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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread - September/26th/2006.

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I thought Holly/RVD did more to get Holly over than anything else in Holly's career has ever done. It's interesting to note how different it can be to use RVD to get guys over. On SD in 2004 they were having Dupree and Suzuki get occasional wins over RVD in lame 5 min. TV matches...did nothing for them, it wasn't believable. Holly goes about 20 mins. in an extreme match with RVD tonight, loses, and got a standing ovation.


Just wondering but where was Sabu tonight? Is he just in between feuds?


In regards to Booker/Lashley at No Mercy, is Lashley winning exactly a fluke? I mean aside from Booker winning the KOTR tourney finals Lashley has owned him this year.

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OK seriously now. I saw two commercials for No Mercy in the same commercial break: one advertised Lashley vs. Booker and the other one advertised Batista vs. Booker.


What's going on?


they're hoping you're so confused you order the ppv to find out what's going on



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JR in ECW??!! wtf? I hated when I miss the first few minutes of ECW.

Yup, JR was doing the usual BOOMER SOONER! MID-SOUTH RULZ then Matt Striker did the usual heel stuff then Sandman made the save and then JR caned Striker....so according to WWE rule #324798 Striker had to make an appearence in the main event costing Sandman to lose the match.

Actually, that was smart booking on WWE's part. If Striker didn't come out and do some kind of interferance after Sandman and JR ran him off eariler, then I don't think that would have helped their feud at all. I think people would have questioned why Striker didn't come out and interfere when they just saw him eariler in the night.


(Sidenote: I haven't actually watched the show yet, but I'm assuming from your post that Striker came out and interfeared in the Big Show/Sandman match and maybe costed Sandman the match.)

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I just watched tonights show and here my thoughts:


JR/Sandman/Striker promo:


The Good: It was short, and helped put over Striker as a dickish heel and put Sandman over a bit more with the fans. Anyone who does a saves JR from a possible beating gets really over with the WWE fans. Plus I was amused with JR getting a cane shot in.


The Bad: I really didn't see anything bad here, it was short and helped put over 3 people in some way or another.


RVD vs Hardcore Holly: The beginning of this match was extremely screwed up. I don't know who screwed up what but the whole thing before the table spot was really arkward and slow. I would say they were pacing since they were doing a 20 minute match, but it was just so arkward, it just seemed they were lost. I couldn't tell if it was because RVD was just doing everything so weakly or if Holly was weakly selling RVD's offense.


After the commerical, the match really picked up and I enjoyed it a lot more. It felt like a ECW match and the fans were really into it and the match made Holly look really strong. Every once in awhile Holly really puts a effort in a match and when he does you can really tell. The only bad part of this match was just the beginning. Everything after the table spot made this match good.


CM Punk promo: It was ok, helped set up the feud with Knox.


Francine vs Ariel: Ok first off....Ariel is fucking hot. Match was really short, we got the "CAT FIGHT" out of the way, but I felt this could have been the ending of Balls vs Thron's match from last week.


Sandman vs Big Show: Match was ok to watch. I didn't like how Joey and Tazz kept saying that Sandman needed his cane to beat the big show but I sorta understand since Big Show is being promoted as the monster champion of ECW. Striker's interferance, well minor, worked perfectly and it made sense with booking.


Sandman/JR runs off Striker in the beginning of the show and to get revenage Striker comes out and not only distracts the Sandman so the Big Show can get him, but takes away the Sandman's cane so the chance of Sandman winning is weaken. It add's feul to the Sandman/Striker feud.


For the past month or so, ECW has been really enjoyable. I actually enjoy it over Smackdown and Raw. It's actually a show that I don't want get up and walk away from because I don't want to miss whats going to happen next. Plus it really has been keeping that Wrestling over entertainment formula that WWE normally strays away.

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The thing right now about the ECW show is that SOMETHING good, is only a commercial break away most of the time, where as on Raw and Smackdown, most, if not all hope, is lost.


Also, since there is still a bunch of talent signed that hasn't appeared yet, you never know when the next person we haven't seen yet is going to get rolled out for a match.


Another thing is, since it seems the climate in ECW is everchanging, due to all the different creative minds at work on it, you never really know for sure what is going to happen. Besides the World Title scene, which will probably be held by TBS until the December PPV, the rest of the show is pretty unpredictable. I mean two months ago, people probably thought Test & Mike Knox would be undefeated as a tag team and on top of the ECW card, but that changed, thankfully.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Bob Holly is fine after taking 24 stitches in his back last night, but because he's had some life threatening infections, he will be out of the ring as a wrestler for a little while, at least how thing stand. He will remain as a focal character, perhaps with an even bigger push (some want it, some don't see it), since he came out of the show as a babyface, from last night's match with Rob Van Dam.


Rating was a 1.8.

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That sucks for Holly. Hopefully he comes back quickly....did I seriously just type that?

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Guest netslob
Holy crap that is a horrible gash.


there's no such thing as horrible gash. :D


kudos to Holly tho, actually they both really stepped it up in that second half.

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I don't think Holly came out a face, the crowd just appreciated the well-worked match(well the second half), and usually when it looks like a wrestler gets a legit injury during a match, the crowd will give them an ovation afterwards.

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I don't think Holly came out a face, the crowd just appreciated the well-worked match(well the second half), and usually when it looks like a wrestler gets a legit injury during a match, the crowd will give them an ovation afterwards.

In addition, I think that the Oklahoma crowd was always gonna be into Holly.


I think the whole show was booked towards the fans. No Punk wrestling, cat fight, plenty of Sandman and Holly. Pretty much the opposite of what they'd do in Canada or MSG which are "smarter".

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If ECW's ratings are slipping .3 - .5 points due to the non-RAW/Smackdown presence in the Main Event matches, then I think it is a fair trade-off. Lets face it, they can't rely on Raw/Smackdown talent forever, so if it takes a few months of lower ratings to get people to pay attention and buy into ECW guys as the Main Event material, then SO BE IT.

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If the matches are'nt entertaining than it does not matter who is in the main event. RVD is the whole f'n show and should be in a 20 minute match every week. Is it so hard to ask for 2 well-worked matches every week?

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I watched this week's ECW last night. RVD/Holly was great! I've always known RVD was a great worker, but I was surprised at just how good Holly was. He really impressed me. IMO the whole match was good, not just the second half.


As for the rest of the show, it sucked. CM Punk should have got some ring-time, instead of wasting time with the women's match. Bigshow/Sandman was crap.


RVD/Holly was, without a doubt, the show stealer.

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The women's match was about a minute long and was used to put over Balls a little bit. It was RVD/Holly that ate up at least half the show (which was A-OK considering the match they had).


I think it's good that Punk doesn't wrestle every single week. It'll create overkill eventually (not that WWE creative ever cared about that) and could hurt his star value because the more he wrestles, the quicker he'll come to the crossroads that he either has to go over an established name (RVD, Show, Sabu, Test, ect) or job to one. Slow and steady sometimes wins the race.

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If the matches are'nt entertaining than it does not matter who is in the main event. RVD is the whole f'n show and should be in a 20 minute match every week. Is it so hard to ask for 2 well-worked matches every week?


You want 2 well-worked matches and a RVD 20 minute match? It's only a 65 minute show.


I'll take Punk doing another character developing promo and subsequent confrontation with Kelly and Knox to get his first meaningful feud going over a squash match.

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I'll take RVD throwing and eating death defying chair shots in 20 minute matches over Big Show bitch slapping the Raw/Smackdown special guest superstar of the week. And I could careless about these one minute "My name is..." promos that has been going on for weeks. Is it so hard to have a 10 minute match of FBI vs Doring & Roadkill....oh that's right you can't have recognizeable tag teams from the past get over on gimmicks that worked in the old ECW. CM Punk has become predictable in his ECW on Sci-Fi matches with his spots but with RVD you get the usual spots + the chance of the opponet getting mad and going off script if you will and actually fight back using the hardcore weapons at hand. Such as the case in the RVD/Holly match where you get the usual spots of RVD using the chair to inflict pain....then we go to the second half of the match where Holly didn't just lay down like a jobber taking the insane chair shot but he got smart and setup RVD to inflict crazy chair shots of his own! Things like letting RVD go to the top rope thinking that he can hit the Frogsplash chair spot but having Holly throw the chair back while he is in mid flight or let RVD run the ropes to do the Rolling Thunder spot but to eat the chair in the face yet again!


Basically I'm asking for competitive matches with fair time length that isn't predictable all the time.

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From PWInsider:


ECW World champion Big Show and Bob Holly were both pulled from the house show events this past weekend.


Holly was pulled in order to give the 24 stitches he received after going through a table on ECW last week against Rob Van Dam a chance to heal the gash that runs across his back.


Big Show, who has been getting high marks internally for working much harder than he truly needs in order to help get the ECW brand off the ground, was given the weekend off to allow some nagging injuries, including some knee issues, a chance to rest.

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