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The WWE 2007 Hall Of Fame Thread

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Another inductee with ties to Bobby Heenan

Good call.


I guess that means it'll possibly be


Dustin: Dusty

Flair: Perfect

Heenan: Bockwinkel

Russell (if King gets his way): Lawyer

Ross (if he does end up getting inducted as expected)- Austin


If the Von Erichs go in who inducts them?

Hayes is really the only guy who comes to mind right now.

Yeah, I was thinking him as well but his name keeps popping for joining the class as well. Although I think they can hold off on that.

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Aren't the Samoans supposed to be inducted?


Yes and you can lock Capt. Lou for that induction speech. Or hell, a shit load of people from that family tree but just play it safe and use Albano for it.

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Guest NYR10

I'm not sure what to think about the HOF anymore...



No DK....There's only a handful of people that would even remember him, furthermore he didn't do much in the WWF to begin with...


No Von Erichs...please...I think Kerry was the only one who actually performed in the WWF...so why induct the other 4?


Im on the fence about the Samoans....Just because they're an older team, it doesn't mean the automatically desereve to be inducted....if that's the case, then why don't we just induct The Bushwackers, Nasty Boys, and The New Rockers (Al Snow and Janetty)


I know that the WWE inducted The Fridge and Pete Rose, and that's something that they really shouldn't have done, but from now on, I hope they induct talent that made their career in the WWF/E


I can list off a bunch of names who should come before Bockwinkle


Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Ted Dibiase

Owen Hart (provided that his family would even let such an occurance)

Randy Savage (I know...it's a long shot)

It may be a little premature....but The Rock

Hawk and Animal

Bob Backlund

Mike Rotunda AKA IRS



I wonder if they will ever even acknowledge Kurt Angle as a possible candidate in the future....I'd hope so, he put on some of the finest matches in wrestling history

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I'm not sure what to think about the HOF anymore...



No DK....There's only a handful of people that would even remember him, furthermore he didn't do much in the WWF to begin with...


No Von Erichs...please...I think Kerry was the only one who actually performed in the WWF...so why induct the other 4?



This year's theme is pretty much people who became stars somewhere other than wwe so Von Erichs would be fine being inducted.

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I'm not sure what to think about the HOF anymore...


First: Its the WWE Pro-Wrestling Hall of Fame. Secondly, your no list is just wrong....


No DK....There's only a handful of people that would even remember him, furthermore he didn't do much in the WWF to begin with...


No Von Erichs...please...I think Kerry was the only one who actually performed in the WWF...so why induct the other 4?


Im on the fence about the Samoans....Just because they're an older team, it doesn't mean the automatically desereve to be inducted....if that's the case, then why don't we just induct The Bushwackers, Nasty Boys, and The New Rockers (Al Snow and Janetty)


I know that the WWE inducted The Fridge and Pete Rose, and that's something that they really shouldn't have done, but from now on, I hope they induct talent that made their career in the WWF/E


Dynamite Kid: Former WWF Tag Team Champion(along side DBS) and former WWF Lightheavyweight Title(before it was added then stripped from the J Crown, also before the WWF brought it to the forefront in 1997. Secondly, his career and style is copied by alteast a dozen HOF worthy wrestlers and a person currently in the HOF(E. Guerrero).


Von Erichs: They were a major wrestling family, just as big as the Hart Family in Canada. It doesn't hurt either family that the dad ran the promotion. World Class was a major spot back in the day. Michael Hayes and the Freebirds had the fued of the lifetime down there. Doesn't hurt that Chris Von Erich sold the rights to McMahon so the nod will come within the next two years.


Wild Samoans: Besides being former tag team champions, they spawned and are related to 10 to 13 major wrestlers of the last 25 years. Doesn't hurt that Afa sends his talent to Vince as a defacto AA level league.


I agree its a joke with Fridge and Rose, but I get the message from both and why.


I can list off a bunch of names who should come before Bockwinkle


Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Ted Dibiase

Owen Hart (provided that his family would even let such an occurance)

Randy Savage (I know...it's a long shot)

It may be a little premature....but The Rock

Hawk and Animal

Bob Backlund

Mike Rotunda AKA IRS


I wonder if they will ever even acknowledge Kurt Angle as a possible candidate in the future....I'd hope so, he put on some of the finest matches in wrestling history


Roberts: Great great talent, but his person demons destroyed his career before it could really shine, but one of the best heels of his time.

DiBiase: Should be in, since he is on the payroll, sooner then later.

Owen: NEVER happening

Savage: He should be in, BUT, until he becomes "Less insane" and not wanting 1 million dollars per second of screen time. He won't be in. But don't get me wrong, he is one of the biggest names not in the Hall.

Rocky: WAY TOO SOON! They have not even past 1987 in terms of big name talent to add. He won't be added no eariler than WM30

LOD: They should have been in years ago. But I don't know why not. They should do a tag team wing, because they weren't big apart. BUT, they were the biggest drawing tag team of all time.

IRS: Is this a joke?

Angle: Good wrestler, but come on, wrestling history? Name one Angle match to supass any Flair vs Steamboat match in the 80s? Liger v Pillman, Flar v Sting, Misawa v Kawada, Midnight Express v Rock N Roll Express, Rockers v Brainbusters? I could keep going on, Angle's big problem is that he mastered a very flawed style where wrestling logic is thrown out the window for his main spots. He might make the Hall if he leaves TNA and stops pissing on the grave of his career.

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Pretty sure that Dibiase was fired, wasn't he? I don't get why these people are acting as if WWE is in a hurry like the HOF will suddenly shut down and no one can get in.


You need to put over the past and establish some modicum of credibility to the thing.

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Okay I have a few questions;


Why does Bruno hate Vince? Any specific story/reason?


How was Wendy Richter screwed out of the WWF?


Is there any way to watch the actual induction ceremony? Why is popularity so important anyway, is it like this thing is a PPV draw that needs names? Why does it matter who current fans remember?


For MX: Why do you think Owen will never be inducted?

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I can answer the Richter question.


Basically, while working out a deal for her contract, there were disputes between McMahon and Richter about things like Royalties for the cartoon and such.


Richter was scheduled to defend her title in Madison Square Garden against THe Spider Lady, who was played by various wrestlers over the years. In this case it was Moolah.


Moments into the match, the referee did a fast count, and the bell rang...which Richter didn't know about. She unmasked Moolah afterwards. Richter never returned to WWF.

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Von Erichs: They were a major wrestling family, just as big as the Hart Family in Canada. It doesn't hurt either family that the dad ran the promotion. World Class was a major spot back in the day. Michael Hayes and the Freebirds had the fued of the lifetime down there. Doesn't hurt that Chris Von Erich sold the rights to McMahon so the nod will come within the next two years.


I'm pretty sure that would be Kevin Adkisson (Von Erich). I believe Chris died in a suicide in 1991 (sec. to being heartbroken over his other brother's deaths).


Bring back the Iron Claw!

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Isn't Larry Hennig supposed to be inducting Curt, or is he just doing the inductee speech?


He'll accept the award for Curt. Heenan or Flair are likely to do the speech, most likely Flair since Heenan can do Bockwinkel. It's pretty much a law that Flair and Heenan give a speech at the HOF. If they can find a way to get Piper up there, then you got the three masters.

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Why does Bob Backlund refuse to go into the WWE HOF? I've heard he doesn't like the product, but he's participating in TNA which isn't that different.

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Why does Bob Backlund refuse to go into the WWE HOF? I've heard he doesn't like the product, but he's participating in TNA which isn't that different.

Backlund said the Hall of Fame was a joke and he didn't care.


Basically the same thing Orndorff said after he was inducted, except Orndorff decided to take the $5,000 payoff and then shit on it.

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Some clarification on the Lawler / HoF situation courtesty of an interview he had with James Guttman:


"The King says it's a great thing to be honored by your peers, however he has mixed emotions. For starters, Lawler says that when he first got the call from WWE, he was stunned. When asked how he felt, he said that he felt old. The voice on the other end said, "Well you are old, damnit. So get over it." They laughed and Jerry explained that he looks at the Hall of Fame as a place to go after your career's over like in Football or Baseball. He was assured that WWE was different and a way to acknowledge things he already accomplished.


Jerry Lawler goes on to say that he's a lifelong Cleveland fan. In a stroke of Murphy's Law, the Cleveland Indians will be playing their first game in franchise history in Memphis…on the same night as the Hall of Fame. Jerry already spoke to Travis Hafner about having some of the guys from the team over his house, but "not this year, I'm going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame." Lawler says he asked WWE if they could induct him via satellite from the game, but "that didn't go over well. So I guess I'll be in Detroit." "

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If JR goes in, does his work behind the scenes get mentioned?


Eh...they might make a casual mention like "JR has worked for years on camera and behind the scenes" but won't make a big deal about it. If he gets inducted, it's going to be for being "The Voice of Monday Night RAW" for the past 10+ years. They'll probably give a nod to his time in WCW and Mid-South/UWF as well.

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I would buy a JR DVD. He's been in the business a long time so it would be interesting to hear JR and others talk about his career.


I have no idea what would be the special features. His favorite matches he called?

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Just noticed this and couldn't let it slide by:


"I can list off a bunch of names who should come before Bockwinkle


Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Ted Dibiase

Owen Hart (provided that his family would even let such an occurance)

Randy Savage (I know...it's a long shot)

It may be a little premature....but The Rock

Hawk and Animal

Bob Backlund

Mike Rotunda AKA IRS"


You realize Bockwinkle wasn't some scrub, right? He was a pretty big name in his day, and had several notable AWA World Title reigns, along with holding a bunch of other titles in the NWA and AWA. He's easily above Roberts, Dibase, Owen, and Rotunda in terms of career accomplishments.


I do agree that the others you named should all get in eventually, but no reason anyone has to come before or after anyone else.

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