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Craig Th

Jesus Camp...

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I saw this movie on Tuesday night and was amazed by it, I watched it again with my girlfriend on Wednesday.


The stuff they do to this kids is crazy and they are basically brainwashing them. It gets me so pissed off because I was raised the COMPLETE opposite of what the Evangelicals believe in.


Everyone must see this. Now. Go rent it.

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I was a member of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) and we weren't crazy. I mean. Sure we did a couple of food drives here and there, but I don't remember us being brainwashed or anything (of course I would say this if I was). This was Chicago and I haven't gone to church since moving to Texas. It could be a difference of culture in regions.


This movie does interest me, however.

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I was a member of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) and we weren't crazy. I mean. Sure we did a couple of food drives here and there, but I don't remember us being brainwashed or anything (of course I would say this if I was). This was Chicago and I haven't gone to church since moving to Texas. It could be a difference of culture in regions.


This movie does interest me, however.


ELCA is mainline, not "that kind" of evangelical church, despite the name.


ELCA is actually a pretty liberal denomination, with female clergy & such, not the kind of evangelical church they would be looking at in Jesus Camp.

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I read somewhere that this place has been closed down since the documentary was aired. I think the documentary "Deliver Us from Evil" might be even more depressing, because it deals with the catholic church and all the covering up it did when faced with molestation allegations. I would link to a trailer, but for some reason everywhere that has/had a link, the link is now broken.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"
I was a member of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) and we weren't crazy. I mean. Sure we did a couple of food drives here and there, but I don't remember us being brainwashed or anything (of course I would say this if I was). This was Chicago and I haven't gone to church since moving to Texas. It could be a difference of culture in regions.


This movie does interest me, however.

I think I alluded to my local experiences with mainline Protestantism somewhere here, and I was along the same lines: food drives and stuff like that, really not a lot of fire and brimstone to it around here, but I imagine things could be different elsewhere. This is just for Protestants, mind you. I'm sure Catholicism is just as creepy and incomprehensible to outsiders from one place to the next.

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Guest DogOn

The scene with the cardboard George Bush worried me the most, although the whole movie is sad. "We're training to be Gods army, but in a good kind of way."


Deliver us From Evil will be the toughest to watch, I actually don't think I will see it.

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I think another reason they made "Deliver us from Evil" was to debunk the whole, "it's not a pedophile problem, it's a homosexual problem" nonsense as they have plenty of female victims featured as well.

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Is this the movie Nancy Pelosi's daughter made?


No, that was Friends With God which premiered on HBO on Thursday. And I believe it's about Evangelicals influence on politics.



Deliver Us From Evil is about a Catholic priest who molested a lot of kids in the late 70s and the Catholic Church's coverup.

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Damn. Just saw this last night. Creepy to say the least.


This is why I steered away from organized religion. Spirituality is too easily manipulated and abused by those in power, especially when it comes to kids. It was horrifying how demonstrative and near-belligerent they got these kids to act in the name of religious fervor. The speaking in tongues bit was just ridiculous, too. If I ran into one of those Evangelical kids, I wouldn't know whether to cry for them or shake them until their eyes popped out.

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I think another reason they made "Deliver us from Evil" was to debunk the whole, "it's not a pedophile problem, it's a homosexual problem" nonsense as they have plenty of female victims featured as well.

Unfortunately, that BS has been replaced by, "it's not a homosexual problem, it's a celibacy problem." When will people realize that there can be no excuse?

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