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Murmuring Beast


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BTW, I know you guys are reading all these works for fun (I think), but school totally sapped any enjoyment of fictional reading for me


I'm sorta with Slayer here, but kinda different. I like fiction, but whenever I read fiction I feel like I am wasting time and should be bettering myself and expanding by breadth of knowledge by reading non-fiction. I'm reading a rousing textbook, Political Ideologies & the Democratic Ideal right now.

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Slayer in the billiards room with the revolver.

I'm more of a knife man


Slayer in the billiards room with the revolver.

I'm more of a lead pipe man


What made you change your mind all of a sudden?

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I like to read a fiction & a nonfiction book at the same time to balance everything out. I dont mean at the exact same time, of course, but read a portion of one and then some from the other...you know.


When it comes to reading (anything - fiction, poetry, nonfiction, whatever) it definitly seems best to ignore anything/everything we were told in English class. Same goes for writing poetry.

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I like to read a fiction & a nonfiction book at the same time to balance everything out. I dont mean at the exact same time, of course, but read a portion of one and then some from the other...you know.


When it comes to reading (anything - fiction, poetry, nonfiction, whatever) it definitly seems best to ignore anything/everything we were told in English class. Same goes for writing poetry.


That's because you are more able to enjoy a work rather than try an analyze it while trying to placate your teacher of said class that the work they chose to have read has a deeper meaning than face value.

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My inability to co-exist with English dept faculty has led to many interesting episodes & very little in the way of real academic accomplishment.

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I only analyze for myself...never for some asstoucher in a sweatervest or some bitch wearing a hippie throw-rug as a garment. Why does it seem like all English professors have to dress/act like such stupid assholes?


That is a serious question.

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I really, really suck at numbers.


I think I will continue my life of random jobs, writing on my own, and attempts at college that I know I will sabotage anyway. It worked for Kerouac. Well, until he became a wino anyway.

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why do people care about school so much? i graduated from college & i'm a fucking loser. do what you want to do. english professors may know a lot about john donne but most couldn't carry a logical, thoughtful, or insighful conversation with most people. all they do is bitch, moan, and pretend that they are better than those rich fat cat c.e.o.'s who have poor grammar in their e-mails.

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university gave me essential life skills that i'll always cherish. it allowed gave me time to get my wild years out of the way. it was one of the bets times of my life and i wouldn't trade it for anything. but i'd never consider myself smarter than a non-university graduate. thats the problem with most people. they hang their life on how well they do at college. who cares? the fact that felonies has allowed his failures at school from age of 10 to now bother him so greatly scares me. thats some heavy (useless) weight that he has placed on himself. i see these anxiety-ridden kids who are nearly in tears because they can't do long division. some people can do that stuff, some can't. no one is better than anyone. sometimes schools worry more about whether or not superjerk teachers like superjerk are trying to bone one another than the reason kids are there. we are there to nurture & facilitate learning. if someone struggles academically, you find something they are good at & celebrate it. without that, you get this.

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I've worked/been unemployed for the last 2 or so years prior to starting university this September. In that time, I acted more like a student than every student I know but it was a worthwhile experience. University and college isn't for everyone and kids should know that at an early age without them getting the wrong idea.

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I would so beat your ass at Hungry Hungry Hippos, mofo


I came here for two reasons...to post emoticons wearing sunglasses and to whip your ass at Hungry Hungry Hippos.


:headbang: B-)


...Looks like I'm all outta emoticons wearing sunglasses. Boo-yeah!

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