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Finally bought a Classic Controller yesterday. Makes my VC playing much easier!


Now all you have to do is put up with that annoying hanging Wii Mote.

Do you play standing up?


No. Either I lay it on the floor, where an animal might end up yanking on the cord, put it on my lap, where it eventually *WILL* fall on the floor, or lay it to the side of me somehow, where it often ends up hanging across my wrist.


It would be annoying to have to keep the remote in your lap while playing. Luckily, with the way my room is set up I can keep the remote in a drawer at my computer table while playing with the Classic Controller. It would be nicer if I wasn't beholden to a wire, but it works.


Anyone else prefer playing N64 VC games with the Wavebird? Mario 64 is much easier to use, I find, with the Cube controller.


Yeah, it's the preferable choice for all of the N64 titles I have on VC.

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I haven't found any problems with the hanging Wiimote but that could be due to the fact that despite the fact I'm a grown man, my room configuration makes it easiest to play my videa games by sitting on the floor leaned up against the foot of my bed (or conversely, sitting on the bed - either way, the remote just rests at the side).


I only have on N64 VC Game (F-Zero X) and I agree the Cube controller set-up probably works better than the way the N64 is mapped on the Classic, but my controller is wired and somewhat crappy (I got the system used in 2002 and from day 1 the c-stick seemed too loose) so this works for me.


Also, I'm AWFUL at Earthworm Jim. This seemed easier 14 years ago.

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EWJ has that brilliant animation going on, but like Aladdin, Lion King, etc. sometimes it comes at the expense of more clearly-defined collision-detection. It's mostly very, very good, but Buttville in EWJ and the salamander level in EWJ... :( and the timed sub level in game one... :firing:


Namco-Bandai appears to be looking into redesigning Klonoa, perhaps for the Wiimake or perhaps for a new game. The new version of Klonoa has...'tude I guess. :P


Go show your support for OG Klonoa! Or be a soulless jerk and vote for new Klonoa! Whatever!



Yeah, Eartworm Jim is pretty tricky. Not MegaMan 9 tricky, but tricky none the less.


The hardest part is really the "play in one sitting" part, which isn't so bad, cuz there are cheats. However, the second game was weird. It has a "password" system that is really just "infinite continues if you collect crap." When you turn the game off, you lose 'em. It never made much sense to me. I think both games are pretty brilliant otherwise, though.

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Also, I'm AWFUL at Earthworm Jim. This seemed easier 14 years ago.


It's crazy how many of these VC games I felt I had mastered when I was a kid/teen.. but now.. I just plain suck at them. Brutal!!

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I was gonna buy Earthworm Jim until you guys forced me to recall the Peter Puppy level. I still may since I only played the SNES version a weekend I had a high fever and nothing to eat but spare ribs.


I'll fess up. I owned it on Game Gear.

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I hate the water levels in Earthworm Jim, I hated them so freaking much.

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I was gonna buy Earthworm Jim until you guys forced me to recall the Peter Puppy level. I still may since I only played the SNES version a weekend I had a high fever and nothing to eat but spare ribs.


I'll fess up. I owned it on Game Gear.


Game Gear one had no separate shoot/whip button. Freakin' ouch.


Peter Puppy's level wasn't so bad if you took the easy route and managed to get him to the first house.

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I hate the water levels in Earthworm Jim, I hated them so freaking much.


Fuck those levels.

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The SMS version of Space Harrier is on the Virtual Console. It's bullshit, it sucks and I'd implore all of you not to download it. The 32X version, on the other hand, is perfect and really was one of the only good things about that system. If they can emulate 32X games perfectly on the PC I'm sure Sega has the capability to do it on Wii. And that's the game that should be on there, not the Master System version. Same goes for After Burner which I'm sure will have its Master System version dumped on the VC soon enough. And when they put OutRun on there, it better be the Genesis version and not the Master System.

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Space Harrier 2 on Genesis sucks too, sadly.


The 32X version, on the other hand, is perfect and really was one of the only good things about that system. If they can emulate 32X games perfectly on the PC I'm sure Sega has the capability to do it on Wii.


Well, the 32X one is basically a straight port of the arcade game.


Space Harrier in Shenmue (not sure if it was 1, 2, or both) is one of the best parts of those games, to me.


Space Harrier is also one of the few good titles in the Sega Classics Collection, even though some of the others (like the awful Golden Ax remake) sucks.

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Oh, I'm pretty sure I've said this before. But there should be a new Space Harrier for WiiWare. Or it could be a retail game, I don't care. But you could just use the Wiimote to move the Harrier AND shoot. Now that's perfect. There was an arcade sequel about 7 years ago called Planet Harriers. I wonder how that was. They should just port that. It'll be at home with all Sega's other 7-8 year old ports like Samba de Amigo and Bass Fishing.

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With all the Earthworm Jim discussion, have we mentioned that they announced Earthworm Jim 4 and an animated series/movie?


No, no we haven't.


Paint me happy.

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Nintendo is packaging a unique code with each WiiSpeak peripheral that will allow users to download the WiiSpeak Channel for use, but also screws anyone who wishes to purchase it secondhand. The code is only good for one use and will be the only way to download the service that works with the peripheral.

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Good for them. They're not trying to screw the customer, they're trying to screw EB. You'll be seeing a lot more such tactics from publishers in the next few years, believe me.

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Good for them. They're not trying to screw the customer, they're trying to screw EB. You'll be seeing a lot more such tactics from publishers in the next few years, believe me.


Epic just did it with Gears of War 2. A code for 5 free maps in every NEW copy of GoW 2.

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*Looks to used card for free GoW2 maps*


I should note, it only says that on shrink-wrapped copies of the game. Once you remove that wrapping to gut the game and put the case out on the wall..there's nothing on there that says its to come with free maps. So uhm..not ALL new copies of GoW2 came with free maps.. heh


on topic: Its kind of a bullshit move though because it doesn't really hurt us..it hurts the consumer in the long run. We'll take it in as a used peripheral and sell it to someone else and when they can't use it, they're the one's that complain, not us. I don't see why you can't just have the code for a free DL, but offer it at a price point as well. Like people who get their Wii's now...they aren't getting Opera for free, but those that got it on it early enough did.

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My Wii did the scary blue light before I left for work tonight. Are they getting the jump on NXE with some exciting new update? Are they reminding me about WiiSpeak vouchers and Wii Tickets? Or something stupid?

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Good for them. They're not trying to screw the customer, they're trying to screw EB. You'll be seeing a lot more such tactics from publishers in the next few years, believe me.


Ya, because most of Gamestop's profit comes from used accessory sales. ;)


Or something stupid?


It's another one of their Homebrew Lockout Patches.


Give that man a prize!!


I think it's awesome that NOA is working so hard to keep the Wii library pathetically limited. Keep up the good work!



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I still think hardware region lock out is bullshit and should be disc-based like the PS3. From a business perspective I can understand locking out games that they want to release over here.. but why lock out games that they'll never release over here? It really annoys the shit out of me that Tatsunoko vs Capcom is probably only being released on the Wii (outside of the arcades) and that it'll never see the light of day over here unless I buy a Japanese Wii.


Also - my Wii has become a paperweight. I haven't touched the thing in months.. still waiting on Mad World, House of the Dead Overkill and Dead Rising so I can breathe some life into this otherwise dead (for me) system. =\

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To quote 1up's Jeremy Parish, "Region Lockouts are the industry's way of saying they don't understand the internet age."


I want to see Captain Rainbow released here, if for no other reason than to get Christian Fundies ticked off.




Also - my Wii has become a paperweight. I haven't touched the thing in months.. still waiting on Mad World, House of the Dead Overkill and Dead Rising so I can breathe some life into this otherwise dead (for me) system. =\


You could enjoy the stupid exercise game, the stupid music game, or the worst Wario platform game aside from Master of Disguise!!


There's always a plethora of shitty shovelware, too!


Srsly, though, there's actually some promising titles shipping today (according to the not-always-reliable GameFAQs):


Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun

AMF Bowling World Lanes


Castlevania Judgment

Championship Foosball

Cooking Mama World Kitchen

Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore 2

Monkey Mischief: Party Time

Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of Spooky Manor

NPPL Championship Paintball 2009

Petz Crazy Monkeyz

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party

Skate City Heroes

Sonic Unleashed

Tomb Raider Underworld

Ultimate Band


Tomb Raider Underworld ships today, and Sonic Unleashed might be half-good (as in, there's no hope at all for the awful werehog segments, but the rest might be playable). Castlevania Judgment's character designs are horribly offensive to me but I may rent when it comes to my local Hollywood Video.

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I think it's awesome that NOA is working so hard to keep the Wii library pathetically limited. Keep up the good work!

Burning Wii games to a DVD-R and playing them is painfully easy, even without a modchip. Same thing with WiiWare and VC games. It makes sense that they'd want to lock that out.



You could enjoy the stupid exercise game, the stupid music game, or the worst Wario platform game aside from Master of Disguise!!

Wii Fit is a good product. It's basically an interactive fitness video, kinda like Kiana's Flex Appeal but with instant feedback and without a sexy Asian lady in a bathing suit. Wii Music is, from the limited amount I've played with it, not so good, and isn't worth more than a rental. I thought the new Wario Land was very good, but it too could be beaten within the span of a rental period.



I want to see Captain Rainbow released here, if for no other reason than to get Christian Fundies ticked off.



I don't ever want to see that game over here. It seemed like a promising enough idea until I found out about the "retrieve Birdo's vibrator" mission. I'll accept some wacked-out idea in games, but none that involve Mario villains masturbating.

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Also - my Wii has become a paperweight. I haven't touched the thing in months.. still waiting on Mad World, House of the Dead Overkill and Dead Rising so I can breathe some life into this otherwise dead (for me) system. =\


Srsly, though, there's actually some promising titles shipping today (according to the not-always-reliable GameFAQs):


Castlevania Judgment


Completely forgot about this release! Definitely at least gonna give it a rental. :)

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