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OAO ECW Thread- 12/5

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No one started the topic so I thought that I'd do it.


Anyway, the Heyman promo was good. I found myself getting sad knowing that it was Paul's last promo in WWECW though. I'll miss Paul.

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I couldn't help but think when Ariel and Thorn were out that at least once, an opponent should scatter seeds on the mat, and they're too distracted picking them up, and thus get beat.

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Here's what I don't get about WWE faces. Why do they always wait until the girl has been drilled with the move to make the save? Cena did the exact same thing with Maria about a month ago. What's the point of even running in if you can't make to save the girl? Especially since Tazz was RIGHT FUCKING THERE.

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Here's what I don't get about WWE faces. Why do they always wait until the girl has been drilled with the move to make the save? Cena did the exact same thing with Maria about a month ago. What's the point of even running in if you can't make to save the girl? Especially since Tazz was RIGHT FUCKING THERE.

If they save before they get knocked out, the damsel is obligated to fall madly in love with her savior. A Tazz/K^2 relationship isn't something we want to see, and neither is Cena/Maria.

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the promo wouldve made sense if SHow was off tv, but if he was getting a rematch that night it wouldnt make sense for him to be crying his eyes out.


the beginning had a lot of passion and i could imagine him really leaving after that. (you dont see alot of storyline crying in wrestling outside of Kane and Bobby Heenan) but saying 'that's it i'm done' isnt exactly selling the idea that Show had a chance at winning.

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Here's what I don't get about WWE faces. Why do they always wait until the girl has been drilled with the move to make the save? Cena did the exact same thing with Maria about a month ago. What's the point of even running in if you can't make to save the girl? Especially since Tazz was RIGHT FUCKING THERE.

If they save before they get knocked out, the damsel is obligated to fall madly in love with her savior. A Tazz/K^2 relationship isn't something we want to see, and neither is Cena/Maria.


I'm sure the Tazz character didn't actually think Knox would hit his finisher on Kelly. It's not like it was a 3min beatdown on her before Tazz got up.

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You know.......am I the only one who thinks that without her implants, Ariel would be quite unattractive?


She looked basicaly the same before she had them......she explained on her myspace that she got them because she wanted them to look like they looked in a push up bra without the bra.

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You know.......am I the only one who thinks that without her implants, Ariel would be quite unattractive?


She looked basicaly the same before she had them......she explained on her myspace that she got them because she wanted them to look like they looked in a push up bra without the bra.


Can you provide a link to her myspace?

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From reading Ariel's MySpace (Which I found through Google), apparently she only got the boob job in July 2006. So, that would mean that her breasts are NATURALLY large and that the boob job only served to sit them straight?

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Guest Toddiwod
Why were The Giant Jr. and Bobby Lashley re-enacting Wrestlemania 3? Finishing the match with a body slam doesn't cut it in this day in age.


The offense from both men was really dull in that match as it was, and yeah... that was a really weak way to finish the match. Oh, and nothing against Lashley, but with the belt on him, ECW will be lucky to draw flies in less than a few month's time. I know it would have been too predictable to put the belt back on RVD, but damn, its what few remaining ECW fans want. If it weren't for Punk, Sabu and RVD, there'd honestly be no real reason to watch.

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Agreed. No one wants to see Lashley with a world title right now. I wish WWE would get that through their heads (it will never happen, I know). I don't see why WWE can never just put a belt on someone the fans actually want to see on top for any extended period of time (other than the late '90s or so when Rock and Austin were on top).

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Guest Toddiwod

Maybe I was being harsh... I mean only two nights before they were in an OMG EXTREME Elimination Chamber match. Both Lashley and Show were both tired and bruised, but I guess they had to get his rematch out of the way before he limped away breathlessly to the nearest Burger King to celebrate his retirement with the entire menu.


Seriously... I know that Show is a big guy... always has been. But there's no excuse for a well-paid athlete to have so little respect for his job that he gets that out of shape.

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But there's no excuse for a well-paid athlete to have so little respect for his job that he gets that out of shape.

He was never given a reason to lose weight. WWE sent him down to OVW to lose weight and when he didn't they called him back up anyway and pushed him. It didn't help that he was on a downside of almost $1m a year and WWE felt the need to justify it by pushing him.

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