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Sony sues Lik Sang the hell out of business

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Important Notice: Lik-Sang.com Out of Business due to Multiple Sony Lawsuits

Tue Oct 24 2006 21:58:51 Hong Kong Time - Corporate Info




Hong Kong, October 24th of 2006 - Lik-Sang.com, the popular gaming retailer from Hong Kong, has today announced that it is forced to close down due to multiple legal actions brought against it by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Sony claimed that Lik-Sang infringed its trade marks, copyright and registered design rights by selling Sony PSP consoles from Asia to European customers, and have recently obtained a judgment in the High Court of London (England) rendering Lik-Sang's sales of PSP consoles unlawful.


As of today, Lik-Sang.com will not be in the position to accept any new orders and will cancel and refund all existing orders that have already been placed. Furthermore, Lik-Sang is working closely with banks and PayPal to refund any store credits held by the company, and the customer support department is taking care of any open transactions such as pending RMAs or repairs and shipping related matters. The staff of Lik-Sang will make sure that nobody will get hurt in the crossfire of this ordeal.


A Sony spokesperson declined to comment directly on the lawsuit against Lik-Sang, but recently went on to tell Gamesindustry.biz that "ultimately, we're trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards, due to voltage supply differences et cetera; is not - in PS3's case - backwards compatible with either PS1 or PS2 software; will not play European Blu-Ray movies or DVDs; and will not be covered by warranty".


Lik Sang strongly disagrees with Sony's opinion that their customers need this kind of protection and pointed out that PSP consoles shipped from Lik-Sang contained genuine Sony 100V-240V AC Adapters that carry CE and other safety marks and are compatible world wide. All PSP consoles were in conformity with all EU and UK consumer safety regulations.


Furthermore, Sony have failed to disclose to the London High Court that not only the world wide gaming community in more than 100 countries relied on Lik-Sang for their gaming needs, but also Sony Europe's very own top directors repeatedly got their Sony PSP hard or software imports in nicely packed Lik-Sang parcels with free Lik-Sang Mugs or Lik-Sang Badge Holders, starting just two days after Japan's official release, as early as 14th of December 2004 (more than nine months earlier than the legal action). The list of PSP related Sony Europe orders reads like the who's who of the videogames industry, and includes Ray Maguire (Managing Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Alan Duncan (UK Marketing Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Chris Sorrell (Creative Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Rob Parkin (Development Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited), just to name a few.


"Today is Sony Europe victory about PSP, tomorrow is Sony Europe’s ongoing pressure about PlayStation 3. With this precedent set, next week could already be the stage for complaints from Sony America about the same thing, or from other console manufacturers about other consoles to other regions, or even from any publisher about any specific software title to any country they don’t see fit. It’s the beginning of the end... of the World as we know it", stated Pascal Clarysse, formerly known as the Marketing Manager of Lik-Sang.com.


"Blame it on Sony. That's the latest dark spot in their shameful track record as gaming industry leader. The Empire finally 'won', few dominating retailers from the UK probably will rejoice the news, but everybody else in the gaming world lost something today."

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What the fuck is Sony's obessesion with screwing over European consumers in every way possible? I can't believe they'd resort to suing Lik-Sang (and eventually putting them out of business) just to prevent Europeans from getting their hands on a PS3 a little earlier than they would have otherwise.


Man, fuck Sony.

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That's a rhetorical question. In the past 8-ish months Sony's made it clear that, at the very least, the heads of the companies have complete and utter contempt for all their customers.


And I suppose we now have our answer as to if the PS3 is all region for *all* games, including PS1 and PS2--no. Terrific. There goes yet another reason I was interested in it.

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I had heard of these guys and I always wondered why they hadn't had some sort of smack hit against them concerning it. Not to the point where they are sued out of business, but I always wondered how long it would be before they got at least tagged with some kind of warning.


I find it hilarious that the heads of Sony actually bought it from them. Talk about being hypocritical.

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This is such a load of bullshit. Even if some of you didn't like the site or never used it, this is still a very bad thing for all of us. I received the following email:



Order cancelled due to out of business


Dear valued customer,


unfortunately, Lik Sang is forced to close its virtual doors for good. This

comes as a consequence of the several legal actions brought on us by Sony.

For more information on the situation, please point your browser to the

following link:




Therefore, as soon as humanly possible, we will cancel all existing orders,

including yours, and issue refunds where necessary.


Please note that it may take anywhere from a few days up to a week or two

for refunds to be processed by PayPal, your bank or your credit card

company, so please don't worry if you don't see it immediately on your

balance statement. You can rest assured that Lik-Sang is monitoring the

situation closely with all involved parties. No single customer will be

caught in the crossfire of this ordeal.


We are sorry to have to go, and we wish to thank you sincerely your support

over the past decade.


Warm regards and a big THANK YOU from the entire Hong Kong crew.


Team Lik-Sang

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GODDAMNIT FUCK SONY!!!! Now do you guys finally understand why I hate Sony so much? As far as I know Nintendo or Microsoft didn't have an issue with Lik-Sang selling their products and shipping them. Its one thing to just make it so Lik-sang doesn't sell Sony products but its another to competely make them shut down. Fuck Sony, seriously, fuck Sony. I hope Microsoft gets a huge settlement off of them.

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Ok, I'm in the dark. Why exactly would Sony owe Microsoft anything?


And frankly I think Nintendo and Microsoft should counter sue Sony for lost revenue. If Sony is complaining about lost monies or something similarily stupid, woudln't putting Lik Seng out of business also hurt them? I'd laugh if one of the two did.

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Ok, I'm in the dark. Why exactly would Sony owe Microsoft anything?


And frankly I think Nintendo and Microsoft should counter sue Sony for lost revenue. If Sony is complaining about lost monies or something similarily stupid, woudln't putting Lik Seng out of business also hurt them? I'd laugh if one of the two did.

Microsoft is suing Sony for making a side by side comparison graph that's a advertisement that really has the wrong information about Microsoft's products. I would post it right now but I'm actually running late to something and for some reason I'm posting on the messageboard instead of getting dressed and getting my ass out the door, but when I come back tonight I'll post what excatly Microsoft is suing Sony over.

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Immersion sued them over Rumble, yeah. As a result, Sony had to fork over a huge settlement and (allegedly as part of the settlement) cannot have rumble functionality of any kind in PS3.


Immersion offered to develop a motion sensor and rumble PS3 controller "cheap" to Sony after Sony claimed the lack of rumble in the PS3 was a cost issue.


Many folks said the patent at the center of the dispute was too broad, though. I don't know all the specifics, exactly.

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So here is what Microsoft is suing Sony over...


linky link


Microsoft Prepares Legal Action Over Sony Propaganda

Sony has been showing off the following chart (above), which supposedly shows a price comparison between the PS3 and Xbox 360.


You would think this is the creation of some half-joking Sony loyalist, but this is actually what Sony is using for marketing. Not only does it compare the cost of online, which is pointless right now since it’s still not clear if developers will charge individually on the PS3, but the way they add up the supposed price of the Xbox 360 is just 100% dishonest.


First off, they use the Core Xbox 360 price of $299, but then they add on $100 for the HDD, and $50 for the Wireless controller. I’m surprised they didn’t also add in $20 for a headset too. Anyways, the Xbox 360 ($399) comes with both the HDD and the Wireless controller (as well as High-Def cables and a headset, neither come with either PS3 model). The only way you’d end up paying the amount they’re adding up for the Xbox 360 is if you’re trying to waste money.


Then we have the HD-DVD drive. This is an optional add-on that will be used for HD-DVD movies only. It has nothing to do with games, but of course, that is why Sony is trying to focus on it. When you have nothing to compete in the games arena, move into technical numbers that are construed in such a way that it’s blatant intention is to confuse the mainstream consumer.


Microsoft is aware of this, and it seems they’ve had enough of the Sony hype train. It seemed MS and Sony were content with making jabs at each other back and forth in interviews, but when it comes to flat-out lying to retailers and customers, something else must be done. Microsoft is preparing legal action against this, so we can add one more lawsuit to the Sony pile.


Here’s another report, thanks to DavidGX for sending in the story:


First up, were you aware that to use your Xbox 360 Core system you’re required to buy the 20GB drive add-on, an HD DVD drive, a wireless controller, and an Xbox Live sub? We weren’t either. But hey, it says right there, “requires users to buy” and this is, in fact, a “fact sheet.” Of course, none of that’s actually true, and what’s more, were one to use the Xbox 360 Premium console pack in that chart instead of the Core pack, the total would be $399 for a console with that very same hard drive, wireless controller, and Xbox Live Silver subscription (which provides access to everything but multiplayer) — remember, kids, an HD DVD drive is not required to do anything but watch high def movies — it has nothing to do with high def gaming. We hear Microsoft ain’t too happy about this chart either and is preparing certain legal action, namely because it could be misleading to otherwise unwitting retail employees selling customers game consoles this holiday season. Go figure.


P.S. -In the interest of fairness, it’s also worth pointing out the Wii browser is what will cost you after the first 6 months — not their online service. What’s more, if you download the browser before June of 2007, it’s straight up free. Otherwise, Nintendo hasn’t yet announced details of the cost of their online service so far as we know. Another nice one, Sony.


P.P.S. -We just confirmed with Microsoft that another Sony claim — that you need a memory unit or a hard drive to use the WiFi adapter — is also false. You can grab a Core pack with no memory card and plug in a WiFi adapter and get on your home network. Sheez Sony, did we mention we moonlight as fact checkers?


And here is an image...



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Wow, way to go Sony for screwing that up. I'm amazed Nintendo does also sue them for false advertising on the online thing... Of course though, they are probably right.


That's really stupid of Sony to be honest. And wait, the PS3 is supposed to be 499? Excuse me? I thought it was supposed to be $600 dollars?

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That's a rhetorical question. In the past 8-ish months Sony's made it clear that, at the very least, the heads of the companies have complete and utter contempt for all their customers.


And I suppose we now have our answer as to if the PS3 is all region for *all* games, including PS1 and PS2--no. Terrific. There goes yet another reason I was interested in it.



Region-free is more of a retailer thing than a Sony thing. The way I understand it, different regions have different costs for games. So if everything were region-free, customers would natually want to go for the cheapest item available. Especially considering the boom of online buying, it's eaiser to pay 40 bucks for a game in Australia than it would to spend 60 on the same game in America, for example. Or even simpler, once I'm done with a game, I can just mail it to my friend overseas so that he does not have to pay for it. Retailers could support region-free hardware, but they choose not to because this method makes them money. I mean, just think if Final Fantasy 12, for example, was available on a region-free PS2 (it was released months ago in Japan). Lots of people would have already played the game or bought it online, and specifically, not from a retailer. That ticks them off.


Now PS1 and PS2 games that are no longer being sold being unplayable on a PS3? Got me there, unless of course, they want gamers to pay up to download it or buy a future PS3 collection. The thought sickens me, really.

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Guest Smues
Wow, way to go Sony for screwing that up. I'm amazed Nintendo does also sue them for false advertising on the online thing... Of course though, they are probably right.


That's really stupid of Sony to be honest. And wait, the PS3 is supposed to be 499? Excuse me? I thought it was supposed to be $600 dollars?


It will retail for $599 US dollars. RIDDDDGGGEEEE RACCERRR

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That's a rhetorical question. In the past 8-ish months Sony's made it clear that, at the very least, the heads of the companies have complete and utter contempt for all their customers.


And I suppose we now have our answer as to if the PS3 is all region for *all* games, including PS1 and PS2--no. Terrific. There goes yet another reason I was interested in it.



Region-free is more of a retailer thing than a Sony thing. The way I understand it, different regions have different costs for games. So if everything were region-free, customers would natually want to go for the cheapest item available. Especially considering the boom of online buying, it's eaiser to pay 40 bucks for a game in Australia than it would to spend 60 on the same game in America, for example. Or even simpler, once I'm done with a game, I can just mail it to my friend overseas so that he does not have to pay for it. Retailers could support region-free hardware, but they choose not to because this method makes them money. I mean, just think if Final Fantasy 12, for example, was available on a region-free PS2 (it was released months ago in Japan). Lots of people would have already played the game or bought it online, and specifically, not from a retailer. That ticks them off.


Now PS1 and PS2 games that are no longer being sold being unplayable on a PS3? Got me there, unless of course, they want gamers to pay up to download it or buy a future PS3 collection. The thought sickens me, really.


I never asked for an explanation for it--I already know how/why it works. However, Sony said "region free for gaming" a long time ago.


Now it's "region free for PS3 games, tough luck on PS2/PS1 import games."


Look for "region free for PS3 first party games" next week, and "region free on some limited titles" later on. Of course there's going to be a major catch or three.

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I wouldn't count on PS3 games being region-free at all, either. The European push back means Sony could care less about other localizations of PS3 titles for a good long while.


And the 90 percent plus drop in profits over the last quarter means Sony is full panic mode. They'll probably need to sue everyone they know just so they can break even with the settlements.

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Yeah--I really doubt region free is happening.


Lik-Sang responds--maybe for the last time:




It's pretty funny.


And the 90 percent plus drop in profits over the last quarter means Sony is full panic mode. They'll probably need to sue everyone they know just so they can break even with the settlements.


It's a 94% drop in profits to be precise.


The current guesstimate is that Sony is going to post a $839 million dollar loss for the fiscal year.

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For that rebuttal Lik Sang can lik 50% of my nuts.


Now we know the real reason for the PS3 shortage. Each one runs on a haunted baby orphan's heart.

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