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Kurt Angle Mark

Smackdown Spoilers for 02/23/07

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Credit: WO.com


by David Romero



I dont have full results. Building was sold out big time.


Batista opened the show cutting a promo on the Undertaker explaining

what he did and why at No Way Out.


There was a 6 Man Tag... Deuce & Domino & Mercury beat Matt Hardy,

Kendrick & London


Chavo Guerrero beat Scotty 2 Hotty. Worm got a big pop, hadn't seen

it a while.


They ran the Mr. Perfect Hall of Fame video, it got a good ovation

from the crowd.


Booker T. beat Kane in the Money in the Bank Qualifying Match. Match

was pinfalls count anywhere. Great Khali came out and interfered

throwing Kane thru a barrier around ringside and Booker pinned him.


Finlay & Little Bastard beat Boogeyman & Mini Boogeyman. Funny

entertaining match.


They ran a promo saying Undertaker will speak next week.


Rey Misterio came out to a huge pop and updated us on his status,

saying he's getting better, and is recovering ahead of schedule.


Mr. McMahon and 20 security guards showed up to spoil the fun. He

made fun of Rey's size and asked him who he though would win the

battle of the billionaires. Rey called Vince a loser. Then he brought

out Umaga, and gave Rey a chance to change his answer. And then

McMahon nailed him before Umaga destroyed him in the middle of the

ring. Pretty good segment. I believe the show ended there.


Batista beat Mr. Kennedy to retain the World Title. As he begun to

celebrate, the lights went out, you heard a gong, lights on and the

Undertaker is in the ring. He chokeslamed Batista and then left. Big

pop for the Undertaker.


That was the end of the show. It was a fun show.

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I would call this a more detailed report, but it's really not, but it is a second set that says the heels won the 6 man:


The show opened with Batista telling us that it's on with him and the Undertaker. That's why he laid him out on Sunday. Better interview than I expected and the crowd was kind of unsure what to do at first. Undertaker will respond to him on next week's show.


Joey Mercury teamed up with Deuce and Domino to beat Matt Hardy and the tag champs in a six man match.


They aired the Curt Hennig Hall of Fame video and the people loved it. Hennig got a big pop.


Chavo Guerrero beat Scotty Too Hotty as we got to see the new faces of the Cruiserweight division.


They did another Finlay and Little Bastard vs. The Boogeymen match. I didn't catch who won.


Rey Mysterio came out and talked to the fans. He's doing great and will be back in action soon. The fans loved him. Then Vince McMahon came out with Umaga and you can guess where this went. Vince ran down Rey, Rey stood up to him, Vince hit Rey and Umaga laid him out. He won't be back so soon after all!


Booker T beat Kane to win the Money in the Bank Qualifying Match. It was a pins count anywhere and Booker got the pin after Khali came out and attacked Kane. He wanted better competition? Looks like he has Kane for Mania.


The main event saw Batista beat Mr. Kennedy to keep the title. After the match, Batista was feeling all good about himself when, you guessed it, out came the dead man. Taker laid the chokeslam on him and got a big pop for his efforts.




So how is Umaga attacking Rey setting up a new Mania match? I wish Meltzer wasn't so cryptic in his daily updates / I got my newsletters in a timely fashion.

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I'm probably in the minority on this, but I'd like to see Rey-Umaga at WM. Mysterio is a hell of a lot more fun to watch than Bobby Lashley, and he can bump around like a pinball for Umaga's offense.

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Forget Punk, RVD and Nitro. Kennedy seems like he's the one in the dog house.


EDIT: Nevermind. I just saw the Kennedy match was after the taping. Usually the best show looks like the worst this week.

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I'm probably in the minority on this, but I'd like to see Rey-Umaga at WM. Mysterio is a hell of a lot more fun to watch than Bobby Lashley, and he can bump around like a pinball for Umaga's offense.


Mysterio is still injured, so I wouldn't expect to see him in any match before Mania.

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I'll admit it, I marked out for the Little Bastard DDT on Boogey - overall I liked the show tonight.

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Guest Montresor

Think they'll bother to explain why Benoit let his injured friend get killed by Umaga? Surely he would be at a show in Rey's hometown regardless of whether he was booked. Surely he would attempt to save from Umaga someone he recently had to save from Chavo Guerrero.


Of course, given how bad Trump's guy is, maybe it was a good idea not to tease a match that wouldn't suck.

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I'm sensing Rey being involved in the Lashley/Umaga match at WM. I dunno if he'll cost Umaga the match, but I wouldn't be shocked to see him involved in shaving Vince's head. Rey "The Barber" Mysterio?

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--Smackdown last night did a 3.2 rating on the fast nationals, which is the biggest the show has done since moving to CW. It beat FOX programming for 4th place on the night.

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--Smackdown last night did a 3.2 rating on the fast nationals, which is the biggest the show has done since moving to CW. It beat FOX programming for 4th place on the night.


Rey = Ratings


Show started at 4.5 million viewers for the first half hour grew to 6 million viewers for the last half hour

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