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The WWE 2007 Hall Of Fame Thread

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They're going to try to fit 4 inductions in 45 minutes? Bah.

Editing my friend, editing. Then I'm sure the full thing will be on the dvd.

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Guest KCC
They're going to try to fit 4 inductions in 45 minutes? Bah.

Editing my friend, editing. Then I'm sure the full thing will be on the dvd.

Oh, I realize that, the editing is what I'm complaining about.

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I just went to WWE.com and there's no link to the HOF show. You could only watch it live?

Most likely, I mean wouldn't you want the people who missed it want to buy the dvd?

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I had to notice:


Hulk Hogan was NOT in the opening package for this Hall of Fame section.

Yes, he was. At the start of the package, he was shown.

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I can't help but cringe seeing HHH and Vince speaking so highly of JR, when all of those guys have been trying to push JR out of the business for years now.

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I had to notice:


Hulk Hogan was NOT in the opening package for this Hall of Fame section.

Yes, he was. At the start of the package, he was shown.

Oh...missed it.



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At least Stallone had a legit connection to Hogan. Shatner just came for the paycheck and free comp'd hotel. Shatner isn't a friend or even a fan.


Too bad Carey turned it down. Lawler feuded with 150 people over the last 40 years...any of them would have been suited more then Shatner who had a bit cameo 12 years ago and openly said he hated it.

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