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NHL Thread: It's December Now.

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I was a bit surprised at the fans booing Big Z, but he's ignored them and played pretty good shutdown defense so far.


I have the Ottawa feed and these guys are such blatant homers it's not even funny. Z leaves the puck behind the net for Bergeron to take up ice on the powerplay...Ottawa announcers say it's so the fans will stop booing him. That and their five minute discussion on Alfredsson's new skates have left me questioning my sanity.


The dustup was funny, especially McGratton screaming "I'll fucking KILL you!!" at Primeau in the box. And the complete disorganization of the referees, not sure who should be in the box, Mara was in, Mara was out, Primeau was in, then he's gone, same with McGratton, after the tic-tac-toe goal on the powerplay, the refs had another conference to make sure of something, almost like they were counting minutes again.


An entertaining game thus far.

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It's funny that you guys had to mention Hal Gill out of nowhere. The guy has been terrible tonight for the Leafs, it's too bad he isn't playing for Florida because he could've had a three point night, scoring one (kicked in) and "assisting" on two for the Panthers.


Good ol' Maple Leafs... they win 9-2 one night, then the next night they're losing 7-2.

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They said that Bonk could be included in a trade for Fedorov. If they give up our faceoff and penalty killing specialist for a hasbeen like Fedorov, it would have to be the worst trade I have seen in a while. Fedorov hasn't done anything significant since he got out of Detroit.


And I like Bonk. He has a funny name AND he plays well.

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Federov is a half decent face off man, and would definitly help out the second line scoring.



Anyways, go Cristobal Huet, who once again showed why he should be the Vezina winner.

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Is it that wrong of me to say "If it's not broke, don't fix it"? We did just beat the second best team in the league for the second time this year....why are we talking (not-as-big-as-it-once-could-have-been)blockbuster trade? For god's sake Gainey, save your money and rent Gagne in February when the Philly fire sale begins if you're that hell-bent on adding more firepower....never mind the fact you still haven't addressed your problem of Huet (once again) facing over 40 shots again.

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When I looked at the game, and some other games when Huet faced a high number of shots, most of them are very bad scoring attempts, and Huet is right there.

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Guest Princess Leena

Miller will return back to godly form soon. And we will destroy all the Canadian teams.

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When I looked at the game, and some other games when Huet faced a high number of shots, most of them are very bad scoring attempts, and Huet is right there.


I agree. Allowing 30+ shots per game is rarely a good thing, but the Habs don't seem to allow a big pile of shots that have a high probability of going in, no matter who the goalie is. Not to take anything away from Huet at all, he is showing that last season wasn't a fluke but the shots-on-goal doesn't always tell the story about offensive-defensive play.

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You saw Gill have his worst performance of the season. Otherwise, I don't think he's that bad, on some nights he's actually been the Leafs best defenceman after Kaberle... yes I really do mean it. He isn't leading the team in plus/minus for nothing. I don't know firsthand how bad he was in Boston, but perhaps he's turned over a new Leaf?

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but perhaps he's turned over a new Leaf?




Actually, from what I've seen, he's been kinda hot and cold this year. He has played reasonably well at times, and like you said, he does lead the team in +/-.

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I don't know firsthand how bad he was in Boston, but perhaps he's turned over a new Leaf?


At his best in Boston, he was the third best defenseman. At his worst, he made Jason York look like Nik Lidstrom.

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Man, that sucks about the Pens, but if they do get moved, I hope they move to Hartford, and become the Whalers again.



Second note.


Rory Fitzpatrick is second in voting for defencemen for the Western Conference, only 10,000 votes behind Neidrmayer. Fitzpatrick has ZERO points in 19 games and is a MINUS 18.

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Man, I remember when Cloutier was playing for the Rangers when he started, and I said to myself, "This kid is going to be a star".



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I still think the biggest gaffe in hockey draft history is when Montreal decided to pick Doug Wickenheiser instead of Dennis Savard who went second, and then Paul Coffey who went sixth.

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