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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO Survivor Series Thread - November/26th/2006.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster



Card and predictions:



Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team DX: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy, & Matt Hardy .VS. Team Rated RKO: World Tag Team Champions, Randy Orton & Edge (with Lita), Mike Knox (with Kelly Kelly), Johnny Nitro (with Melina), & WWE Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms.

Winners: Team DX.



Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team Cena: WWE Champion John Cena, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Bobby Lashley, & Kane .VS. Team Big Show: ECW World Heavyweight Champion The Big Show, Umaga (with Armando Alejandro Estrada), Test, Fit Finlay, & Montel Vontavious Porter.

Winners: Team Cena.



World Heavyweight Title Match

King Booker (with Queen Sharmell) .VS. Batista.

Winner: King Booker.



First Blood Match

Ken Kennedy .VS. Undertaker.

Winner: Ken Kennedy.



WWE United States Title Match

Chris Benoit .VS. Chavo Guerrero (with Vicky Guerrero).

Winner: Chris Benoit.



Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team Legends: Ric Flair, Ron Simmons, Sgt. Slaughter, & Dusty Rhodes (with Arn Anderson) .VS. Team Spirit Squad: Kenny Doane, Johnny Jeter, Mikey Mondo, & Nicky Nemeth, (with Nick Mitchell).

Winners: Team Legends.



WWE Women's Title, "Lita's Retirement Match"

Lita .VS. Mickie James.

Winner: Mickie James.

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Mickie vs Lita

Winner: Mickie


Legends vs Spirit Squad

Winner: Legends (everyone will pin a SS member with their finisher and then Kenny will be the last guy left but will be counted out)


Chavo vs Benoit

Winner: Benoit


Mr. Kennedy vs Undertaker

Winner: Mr. Kennedy


Batista vs King Booker

Winner: Batista


Cena's Team vs Show's Team

Winner: Cena (Sole survivor Cena. Umaga will be eliminated by DQ or countout)


Team D-X vs Rated RKO

Winner: RKO (Sole survivor Randy Orton) although when I think about that it really doesn't sound right.

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My picks:


- Batista wins the title in the final match on the show

- Punk survives, eliminating Orton last, along with Nitro before

- Cena, RVD, & Lashley survive, eliminating Finlay last

- The entire Legends team survives when Kenny leaves Johnny alone to take the losing fall

- Kennedy beats Taker

- Benoit beats Chavo

- Mickie beats Lita


I actually think it'll be one of the better PPVs of the year, as the two 10-man elimination tags should be pretty good. They managed to make 2003's Team Angle vs. Team Lesnar decent, so I have faith they'll be decent. I'm planning on ordering.

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Yeah I always like the traditional survivor matches. Predictions:


I'll say Orton and Edge will both survive since lord knows Orton has to survive every year.


Cena, RVD, Lashley all survive. They all gang Show early to get him out of there, Umaga and Kane will both get counted out or DQed.


Booker will retain via nefarious means, maybe get counted out or DQed.


I'll take Chavo over Benoit with a Vicki run in.


Micki James will beat Lita and send her packing.


The Legends will sweep the Spirit Squad.


Kennedy will get a cheap first blood win over UT and gain nothing from it.

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Team Cena vs. Team Show: This one could go either way. Either ends with Umaga or Cena as the sole survivor. You can't bet against Cena at the big events, so I think they'll go with some cheap DQ or CO to get rid of Umaga. Other random predcitons of mine include: MVP gets eliminated within seconds, Finlay comes out looking strong, and Show eliminates Lashley by cheating.


King Booker vs. Batista (World title): Another tough call here. Rumor has it Batista wants to hold off his title win until Mania, and with Lashley off the show he just lost his best program. I say Booker retains very cheaply, because there is simply nowhere to go with Batista as champ right now. And I want a Booker/Benoit World title program.


Team DX vs. Team Rated RKO: The heel team has to win one elimination match, and I think this will be the one. Maybe they can have Michaels almost heroically overcome a 3 on 1 situation before losing to Orton. Edge comes back and cheats to help Orton eliminate a DX member, either way, then DX costs Rated RKO the tag titles the next night against Cryme Tyme. Other predictions include: Matt Hardy will eliminate Edge, Helms will get a cheap pin on Matt to keep that feud going, and Orton will eliminate Punk clean with the RKO.


Ken Kennedy vs. The Undertaker (First blood): This a heat-protector type match, so I think Kennedy will get the win. They seem to be pushing him hard, so I'd say he goes over in cheap fashion, despite getting his ass kicked most of the match and probably afterwards as well. The important thing is he'll be able to claim victory later.


Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero (US title): Benoit is similar to Jericho or RVD in terms of status. A failsafe option to throw a midcard title on at any time, but it hardly ever means anything, and he'll lose it to the next flavor of the month. Following the I Quit match with Rey, the flavor is Chavo. JBL will play up how Vickie = Success or whatever as Chavo lies, cheats, and steals his way to victory.


Team Social Security vs. The Spirit Squad: Faarooq's return is mildly interesting, but nothing else about this match is worth a DAMN. Geriatrics in a sweep.


Mickie James vs. Lita (Women's title): Hopefully no stupid gimmicks here. Lita should go all out in her last match, but unlike with Trish, no one cares about Lita so the result will be less than spectacular. Match should be better than most people expect, but certainly won't be a Trish/Mickie level of workrate or a Trish/Lita level of emotion. It'll be decent, and Mickie will win.

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Team DX Vs Team Rated RKO

-This could be a really great match given the talents involved and considering those people, I see this match getting a healthy length of time, from 25-35 minutes. The issues intertwined here allow for some great interactions. There’s the obvious rivalries but the lingering past of Edge/Matt especially with Lita possibly being ringside will be a great scene with a likely verbal crowd blowing it up. This also has the arrival of CM Punk in a main event in such short time and with a supportive crowd behind him, his stock will rise dramatically. How this match goes down is also intriguing because you have the situation of two top teams going against each other but Orton and Punk with specific winning streaks going. Punk has the undefeated streak that they appear to be making into something of importance heading into the EC match the next week. Orton has been the sole survivor for the past Series events


How do I see this match going? Since I expect this to go long, Im confident they will have a lot of mix and match work here. Of all the match-ups, I’m most interested in seeing Punk interact with Edge. I really do think that they’ll put Punk over here because the rest of the faces don’t necessarily need it nor do I really expect Matt to be a survivor.


Order of elimination

1. Triple H pins Knox (HHH needs to go over someone here and Punk has already gotten him twice)

After Knox is eliminated, I see a spot with Knox trying to force Kelly to leave with her but she declines and sticks and behind Punk as Knox leaves in anger.

2. Jeff Hardy pins Helms

3. Nitro pins Jeff via Melina assistance

4. Edge pins Shawn (People wouldn’t expect Shawn to go early and with Edge doing the usual heel stuff, Shawn leaves early despite his past history of success in Series matches)

5. Matt pins Edge (I see them writing Lita out here and the best way to do it is if Lita trips Edge (It’d work either if it’s because it’s on purpose or mistake). It’d be the most fitting way for her to leave and I’d have Edge berate her at ringside and that’s where Matt steps in and Edge shakes his head and walks away.

5. Orton pins Matt Hardy (Orton gets a sneak pin on Hardy after the Edge/Lita stuff)

6. Orton and Triple H double-count-out spot. Either men can afford a clean job and they always do this spot.

7. Punk submits Nitro for the win.

Before Punk beats Nitro, he tricks Kelly who tried to interfere in Nitro’s behalf(revealing that she decided to stick with Knox instead) but Punk was one step ahead of her and sends her away. Punk and Nitro get a short heat segment leading to the Anaconda Vice.


Since I don’t expect them to close the show with a celebrating Punk, we’ll find DX/R-RKO brawling in the back finishing off with some big stunt to close it off.


Team Cena Vs Team Show

-With one SS match being loaded with great match potential, this match is loaded with potential, train wreck potential.


None of these guys are pretty wrestlers but you have big personalities that will be met with the usually vocal crowd in Philadelphia.


Unlike the previous match, the interactions aren’t as appealing with the exception of maybe Sabu and Finlay. This shouldn’t be very long, no more then 12 minutes.

Order of Elimination

1. Kane pins MVP (Instantly, maybe less then a minute into the match. He has no place here and that’s been the entire point to his existence on SD, Kane’s bitch).

2. Lashley pins Test (Lashley needs to look strong and Test is the victim here)3. Finlay pins Kane (set up a deal with these two for their next feud)3 Umaga pins

3. Sabu (The days of Sabu being protected or even booked to mean something have passed)

4. Umaga DQ’d after vicious attack on Cena (Umaga can’t take a lost yet and it prolongs the Cena/Umaga program)

5. Finlay pins Cena (Cena will be selling the beat down like death and Finlay capitalizes on it with a cheap victory)

6. Lashley pins Finlay

7. Lashley counted out after Heyman and cronies get involved

7. RVD pins TBS (During chaos of the Heyman and Lashley, RVD sneaks in a van daminator to steal a victory heading into EC to sell that RVD has TBS’s number)


Batista Vs King Booker

-The matches between these two haven’t been the best but that’s what you expect with Booker being the workhorse of the pair. The feud has been better then expected and the crowds do care, but it seems they remain intent on holding off the Batista title win until WM. That’s quite a while right now and as decent as this program has been, Im not confident that it can sustain that long. Which means they’ll probably need to separate these two or at least move Batista out of the way so they can transition the title onto someone for Batista to take at Mania.


Which makes this match in the air, because they have done a number of non-finishes, DQ’s and other cheap finishes but I can’t see them having anyone go over clean here. This is a risky move but it’ll work if done right. Have a reversed decision spot with Batista going bat-shit on Booker after scoring the victory and the ref’s overturn the decision.


Chris Benoit Vs Chavo Guerrero

-This has been a fairly pedestrian feud but when the impetus is about Eddie Guerrero’s Widow having a questionable relationship with the deceased’s nephew and Eddie’s other “best” buddy drawing offense to it and Chavo goes around screaming “YOU’RE NOT A GUERRERO!”. Whatever, but when these two are given a healthy dose of time which probably won’t be the case (no more then 12 minutes, max for these two). I’d use this as the opener as it should be short enough but Benoit’s very over in Philly, so they should be into it.


Ken Kennedy Vs Undertaker

-Kennedy has been greatly put over here during this feud. Far greater then Orton even was and much more believable. Undertaker is battling injuries right now and since he and the company are high on Kennedy, there’s no reason that he shouldn’t go over here and I think he will. While WWE is bad, they aren’t TNA bad with booking decisions (well, not as frequent). I actually would like to see a double spot with each men busting each other simultaneously and then just beating each other to a pulp until be separated by the officials and such.


Lita Vs Mickie James

-Lita is out the door and she’ll be dropping the title. The match will be pretty short as they really don’t need to stretch this out further then 5 minutes. The real intrigue with Lita is what happens with Edge, later that night.


Spirit Squad Vs Legends

-This has gone almost unappreciated lately but Kenny has been fantastic with his current character direction. Johnny has the makings of a good face and hopefully they pull the trigger on that face turn. The match will, without question, be designed with the faces having fun and working the crowd with signature spots and such. Match result is almost assuredly to be Doane walking out leaving Johnny trapped in the F4 to have no option but tapping out.

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I'm really quite looking forward to Survivor Series, it looks like it'll be an entertaining show. I'm putting a lot of faith in this show, I'm getting the PPV in my house at uni and about 10 of my friends that have never watched a WWE PPV before will be watching. In fact most of them haven't watched wrestling properly before. I've shown them a few ROH matches and most all of them have been really receptive. It'll be interesting to see what they think of more or less the anthesis of ROH.

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Orton always crushes HHH and HBK in Survivor Series Elimination matches and I'd love nothing more for Philly, a once smart town now filled with DX-loving marks and Cena fans, to wisen up for one night and boo DX unmercifully.


I like how they use Simmons' 2000-01 photo.


I've got club box seats for this, the team matches will be fun, but the Women's Title, Legends Match, and Smackdown! matches BLOW. Benoit/Chavo? Batista/Booker? Ugh. I loathe both challengers. Mickie and Lita, "Lumberjack" stuff aside, tried to have an important, serious, near-fall wrestling classic at Taboo Tuesday and really stunk up the joint. And the legends aren't people I am fond of, at all.

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Team DX vs Team RKO-Team DX wins. I'm suprised I haven't seen that much bitching about the fact that the champ is no way involved in the main event. Speaking of Cena...


Team Cena vs. Team Show-Team Show will end up winning. Don't know why, I just do.


Batista vs. King Booker-Booker wins via interference.


Benoit vs. Chavo-Knowing the company, it will probably go to chavo so they can continue to exploit Eddy's name. And if Benoit Wins...they'll still exploit Eddy's name.


Ken Kennedy vs. Undertaker-Kennedy wins thanks to interference.


Dusy Gozangas vs. Mickie=Mickie goes over the Horsefaced Horror, since Lita's most likely leaving soon anyway.


Legends vs. Spirit Squad-Old folks home wins.

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"I'm suprised I haven't seen that much bitching about the fact that the champ is no way involved in the main event. Speaking of Cena..."


It's Survivor Series.


Same thing happened in 1989, 1991, 1994, and 2000. Weakest of the "Big 5/Big 4" PPVs so no one really cares, I suppose.


I hope SS pops a huge buyrate somehow (not bloody likely with two PPVs already in November and another one, brand-exclusive, just around the corner) and WWE makes next year have like 5-6 elim. matches.




Dusty Rhodes wishes Batista good luck backstage. Batista PINS BOOKER to win the title. Then the original referee reverses the decision and awards the match to Booker by DQ b/c of Batista using a chair, etc. This year's "screw job".


Benoit over Chavo, hopefully.


Team RKO over Team DX.


Team Cena over Team Show. Lashley pins Show to win it. Umaga and Cena get DQ'd.


Mickie over Lita. "Na na na na..." chant for Lita. Ross calls Philly an "edgy EXTREME city".


Legends over Squad, no Legends are eliminated.


Kennedy over Taker.

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By the way...


Batista Vs. King Booker is the MAIN EVENT for the Survivor Series, as announced on Smackdown!.


So change those predictions.


Wow, in a span of 11 months, Philadelphia got:


Batista vacating the World Heavyweight Title

Angle winning the World Heavyweight Title

Edge winning the WWE Title

Big Show winning the ECW Title

Batista winning the World Heavyweight Title?


Bet that never happens again in one town.


10 bucks says the scroll that Batista and Long signed says "Batista never gets a title shot" or "Non-Title Match".

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Guest FlapjackPetey ShoeMuffins
Batista Vs. King Booker is the MAIN EVENT for the Survivor Series, as announced on Smackdown!

J.B.L. was saying that, but I'm not sure if it's actually true. It's the Smackdown "Main Event" for the PPV sure, but I don't think it's the actual last match on the show.

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(Boogeyman's entrance)


"And it is the main event. And it is from Smackdown!. World Championship on the line..."


- Michael Cole.


(Earlier match)


"Smackdown! has the main event at the Survivor Series for two reasons: King Booker and Batista."




It's the main event. I know my semantics. "And tonight, it's a special MAIN EVENT MATCH as The Demon faces..."

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Guest Untitled

Mickie vs Lita

Winner: I'd mark out if Lita won, threw the belt on the ground, and said the division was dead. Mainly because, well it is kinda dead with only Mickie/Lita as serious contenders, and soon to be just Mickie, so Mickie winning doesn't make a lot of sense. Unless they hire some more bikini clad hoss.


Legends vs Spirit Squad

Winner: Kenny. Sole survivor. I really want him to whoop Flair's decrepit behind.


Chavo vs Benoit

Winner: Chavo. Benoit doesn't need the title, Chavo needs momentum.


Mr. Kennedy vs Undertaker

Winner: Mr. Kennedy. Wish it were Regal in his place.


Batista vs King Booker

Winner: King Booker.


Cena's Team vs Show's Team

Winner: Rob Van Dam and Cena. Sets up ECW PPV.


Team D-X vs Rated RKO

Winner: DX. CM Punk - I just have a gut feeling.

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The problem with using Booker/Batista for the main event is that they haven’t clicked very well in the ring because with Batista, Booker has to lead and Booker isn’t all that great at it. The feud has been decent and borderline good. Granted, being a great match isn’t required for a main event especially in this show’s case where there are two other matches probably expected to carry the show. They’ll have good heat one way or another but I can’t help but feel that if they really wanted this to be a main event match with the emphasis on being their final match, it should have came with a gimmick. Such as a cage for instance.


If it does end up as the main event and that’s always in the air because they have changed announced main events many times, it doesn’t lead well to the hopes of the DX/RKO match getting the time it should (25-40 minutes) but does improve the chances that Punk will go over.


7 matches and the times should read as follows


Chavo/Benoit: 10 Minutes

Legends/Spirit Squad: 8 minutes

Cena/Show: 12 minutes

Lita/Mickie: 5 minutes (They didn’t work well before and we all know Lita’s last stand really occurs during the RKO/DX match)

First Blood: 15 minutes

RKO/DX: 30 minutes

Batista/Booker: 12 minutes

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Mickie vs Lita

Winner: Mickie


Legends vs Spirit Squad

Winner: Legends sweep


Chavo vs Benoit

Winner: Chavo


Mr. Kennedy vs Undertaker

Winner: Mr. Kennedy


Batista vs King Booker

Winner: Batista


Cena's Team vs Show's Team

Winner: Team Cena (Survivors: Cena, Lashley)


Team D-X vs Rated RKO

Winner: Rated RKO (Survivor: Orton)

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Mickie Vs Lita : Mickie



Chavo Vs Chris Benoit: Chavo



Mr. Kennedy Vs The Undertaker: I'm leaning towards The Undertaker but if Kennedy does win, he's going to win in a really screwy fashion that doesn't get anybody over.


Team Spirit Squad Vs Legends Team: Legends Team (Unlike the others, I think it won't be a clean sweep though. I bet Slaughter and Farooq will get eliminated in a screw job fashion but Flair and Dusty will survive)



Team Cena Vs Team Big Show: Team Cena (Soul Survivor: John Cena)



Team DX Vs Team RKO: Team RKO (Soul survivor: Randy Orton)



Batista Vs King Booker: Batista (Though I hope King Booker will win. Really though, who does he have to feud with if he beats Batista in the blowoff? The Undertaker. It's pretty obvious Batista is going over unfortunately)

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I see Team DX winning and Team Big Show winning, which seems to be the opposite of many here. I think CM Punk and one member of DX will survive their match and Umaga and Big Show will survive theirs. In both cases the undefeated wrestler stays undefeated. I think Big Show has to take out Lashley and Test has to take out RVD to add necessary drama to the D2D chamber match a week later (before being eventually taken out by Cena).


I hope to see Punk and Helms square off at one point in their match. I like the idea of Lita inadvertantly costing Edge in his match, however only if Edge obviously costs Lita her match and sides with Mickie and they continue to beat on Lita until Matt Hardy makes the save and Lita retires happily ever after.

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I see Team DX winning and Team Big Show winning, which seems to be the opposite of many here. I think CM Punk and one member of DX will survive their match and Umaga and Big Show will survive theirs. In both cases the undefeated wrestler stays undefeated. I think Big Show has to take out Lashley and Test has to take out RVD to add necessary drama to the D2D chamber match a week later (before being eventually taken out by Cena).


I hope to see Punk and Helms square off at one point in their match. I like the idea of Lita inadvertantly costing Edge in his match, however only if Edge obviously costs Lita her match and sides with Mickie and they continue to beat on Lita until Matt Hardy makes the save and Lita retires happily ever after.


The problem with that is that Philly will shit on that. It wouldn't be Savage/Liz where Savage just lost his job after a hard fought match and Liz, the beautiful girl that he wronged came back to him.


The best way to wrap it up is doing this


Have Edge walking from the showers in a towel looking tired and making a reference to getting laid in the shower to Orton when Lita comes in gear heading to her match and Edge blows her off. This establishes that Edge is sleeping with someone behind her back and that Edge is still a dick.


While Lita heads towards the ring, she bumps into Matt who says "good luck" in a sincere manner. Lita goes in, jobs clean and does a respect angle with Mickie.


Lita comes out with Rated RKO but in the process "accidently" trips Edge causing him to eat a pin from Matt or anyone for that matter. Edge is pissed and chases Lita around, screaming at her. Matt steps in and lays him out. Matt and Lita stare down and Lita smiles and simply nods her head and walks away.


No fake sentimential reunion/kiss. Just an acknowledgment from Lita that she's sorry for everything she did and it's closure with Matt/Lita and Edge/Lita.

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I'm really quite looking forward to Survivor Series, it looks like it'll be an entertaining show. I'm putting a lot of faith in this show, I'm getting the PPV in my house at uni and about 10 of my friends that have never watched a WWE PPV before will be watching. In fact most of them haven't watched wrestling properly before. I've shown them a few ROH matches and most all of them have been really receptive. It'll be interesting to see what they think of more or less the anthesis of ROH.

You're really setting them up for disappointment by showing them RoH first before WWE.

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I'm really quite looking forward to Survivor Series, it looks like it'll be an entertaining show. I'm putting a lot of faith in this show, I'm getting the PPV in my house at uni and about 10 of my friends that have never watched a WWE PPV before will be watching. In fact most of them haven't watched wrestling properly before. I've shown them a few ROH matches and most all of them have been really receptive. It'll be interesting to see what they think of more or less the anthesis of ROH.

You're really setting them up for disappointment by showing them RoH first before WWE.

You would of been better off showing them a complete season of a random reality tv series because we all know WWE is not about athletic exhibition but rather about the campy corny cliche drama and all of the conflict that ensues.

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--A look at this year's Survivor Series:


King Booker vs. Batista for the World title: I hope they put this in the main event position. This match can only succeed if they allow them to do all the shortcuts, because the prior Booker-Batista matches have not been good. If you didn't figure Batista was winning the title, Friday's Smackdown all but said so. Unless plans change, that's the idea and it's a good finish to the show if the match holds up.


Team DX (HHH & Shawn Michaels & Hardy Boyz & C.M. Punk) vs. Team RKO (Edge & Randy Orton & Mike Knox & Johnny Nitro & Gregory Helms): This is an interesting match on paper. Knox is clearly the weak link but I doubt he'll be doing much. The Hardy Boyz seem to have come off Tuesday's TV with a lot of momentum. Obviously DX and Edge & Orton will be kept strong. Hardyz will be programmed with Nitro & Helms. The most interesting thing is how Punk will be portrayed. Punk is being talked about for as high as the No. 2 face position on ECW within a few months, if not sooner. Will they protect him for that spot, or treat him as if he's not on the level with the top guys? This should be a good match


Team Cena (John Cena & Kane & Sabu & Rob Van Dam & Bobby Lashley) vs. Team Show (Big Show & Umaga & Test & MVP & Fit Finlay): You've got both good and bad here. Again, this style of match should lend itself to be good, but there are question marks here like Test, Sabu and MVP. Finlay working with Cena and Van Dam is something new. The key things to set up here would be RVD vs. Lashley tension leading to the ECW show a week later, and Umaga should eliminate Cena to build heat for what appears to be the New Year's Revolution main event (that is just my speculation, I haven't been told that officially)


Team Flair (Ric Flair & Ron Simmons & Sgt. Slaughter & Dusty Rhodes with Arn Anderson as manager) vs. Team Spirit Squad: Team Flair has to go over because Spirit Squad has already been buried underground. Hopefully it doesn't go too long to where it goes from nostalgia to sadness.


Undertaker vs. Mr. Kennedy in a first blood match: I'd put Kennedy over here because the first blood stip usually is done to put the heel over. Kennedy is the guy on the rise and Undertaker can lose and still kill him after and build to another meeting


Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero for the U.S. title: It seems as though this program is just starting. If that's the case, Vickie Guerrero costing Benoit the title makes sense for the first PPV match.


Lita vs. Mickie James for the women's title: They already did the triumphant retiring as champion for Trish Stratus. I can't see doing it again, although if Lita loses, they can turn her face when it's over. This whole Lita retirement thing was badly done. It was thrown out at the last minute with no build, and Edge should have been involved in a stipulation since he and Lita have been a main event heel pairing all year. And it's not like they haven't had months to come up with a story for it.

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I see Team DX winning and Team Big Show winning, which seems to be the opposite of many here. I think CM Punk and one member of DX will survive their match and Umaga and Big Show will survive theirs. In both cases the undefeated wrestler stays undefeated. I think Big Show has to take out Lashley and Test has to take out RVD to add necessary drama to the D2D chamber match a week later (before being eventually taken out by Cena).


I hope to see Punk and Helms square off at one point in their match. I like the idea of Lita inadvertantly costing Edge in his match, however only if Edge obviously costs Lita her match and sides with Mickie and they continue to beat on Lita until Matt Hardy makes the save and Lita retires happily ever after.


The problem with that is that Philly will shit on that. It wouldn't be Savage/Liz where Savage just lost his job after a hard fought match and Liz, the beautiful girl that he wronged came back to him.


The best way to wrap it up is doing this


Have Edge walking from the showers in a towel looking tired and making a reference to getting laid in the shower to Orton when Lita comes in gear heading to her match and Edge blows her off. This establishes that Edge is sleeping with someone behind her back and that Edge is still a dick.


While Lita heads towards the ring, she bumps into Matt who says "good luck" in a sincere manner. Lita goes in, jobs clean and does a respect angle with Mickie.


Lita comes out with Rated RKO but in the process "accidently" trips Edge causing him to eat a pin from Matt or anyone for that matter. Edge is pissed and chases Lita around, screaming at her. Matt steps in and lays him out. Matt and Lita stare down and Lita smiles and simply nods her head and walks away.


No fake sentimential reunion/kiss. Just an acknowledgment from Lita that she's sorry for everything she did and it's closure with Matt/Lita and Edge/Lita.


Unfortunately, if they go w/ the feel-good route, they'll have Lita nutshot Edge and call it a career.

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I always thought on her last show, they should have have Lita fuck up an interference and costing Edge an important match. Then afterwards, Edge would give Lita one of the worst beatdowns in the history of pro wrestling. Like back in 2001 when Austin beat the shit out of her with a steel chair, but a lot worse.


Edge's heel heat would go through the roof even more.

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"Cena/Show: 12 minutes"


No chance in hell.


In 2003 and 2004, in which there two 5 on 5 matches, one match would go 25+ and the other would go 12 minutes.


In both cases, the matches with the better "workers" and more heat went longer (or in other words, the Raw match, and DX/RKO is basically a raw match with guests) and since WWE usually keeps the same format in practice, that's how this years show would work.

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We'll see.


But keep this in mind:


In 2003 and 2004, the shorter matches featured the "B-Show" main eventers.


'03 featured Smackdown w/ guys like Morgan, Jones, Holly, Bradshaw, A-Train, who were all fodder and quickly eliminated.


'04 featured Smackdown again, and was very one-sided.


Totally different dynamic this year, with a good mix of strong workers and/or uppercarders from each show mixed together. I feel that both of the "big" SS matches will be given 20-30 minutes, plus entrances.

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