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Yeah, EGM noted in their review of the game that a lot of the controller positions the game has are impossible if you follow Nintendo's wrist strap policy.


I haven't had a problem with playing it with the wrist strap yet. There is one game where all you do is let go of the controller. Had I not had the wrist strap on it would've hit the floor. :lol:

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At the rate things are going with technology, it's worth it to just get a wireless router. They're not that hard to set up.

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Guest Smues
Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past is now available on Virtual Console.


Oh, and Moto Roader and R-Type III, too.


Moto and R-type III came out last week.

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Guest Princess Leena

Super Swing Golf is REALLY hard. And is amazing at detecting the flaws of the golf swing. This is like everything I've wanted in a sports game.


I suck at Wii Tennis still. Playing real tennis hurts you in that game. I play with an extreme western grip, and can't get out of that habit. :(

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Is one of those cheap wireless G routers good enough for the Wii?


Not only is a cheap G router good enough... I use a cheap B router, a linksys BEFW11S4 version 4 to be precise.


(To be fair, this particular router has critical bugs that can't really be fixed without some tech knowledge, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone ever)


As long as the router isn't a Netgear, you're fine. Netgear routers are known to have problems with the Nintendo DS, so I imagine the situation hasn't been fixed for the Wii. I personally recommend a Linksys router. If you are considering a wireless router, but are hesitant, I'd urge you to PM me, or something like that; I can answer any questions you have.


In the end, setting up a wireless router, basically, goes like this:


Unplug your Cable or DSL modem.

Unplug the ethernet cable on both ends.

Plug the modem into the port on the Router that says Internet.

Plug the computer into one of the ports on the back of the router (usually there are 4).

Plug the modem back in.

Plug in the router.


Your internet will not function until you attempt to log onto a website, at which point the router will offer to set itself up. Let it. If it asks you for wireless security, go with WPA, unless you own a DS, then choose WEP instead. The DS only supports WEP encryption.


Then, to connect your Wii:


Go into your router's wireless settings, and change the broadcast channel from 6 to 1 or 11. You have to do this for the Wii to work. Don't worry, it won't hurt anything on your network. You should do this anyway just because it will improve wireless speeds.


Go into Wii settings and Internet sections. Select an unused connection, and select Wireless Connection. Let it search for your connection.


Hopefully, you changed the name of your connection, because I hate looking at the default names of connections when I search for wireless access points and 75% of the douchebags' access points say "linksys". Select your connection.


It's gonna ask you to put in the WPA or WEP code you entered when you created the wireless network. Put it in now. It attempts to connect.


When connection is successful, it's gonna ask you to update. You might as well, to get the Wii Shop and the Weather channels. That's basically it.


You can turn on WiiConnect24 at this time, though I believe it's on by default. Your Wii's light will be yellow instead of red when it's off to let you know it's working. If WiiConnect24 downloads something while off, your disk drive will glow blue. This, while generally a message on your message board, can also be a new Elebits level. It's never been an Elebits level for me because you jerks haven't made any. I made one and I sent it to you gyus, but I didn't hear a "Thanks, Thoth, you're awesome." Jerks.

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I played the level...and I keep running out of time before I can ever finish it! Blah!


If you want me to make one and send it to ya, I can. You just had to ask. :P


EDIT: One problem with me making a level for you...I have no objects to place! What the heck?

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Haha, I also couldn't finish the level in time, and I've given it a go at least 5 times. I'll make a level sometime soon....probably.


P.S. Thanks, Thoth, you're awesome. ;)


Also, going with the wireless router thing...I've been considering it myself, as right now I have to use my DS Wifi dongle I got way back, and I can't leave that thing plugged in all the time. The LAN Adapter is another avenue, but I don't really want to spend the money on another system specific thing I might not use down the road. However, the idea of sensitive data flying through the air to be easily intercepted kind of scares me, with wires at least I know where the data is coming and going from.




EDIT: Question: Is it possible to have the wireless router send out a signal to my wireless devices (Wii, DS, etc) while still using a wired connection directly into my computer?

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Most wireless routers have wired slots as well. My cheap D-Link has 4 LAN ports for instance. So I've got the wireless going out to my Wii, and eventually a PS3, while I have ethernet cables going to my PC and XBox 360. Very nice.

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Haha, I also couldn't finish the level in time, and I've given it a go at least 5 times. I'll make a level sometime soon....probably.


P.S. Thanks, Thoth, you're awesome. ;)


Also, going with the wireless router thing...I've been considering it myself, as right now I have to use my DS Wifi dongle I got way back, and I can't leave that thing plugged in all the time. The LAN Adapter is another avenue, but I don't really want to spend the money on another system specific thing I might not use down the road. However, the idea of sensitive data flying through the air to be easily intercepted kind of scares me, with wires at least I know where the data is coming and going from.




EDIT: Question: Is it possible to have the wireless router send out a signal to my wireless devices (Wii, DS, etc) while still using a wired connection directly into my computer?


To answer the last question, yes. My wireless router has 4 wired ports.


Personally, I combined my wireless router and my wired router, so I actually have 8 ports. But I'm fucking awesome that way. Actually, it's just called cascading routers, and I followed directions on the Internet to do it.


Regarding "Sensitive data flying through the air". This is coming from someone who is capable of accidentally hacking passwords: No one really gives a flying fuck about your data. Seriously, nothing you do is that interesting, unless you are a bank, credit union, or government agency. If you get hacked through your wireless, it is because someone who knows who you are is packet sniffing you. And if that's the case, you have other, far more relevant problems.


The only reason I have WEP on my router is because I don't like freeloaders. And WEP is hackable if you have enough patience, and a powerful computer, and cryptographic skills. Amazingly, on my final in cryptography in college, we had to break a simplified version of WEP.

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More time on the Elebits level, huh? Originally, I had it giving way too much time. Then again, I know where everything is.


Making a level kind of sucks because you can't hide Elebits the same way the game hides them in levels, and only specific objects hide Elebits. But once you realize this, making them gets somewhat easier.

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Feel tha burn!!!


Raving Rabbids had my forearms sore like whoa.


Only my left one because my right one is developed from fencing.


Fencing, the most unbalanced exercise ever :)


Still, having those bunnies sing "Staying Alive" and "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" was totally worth it!

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I kind of lost interest in getting a Wii in the near future when I heard Smash Brothers and Mario are now fall 2007 releases (it seemed to me they were Spring releases before). I still want one, though, but I'm getting bad flashbacks to the N64 - great must-have launch game with a unique control scheme (analog was new to consoles then, right?) and then nothing that's really worth your time except games that keep getting pushed back. That said, I loved my N64.

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I haven't been following the video game world that closely lately, but I'm interested in the Wii. Are there any projections as to when the supply will meet demand? I want one, but not enough to wait in line at the store for a new shipment.

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Thanks Thoth and WWM, I decided to go for the gusto and picked up a wireless router. Unfortunately, my modem supplied by Shaw was around 10 years old or so, and wouldn't recognize the new router. So I had to go and get a new one of those, but now everything works like a charm.

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I suck at Wii Tennis still. Playing real tennis hurts you in that game. I play with an extreme western grip, and can't get out of that habit. :(

Meanwhile, I (despite never playing tennis in my life outside of 1 day in gym class in high school [although I've played a lot of ping-pong]) have done very well against the computer in tennis. I haven't lost a 5-set game yet, although I came close (down 2 games to 1, down 40-15 in the 4th set) before rallying back. The computer started putting spin in the ball last night (ball would jump left/right after hitting the ground) now that I've got a 600+ skill score, so I'm guessing it's going to get a little tougher. Anybody know if you get anything special if you go over 1000 skill points in tennis?


I found that you could get easy wins by having your guy/girl up front do most/all of the returns early in your Wii Tennis "career", but after a couple wins that strategy stopped working. From there, going cross-court worked like a charm, as the opponent computer player in the back had problems getting across the court, but then after a couple more wins the computer was better positioned to return those.

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I kind of lost interest in getting a Wii in the near future when I heard Smash Brothers and Mario are now fall 2007 releases (it seemed to me they were Spring releases before). I still want one, though, but I'm getting bad flashbacks to the N64 - great must-have launch game with a unique control scheme (analog was new to consoles then, right?) and then nothing that's really worth your time except games that keep getting pushed back. That said, I loved my N64.


Not that I doubt it, but source plz on Fall 2007 release for Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy?


There's a rumored Christmas release for Mario Galaxy, but I've seen nothing confirmed.


EDIT: Nevermind, found it. Nintendo press release hit the tubes.




Feb. 14 - Wii Play

March 27th - Disney’s Meet the Robinsons

March - Bust-A-Move Bash

March - Prince of Persia Rival Swords

March - TMNT

March - Bionicle Heroes

March - Blazing Angels

Q1 - Tiger Woods

Q1 - SSX Blur

Q1 - Godfather: Blackhand Edition

Q1 - Medal of Honor Vanguard

Q1 - Sonic and the Secret Rings



Virtual Console gets Mario Kart 64 next week and News Channel arrives 27th.

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Guest Princess Leena

I'm ranked about 1300 in tennis now. I've learned to hit a forehand volley type shot every time.


You don't get anything for getting over 1000. Once you start facing pros (1000+), the difficulty bumps up a lot. I still can't beat the 1500 ranked team. Nearly impossible to hit winners by then. :(

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Guest Princess Leena

A long time. 7 Targets in my area had an average of 70 each last Sunday. All of them were sold immediately.


Your only chance now is to take off some weekday mornings/afternoons and check online trackers at the usual stores. Or, drive around and hope you get incredibly lucky.

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Beat my first pro-ranked computer team in tennis. They were ranked 1200, and I was ranked around 700. Took me all 5 sets, as well as going back & forth at deuce 4 or 5 times in the 5th set. The strategy seems to be to just volley with them until they make a mistake.

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Guest Princess Leena

Basically. I finally got ranked over 1500. It kinda sucks now because the only way to win is get in 100 shot rallies until the computer messes up. Being able to hit with tons of topspin is helping now.

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Guest Smues

Mario Kart 64 next week? Hell yeah! That's still my favorite Mario Kart, despite how awesome Mario Kart DS was. Guess it's time to buy more VC points.

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The gameplay footage I've seen of SSX Blur is absolutely gorgeous. That game's release will likely coincide with my purchase of a Wii.

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The gameplay footage I've seen of SSX Blur is absolutely gorgeous. That game's release will likely coincide with my purchase of a Wii.


People are complaining its just a rehash of SSX3 though.


I got SSX Tricky and SSX3 but never got On Tour even though that had the Nintendo characters. I might get Blur...but Im not all that enthused about it.

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