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Kurt Angle Mark

Smackdown Spoilers

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From: Wrestling Observer


Dark match

Matt Hardy b Chuck Palumbo



Boogeyman b Fit Finlay. Little Bastard tried to interfere, but he was stopped by the newest member of the roster, Mini Boogeyman


Deuce b Brian Kendrick


John Cena & Shawn Michaels b Mr. Kennedy & MVP


Gregory Helms NC Scotty 2 Hotty when Daivari, Shannon Moore, Jamie Noble, Funaki and Jimmy Wang Yang interered


Undertaker & Batista b Edge & Randy Orton


Bobby Lashley was there and No Way Out has added Lashley vs. Mr. Kennedy to the show. They've also added a seven-way cruiserweight title match with the wrestlers in the match


Also they debuted the Ashley Playboy cover

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If those results are real...


It's about damn time they remembered they had somewhat of a cruiserweight division.


...hmm, winner faces Mysterio for the title at Mania?


Again, as someone said here before, it could be said Rey proved his point that he could be a World Champion, and now he wanted to add some credibility, respect, or stuff like that to the Cruiserweight division.

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They must have realized that Noble and Funaki were still on Smackdown, and Moore is apparently not extreme enough for ECW. He had to have had the worst run of anybody from ECW. I love how anytime WWE needs to fill the card for a Smackdown PPV, they call in all the cruiserweights to have a pointless 8 minute match.


And no Benoit? I figured he would have no one else to face at the PPV but Kennedy.

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Rey is not coming back anytime soon. His appearance next week is to say hello to his hometown and maybe set up an angle.


Sounds like picking Lashley in Fantasy paid off since he has a PPV match, although I had this feeling they would have Helms defend his title on PPV. Oh well.

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ECW is not long for this world...or Kennedy isn't long for Smackdown? Big mistake there!


ECW's TV contract runs through December so it isn't going away anytime soon.

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If those results are real...


It's about damn time they remembered they had somewhat of a cruiserweight division.


...hmm, winner faces Mysterio for the title at Mania?


Again, as someone said here before, it could be said Rey proved his point that he could be a World Champion, and now he wanted to add some credibility, respect, or stuff like that to the Cruiserweight division.

No. Rey is so far above the cruiser division, coupled w/ the WWE's refusal to present a credible one, that it would be dumb to do that.

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If those results are real...


It's about damn time they remembered they had somewhat of a cruiserweight division.


...hmm, winner faces Mysterio for the title at Mania?


Again, as someone said here before, it could be said Rey proved his point that he could be a World Champion, and now he wanted to add some credibility, respect, or stuff like that to the Cruiserweight division.

No. Rey is so far above the cruiser division, coupled w/ the WWE's refusal to present a credible one, that it would be dumb to do that.


They ocassionally will drift back to it, like when Mysterio/Hardy mainevented Smackdown.

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Benoit & JBL in the US Title scene is 1 step down. Rey going to the cruisers is like 3 steps down. It's not going to help anyone. The cruisers are handled as jobbers, they're never going to push the division, so the only thing it would do would hurt 1 of the few legit draws (Rey) on the show.


Rey holding the belt just proves the other cruisers are jobbers, and jobbing Rey to the others doesn't do anything for anybody, as they'll never push any cruisers beyond maybe being in a tag team (w/ the exception of Helms maybe moving up to US Title, but he doesn't need Rey's help to do that).


I just don't see the benefit.

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ECW is not long for this world...or Kennedy isn't long for Smackdown? Big mistake there!


ECW's TV contract runs through December so it isn't going away anytime soon.


and you consider that long?

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ECW is not long for this world...or Kennedy isn't long for Smackdown? Big mistake there!


ECW's TV contract runs through December so it isn't going away anytime soon.


and you consider that long?


Eh depends, Sci Fi would probably beg them to keep it going seeing as it's still the highest rated show on the network.

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It'd be cool if the last 4 guys in the cruiser invitational were Helms, Moore, Yang, and Noble just for a quasi Jung Dragons/3 Count showdown.

Hell, bring back Evan Karagias and...whoever the third Jung Dragon was...and have a complete version of it.

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More detail:


WWE Smackdown TV event, plus live thoughts on ECW

February 13, 2006

Seattle, Washington at the Key Arena

Report by Mike Roe, Torch specialist


Dark match:


Matt Hardy defeated Chuck Palumbo. Yes, this match seriously happened. Palumbo came out wearing a top hat. I actually thought for quite a while that Palumbo could win, and I wouldn't have been surprised whatsoever. Matt Hardy, wrestling dark matches! On the plus side, it probably shows faith that he can get the crowd fired up before they started the ECW taping.


Not much to note that wasn't shown on TV during the ECW taping, except that Bobby Lashley is much, much worse in person, without the aid of quick camera cuts to help smooth out his matches. Also, Matt Striker had a great bit to get heat before his match. He started coming out, already to fairly decent heat, but then complained to the fans that the reaction that Elijah Burke and him were getting wasn't the appropriate reaction. Instead, he insisted on silent awe, and went back so they could do it again. His music hit again, and the fans did not give him silent awe. I believe he went back and did it a third time before giving up on the crowd and walking to the ring.


After the ECW taping, they came and changed the ropes and set for Smackdown.


Smackdown tapings:


(1) The Boogeyman defeated Finlay. The ref was distracted and Little Bastard ran in. He used the shillelagh, but Boogeyman no sold it. Little Bastard was wondering what to do next when Mini-Boogeyman invaded. Well, I don't know what they're calling him, but he was a perfect little mini version of the Boogeyman, with the makeup, mannerisms, and everything. He tackled the Little Bastard and went to work! The crowd loved Mini-Boogeyman. Boogeyman took advantage of Little Bastard being taken out and defeated Finlay.


(2) Deuce (with Domino & Cherry) defeated Brian Kendrick (with Paul London, without Ashley). No Ashley, because her talking about getting naked later in the show was far more important than helping the team that she manages. Kendrick was announced as coming from Olympia, Washington, and got the requisite hometown pop. Deuce and Domino's entrance is great live, and it really feels like a complete act. It also goes a long way toward covering up their shortcomings in the ring. Kendrick went up to the top rope to finish things off, but Domino shoved him off and Deuce hit his kick to the face finisher for the win.


- John Cena came up to Shawn Michaels in the locker room. Michaels told Cena that, as he proved at Raw in their main event match, until WrestleMania, he has Cena's back. There was some tension teased, but it wasn't really overt.


- Kennedy and MVP were shown walking to the ring through the hallways backstage.


(3) John Cena & Shawn Michaels defeated Mr. Kennedy & MVP. Good match, though I was disappointed that Kennedy didn't get to do his ring announcing. I was also amazed at all the work the production crew has to do to set up MVP's entrance set. There was some teasing of tension between Cena and Michaels, but nothing broke out between them. There was a nice moment where Cena was staying in the ring a bit longer than Michaels, soaking in the cheers, and Michaels looked a little annoyed while waiting for Cena on the entranceway. Cena joined him and they left together.


- Kristal was in Teddy Long's office, telling Long that she didn't know which of her talents she was going to show off at No Way Out in the diva talent show. Jillian Hall came in singing. She said that she wasn't sure what song she wanted to do, and was thinking that maybe she would rap. She started rapping. Teddy talked to her as if she was a small child and encouraged her to go practice some more. After she left, Kristal offered to show more of her talents to Teddy Long. She took off her clothes down to her bra, then we cut to a break.


- When they came back to Teddy Long, Kristal was topless and Teddy was happy. Teddy thanked her and sent her on her way. Bobby Lashley came by and made pleasantries with Teddy (He'd changed into a suit after being in his ring gear earlier in the night on the ECW taping). In walked Kennedy, complaining about what happened in his match against Cena and Michaels. He then looked at Lashley and said that he wanted to challenge Lashley for the ECW World Championship. Teddy Long said that he'd have to talk to ECW officials to see if it could be done. Kennedy left. Lashley got a stern look on his face and told Long to make it happen.


- Ashley came out to unveil her Playboy cover. She talked about her background, going to college for communications, etc. I couldn't hear much of it because the fans to my right were drunk and/or high and shouting "TAKE IT OFF!" in my ear for the whole thing.


(4) Scotty Too Hotty versus WWE Cruisderweight Champion Gregory Helms may have ended in a no contest. It was unclear if this was a DQ or a no contest. Gregory Helms came out with new music that wasn't nearly as good as his old music. It ended when Daivari ran in and attacked Scotty, leading to the bell ringing. Afterwards, Funaki ran out for the save, attacking Daivari. Then Jamie Noble ran down to attack Funaki. Then Shannon Moore ran down and attacked Noble, so I guess he's not on ECW anymore. Gregory Helms then took out Noble. (My apologies if I got mixed up about the order of any of this.) Helms started to leave, but was stopped by Jimmy Wang Yang, who attacked Helms and sent him packing. Yang celebrated, doing his two step and getting the crowd behind him as his music played. I assume this will lead to some sort of cruiserweight battle royal/invitiational/etc. at the pay-per-view.


- They aired a clip with Maryse telling us to stay tuned to Smackdown. We then saw a clip that began in a similar fashion, but then saw that it was Big Dick Johnson naked in the tub, welcoming us back to Smackdown. Yikes.


They showed graphics running down the card for the pay-per-view, though the screen went black for a minute in the middle, so stuff may have been left out. They did show a graphic for Mr. Kennedy versus Lashley for the ECW World Championship at No Way Out.


- Edge & Orton were in the hallway backstage, discussing their eeeevil plan for the main event in front of the camera for all the world to hear. They planned to turn the Undertaker and Batista against one another. Uh, great plan, guys.


(5) The Undertaker & Batista defeated Rated RKO (Edge & Randy Orton). The plan did not work.

Other notes:

It was really obvious while watching this show why most of these guys are on the Smackdown roster, as there was a lot of stuff that definitely needed some serious editing. I don't know if this is due to them feeling like they were slumming it or something, but even most of the Raw stars who appeared seemed worse than they were at the Raw tapings.


King Booker, Chris Benoit, and Kane weren't on the show, even though Booker and Kane have a match on the pay-per-view on Sunday.


The fans here seemed to be more of the hardcore variety than at Raw. The arena was far from full, and apparently it's only the real hardcores who care to go to Smackdown/ECW tapings anymore.


The ECW heels seemed to get much more heat than the Smackdown or even Raw ones, but I think it had a lot to do with the fans just hating ECW and wrestlers they thought were untalented, not really legitimate heel heat.

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It'd be cool if the last 4 guys in the cruiser invitational were Helms, Moore, Yang, and Noble just for a quasi Jung Dragons/3 Count showdown.

Hell, bring back Evan Karagias and...whoever the third Jung Dragon was...and have a complete version of it.

Nah, Evan sucked. Kaz Hayashi was the 3rd Jung Dragon. He was brought over after WCW folded, but realized he'd never make it out of HWA, so he quit to go back to Japan.

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Do they even recognize the brand split anymore?


When going into wrestlemania no, building up to that show is more importantant.

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They shouldve atleast made US Title Match between MVP Vs. Benoit.



I was thinking the same thing, but it can still happen as unannouced matches are sometimes added to the ppv

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--Some notes from Bryan Alvarez regarding last night's Smackdown/ECW show in Seattle. The C.M. Punk chants really do come from very few people who make a lot of noise. There were also some boos and negative signs toward him, enough that there is a backlash developing. Chuck Palumbo looked okay, better than a lot of guys on the ECW show. Fit Finlay vs. Boogeyman was better than last week's TV match. John Cena was by far the most over wrestler on the show, even more than Undertaker. Fans were way more into Undertaker than Batista. Said Deuce was terrible, Cena's wrestling live looked ungodly bad and Batista's looked worse. Lots of botched spots that will be edited out by Friday. Bobby Lashley comes off as green, but was carried well by Bob Holly. Shawn Michaels was a one-man show in the Cena & Michaels vs. MVP & Kennedy match. Cena's comeback was described as a total expose, with everyone in the wrong spot to feed him and guys out of position. Edge and Orton were very good, but Michaels was the best wrestler on the show.

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--Some notes from Bryan Alvarez regarding last night's Smackdown/ECW show in Seattle. The C.M. Punk chants really do come from very few people who make a lot of noise. There were also some boos and negative signs toward him, enough that there is a backlash developing. Chuck Palumbo looked okay, better than a lot of guys on the ECW show. Fit Finlay vs. Boogeyman was better than last week's TV match. John Cena was by far the most over wrestler on the show, even more than Undertaker. Fans were way more into Undertaker than Batista. Said Deuce was terrible, Cena's wrestling live looked ungodly bad and Batista's looked worse. Lots of botched spots that will be edited out by Friday. Bobby Lashley comes off as green, but was carried well by Bob Holly. Shawn Michaels was a one-man show in the Cena & Michaels vs. MVP & Kennedy match. Cena's comeback was described as a total expose, with everyone in the wrong spot to feed him and guys out of position. Edge and Orton were very good, but Michaels was the best wrestler on the show.


HTQ, do you post on THE BOARD?

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--Some notes from Bryan Alvarez regarding last night's Smackdown/ECW show in Seattle. The C.M. Punk chants really do come from very few people who make a lot of noise. There were also some boos and negative signs toward him, enough that there is a backlash developing. Chuck Palumbo looked okay, better than a lot of guys on the ECW show. Fit Finlay vs. Boogeyman was better than last week's TV match. John Cena was by far the most over wrestler on the show, even more than Undertaker. Fans were way more into Undertaker than Batista. Said Deuce was terrible, Cena's wrestling live looked ungodly bad and Batista's looked worse. Lots of botched spots that will be edited out by Friday. Bobby Lashley comes off as green, but was carried well by Bob Holly. Shawn Michaels was a one-man show in the Cena & Michaels vs. MVP & Kennedy match. Cena's comeback was described as a total expose, with everyone in the wrong spot to feed him and guys out of position. Edge and Orton were very good, but Michaels was the best wrestler on the show.


HTQ, do you post on THE BOARD?

What board? That was from today's update on the Observer site.

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What board? That was from today's update on the Observer site.


I mean Bryan's F4W board. I figured you might post there since you got that quote from Storm in your sig.

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