understood so I ask of you all: when supplies are limited on these systems, how do these knuckleheads end up with more than one system (that they turn around and sell for stupid amounts of money)? How do they walk out of the store with more than 1 system in their hands or do they manage to snag multiple systems through other means?

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through other means, I have witnessed before where they will go with more than one family member and spread through the line and do it that way. Well at least one person when i bought the wii was doing that.

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dont know dude, but the douche was with his gf and he was boasting on how he was gonna sell the one she was "buying" on ebay. Bastards I tell you!!!

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dont know dude, but the douche was with his gf and he was boasting on how he was gonna sell the one she was "buying" on ebay. Bastards I tell you!!!


makes you appreciate the story about the people getting robbed while waiting in line...that is if these schmucks were the ones getting robbed.

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They didn't have the Wiimotes... I never see them anywhere. Had a handful of Nunchuks, though.


That's why I'm waiting for Wii Play. Might even get a few of them.


They do go fast. When they arrived UPS, I snagged one for me and another coworker snagged two for her system. Also just for you cats to know, Wii systems never ever come UPS. Accessories and Games yes... Systems no. However PS3's have been arriving through UPS/DHL now.

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I know, he was starting to piss people off. They had enough Wiis for the people that formed the line thou so every1 was cool. Im gonna go to TRU and Walmart and see if I could score one.

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Guest Smues

I've bought Bonk, Mario 64, and simcity on VC. I doubt I'll buy any NES or Genesis games until they start releasing games I don't already have on the sonic mega collection/any of the 10 billion sega collections/ Animal crossing. Seriously I swear every NES game so far I have via Animal Crossing. (without checking they're are probably like 2 that aren't)


Edit: I looked, I was wrong. There's only 1, Solomon's key, that isn't in Animal Crossing.

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Kotaku has Wii Play impressions:




Maybe one would be best to just buy an extra wiimote outright. =/

At $10 for the game, I'm definitly sure I can find some enjoyment in it. I wouldn;t be suprised if I had more fun with Wii Play then I've had with Monkey Ball's mini games (50 pieces of shit).

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Wii remotes cost $45 in Canada, and the game looks to be retailing for $50 in the US. Which means it'll probably go for $55-$60 here, so if the game is crap, I'm not going to pay an extra $10 or $15 to get the game along with a remote.


Although the complaints about depth of gameplay are interesting. What they said is basically what I think about Wii Sports, that it's just a glorified tech demo/tutorial. But Wii Sports seems popular, so that would say to me that Wii Play won't do a whole lot worse. Unless the mini-games really suck or something.


Off-topic: Since I'm too lazy to look and don't remember if I've asked this, are GameCube games going to be released for the VC?

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Except for one throwaway, possibly incorrect claim on a game blog summary of a press conference, nothing has come to light saying GC games will be on VC. I would think there wouldn't be enough space for a GC game except for Alien Hominid. =/ A relatively "small" modern game like Tekken DR (PSP version anyway) takes 800 MB.


So unless Wii begins supporting external hard drives, don't count on it.

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Guest Princess Leena

I don't think it will ever be plausible for there to be GC games on VC. Especially when you can just play the discs. And if they allow GC games to be played on a HD, that quickly opens up the hacking scene.

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Guest Smues

I doubt Animal Crossing is that big, but they'd never realease that for VC since it contains most of the NES games available at the moment. (I doubt it's very big considering it's small enough for the gamecube to keep it in memory. After you load it up you can take the disc out and still play the whole game)

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I'm torn....I'm thinking between Elebits, Super Swing Golf, or Metal Slug myself. I've been getting some weird info from my local EB games about Elebits though, they were telling me today that it's been pushed back to January 4th?


I'm wondering if this is one of those weird things where sometimes we get games a month later for no particular reason in Canada. Any other canucks hear this from their local shops?

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Im torn between Elebits and Metal Slug also, i might lean towards Elebits cuz i have all the metal slugs but in diff consoles.

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has anyone here played Trauma Center yet? It actually looks kinda cool. I'm thinking of going with that, Zelda and Red Steel for my first games.


Avoid Red Steel like the plague it is.


And I'm getting Metal Slug. Retro Gaming Goodness!

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It actually is, i thought it was ok when I started playing it but the freaking aimin reticle is a bitch and a half to get to work properly plus the sword fighting in it really sucks. Dont buy it, rent it first and see if you like it. How is Call of Duty?

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What's everyone's next Wii purchase? I think I'm gonna grab either Elebits, or maybe Metal Slug.


Super Swing Golf, Wario Ware or Trauma Center. I need to see some reviews on the first two before I buy them, and need to think about Trauma Center a bit more before I buy anything.

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I have Trauma Center, and I really enjoy it. If you think you'd like that type of game, chances are you will like it, as they do some really clever things with the wiimote.


Red Steel is worth a rental to at least experience it, but it has so many problems it can be hard to enjoy. The biggest issue I encountered is that the reticule will just spasm towards the center of the screen randomly, sometimes every 5 seconds, sometimes it won't do it for an hour, but when you're trying to aim a sniper rifle while you're getting blown to pieces and the reticule is fighting you, the game loses it's fun. I will say this, however, Red Steel has some of the nicest smoke and fire effects I've seen in a videogame.


Also, hearing a bunch of gun-toting thugs shooting machine guns at you while they call you a "Killer!" and "Murderer!" is pretty entertaining.

Edited by Invictus

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yeah, I've always liked surgery simulators...I think I'll go with that one for sure.


guess, I'll just rent Red Steel...but I'm sure we can go ahead and say Red Steel 2 will surely be fantastic.

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Guest Princess Leena

Once the Wii gets a shooter that works well with the controls, everyone will love it.

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Once the Wii gets a shooter that works well with the controls, everyone will love it.

From what I've seen, all the Wii FPS' are using the 'bounding box' reticle where the screen is fixed, you aim the reticle, and when you move it to the side of the screen (or bounding box) the screen moves. I don't get why they don't just go with the regular FPS mode of aiming (like in all PC shooters) where the reticle is fixed at the center of the screen and you 'aim the screen around.' It seems like the Wii-mote/nunchuk is the best way to emulate the keyboard/mouse setup so I don't get why no-one has gone that route yet.

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