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Man Who Sold The World

The Things That Anger You Thread.

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Guest Soriano's Torn Quad

I have brown leather shoes, jogging shoes (with laces!), and sandals. I wear a size 15, so I don't derive much joy from shoe-shopping. I wear what I find.


Heeeeeeeey, someone changed my avatar.

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Bus stops that are placed directly BEFORE a traffic light, causing the light to change from green to red while some woman with a walker gets on/off the bus, slowing the momentum down even more (and eventually adding up to the 2 extra minutes that would have helped you get your transfer bus right away instead of waiting 18 minutes for another one).

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Getting in a que for my Reading Festival ticket at 8am, only for when the ticket office opens at 12, everyone rushes forward because there is no order, and people who'd only been there an hour got a ticket before I did. I eventually got my ticket at 2pm.

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Bus stops that are placed directly BEFORE a traffic light, causing the light to change from green to red while some woman with a walker gets on/off the bus, slowing the momentum down even more (and eventually adding up to the 2 extra minutes that would have helped you get your transfer bus right away instead of waiting 18 minutes for another one).


There's actually one of these just up the street from where I live, and I seem to always be coming home from work at the right time to get stopped behind a transit bus blocking the entire right lane when I need to turn right at the corner. There's a 7-11 there, and I think the driver is always inside getting a drink around that time.


I keep telling myself I should either leave work earlier or later by just a few minutes, but it never fails.

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Jings, why the velcro?

Cuz my mom's insane with germ-based OCD and insists that we are all required to wear shoes if we go outside (or even into the garage) but are verboten to wear them inside, because she's got some theory about how wearing shoes inside the house makes our oldest cat vomit a lot. So I wanted some shoes I could get in & out of quickly and easily, plus they were hella cheap at walmart.

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I hate the credit system in this country. Any company at any given time can put whatever bullshit on your credit report, destroying alot of things in your life, and the burden of proof is on YOU to prove that you don't owe them the money. What kind of bullshit is that.

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Even at his most cheerfully guileless, Jingus's posts depress me.

I aim to please. And to win "whose life sucks more" contests. My misery dick is bigger than ANYONE's, dammit.

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Marvin has AIDS and gave a girl genital herpes from oral sex. What has Jingus done?

Okay, I take it back, Marvin's got the biggest misery dick. But I'm, like, Ron Jeremy to his John Holmes.

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People that use smark terms in situations other than wrestling piss me the fuck off.


Biggest offender is bubba the love sponge. I fucking hate that piece of shit. You're friends with Hogan........... SO........FUCKING...........WHAT.


Drop the smark lingo and stop acting like such a fucking bitch.


I think that I am the biggest offender of the non-wrestling category, seeing as how I've never even looked in the wrestling folder.



Do you use it in real life tho?

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I use mark out and no sell for quite a lot of things, and I blame this forum for doing so.

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I'm talking about someone who's vocabulary is 90% wrestling terms.

Some wrestlers do that. Mostly indy guys who've been in for more than a year or two but less than ten. But I've never met a non-worker who was quite that sad.

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I'm talking about someone who's vocabulary is 90% wrestling terms.

Some wrestlers do that. Mostly indy guys who've been in for more than a year or two but less than ten. But I've never met a non-worker who was quite that sad.


It's really funny when non-fans who are friends of fans who use this "real life smark talk" start using it too. I know a few people like that.

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I'm talking about someone who's vocabulary is 90% wrestling terms.

Some wrestlers do that. Mostly indy guys who've been in for more than a year or two but less than ten. But I've never met a non-worker who was quite that sad.


It's really funny when non-fans who are friends of fans who use this "real life smark talk" start using it too. I know a few people like that.


I know! A co-worker has grossly mis-used my aforementioned "mark-out". Examples:


Referring to a faulty RCA Home Theatre that was returned. "Yeah, man, they aren't well made. One of these came back, marking out, losing power."


Telling a third co-worker about the lack of work they did a night before I was due in the following morning. "Look at this mess! Brian's gonna mark out!"

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I'm talking about someone who's vocabulary is 90% wrestling terms.

Some wrestlers do that. Mostly indy guys who've been in for more than a year or two but less than ten. But I've never met a non-worker who was quite that sad.


It's really funny when non-fans who are friends of fans who use this "real life smark talk" start using it too. I know a few people like that.


I know! A co-worker has grossly mis-used my aforementioned "mark-out". Examples:


Referring to a faulty RCA Home Theatre that was returned. "Yeah, man, they aren't well made. One of these came back, marking out, losing power."


Telling a third co-worker about the lack of work they did a night before I was due in the following morning. "Look at this mess! Brian's gonna mark out!"




HAHA. You should continue to fuck with them. Tell em to job is to get the customer to buy the extended warranty.

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I'm probably gonna sound pretty arrogant saying this, but casual sports fans have been pissing me off a lot lately.


Why I'm better than most: I'm a pretty casual baseball fan. I can name the better teams, some of the better players, etc. throughout the league, but essentially just follow the Jays. I will not however, do the following:


"Who's your favourite player?"

" Oh, I don't know any of the players, really"


Or, this one, which is a bajillion times more irritating, especially at work, since the only Habs fans there are me, and one of the assistant managers. As such, my tattoo is often a hot topic of discussion.


"You have a Habs tattoo? Why? They suck!" I suppose this relates more to my previous rant about misuse of the word 'suck', but if you like a team that's not better, or can't even name a player on the team that's supposedly so much better than mine, or DON'T EVEN REALLY LIKE HOCKEY, don't comment on my ink.

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Along the lines of the last one, people that think you shouldn't get say, a shirt with a team logo on it "because they suck, because they aren't any good, because THEY don't like them," really piss me off.


I like my teams, you like yours. Now go fuck yourself, and take your opinion with you.

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Kings suck.



That's the team I catch heat for when in the store and out in public. I caught heat when the Lakers had their down year without Phil Jackson. Most of it was coming from fans of the teams that had won the titles earlier in the decade. "What the fuck is wrong with you people" became my battle cry.

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Guest Smues

Those shoes with the wheels in the back that all the kids seem to be wearing this days. I think they call them heelies. I had never seen them before I moved up here, but now I see some damn kid using them everytime I go to the store. It's annoying when a kid is walking towards you then all of a suddenly speeds up with the stupid wheel and you almost get smashed into. I keep waiting to see a kid wipe out and hurt themselves, but so far no dice.

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