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The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

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WWE Champion John Cena vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels (Fatal Four Way Match)


ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Mr. McMahon, Shane McMahon & Umaga (3-on-1 Handicap Match)


World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker vs. Batista (Last Man Standing Match)


World Tag Team Champions The Hardys vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


United States Champion Chris Benoit vs. MVP


Women's Champion Melina vs. Mickie James

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6 matches? Surely they could have a Londrick vs D&D rematch at the least. If all PPV's are going to be multi-brand, I thought there would be more matches rather than less. There's no Kane, Finlay, Carlito, Kennedy, ECW (Lashley doesn't count), cruisierweights, nothing. Unless this is like December to Dismember and there's a load of non-advertised matches, this could be a very short PPV.

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What's the record for title matches on one PPV event?


I know that WWF Unforgiven had 7 title matches on an 8-match show. Only Raven/Saturn, which was heatless and awful, wasn't a title match. WCW World, WCW U.S., WCW Tag, WWF World, WWF IC, WWF Hardcore, and WWF Tag were all defended. Great PPV.



I've seen this card called "stacked" on a number of sites, so I'll comment on why I do not like this card and will not be going to the bar to watch it for free:


BAD: It's a shame that Batista, who actually stepped it up and wasn't SLOW at WM 23, is booked in a match that is notoriously slow and generally not very good, with Umaga/Cena and Jericho/HHH being exceptions. I hate LMS matches. So, not interested.


BAD: The 4-way? Michaels, Edge, and Orton are really boring to me, so I could care less.


BAD: Women's division is rather awful, don't care. These two always work sloppy matches with each other that generally end in a botched finish or an "ouch" botch.


BAD: Lashley I still don't like or find entertaining or non-fake, and him bumping Shane around is stupid. Let me add this: In the 90's, young Shane dancing around acting cool and all? I can deal. But gray-haired Shane McMahon dancing around in a jersey? It just LOOKS DUMB. Not interested in this at all.


OKAY: Hardyz and Cade & Murdoch. There's so much damage done to Cade & Murdoch, they're such potential jokes as champions, that even a title win by them you know will eventually suck, since WWE will likely forget about them a few weeks down the line. I like both of these teams, they both work hard, even Jeff has been really tremendous since returning. But this match isn't going to make me watch a whole show.


GOOD: Benoit and MVP. Give these guys a 30-minute draw (6 matches? Hmm...). Establish the title and the feud more. Do this and I'll download the show.

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WWE.com Power 25 Says:


After almost a year of championship status, London & Kendrick lost their titles to Deuce and Domino on SmackDown last week. This week, Kendrick fell to Deuce. Will they rebound on Sunday?

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Obviously they took it off Helms and ended his awesome title streak so they could elevate him past the Cruiserweight Division and team him with...the...Cruiserweight Champion and my head just started hurting. Helms getting pinned by Yang at No Way Out made me legitimately angry.

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"So long title reigns with no defenses is a good thing?"


Not at all. But at least Helms, who when he started wrestling without the Hurricane gimmick, would hear crickets chirping in the crowd, started to not only get heat but also great praise from his matches during the title reign. Helms went from jobbing to JERRY LAWLER on PPV (NYR 06) to working long, fun matches with Benoit, Rey, Hardy, etc.


It's not Helms fault that his potential challengers sucked or weren't in the weight class.


Seriously, Chavo's been Cruiserweight Champion like six times and I can't remember any good matches he's ever had.

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This was taken at 4 pm today backstage at Backlash.


Apparently Orton is forced to sit in a cage until his match starts. Christ, he went from "Smooth, young ladykiller with Hollywood good looks" to "disgruntled old war veteran" in like 18 months.

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I'm hoping Orton pins Michaels to win the title tonight and the "hotel trashing" worked both Meltzer and the fans.


Or even if it was real, WWE can pretend that it wasn't and make Meltzer and the fans looks dumb.

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Edge pins Orton after Micheals and Cena lay eachother out. The Michaels / Cena fued was blown off on RAW and this match can only end with Edge or Orton pinning eachother. As Orton is in the doghouse I'm calling an Edge title win.

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I'm hoping Orton pins Michaels to win the title tonight and the "hotel trashing" worked both Meltzer and the fans.


Or even if it was real, WWE can pretend that it wasn't and make Meltzer and the fans looks dumb.

My thoughts exactly, it's been a while since WWE put out a huge shock, nobody in the world buys Orton winning tonight.


Orton over Edge.

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6 matches? Surely they could have a Londrick vs D&D rematch at the least. If all PPV's are going to be multi-brand, I thought there would be more matches rather than less. There's no Kane, Finlay, Carlito, Kennedy, ECW (Lashley doesn't count), cruisierweights, nothing. Unless this is like December to Dismember and there's a load of non-advertised matches, this could be a very short PPV.

They can't waste all their feuds/matches on one PPV.


And I know that sounds stupid...but I think that's the truth. What I mean is, it seems like matches like D&D vs Londrick, the potential Finlay/Kennedy feud or more serious team up to take out Batista/Taker are all being built for Judgment day. Otherwise we'd be seeing the same matches every month. I could word that better but...I'm not really sure how.

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I'm hoping Orton pins Michaels to win the title tonight and the "hotel trashing" worked both Meltzer and the fans.


Or even if it was real, WWE can pretend that it wasn't and make Meltzer and the fans looks dumb.

My thoughts exactly, it's been a while since WWE put out a huge shock, nobody in the world buys Orton winning tonight.


Orton over Edge.

Why shock people just to shock them, or just to make a tiny percentage of your audience 'look dumb', with no thought about how it effects business? Nobody buys Orton winning tonight because nobody buys Orton as WWE Champion. Even if Orton's behavior was common knowledge, and it isn't unless you go online so I'm thinking maybe 10%, if that, of WWE fans have any idea what Orton did, it wouldn't make much difference of their opinion of Orton's chances to win the belt because they don't exactly have a high opinion of him to begin with and don't think him WWE Title material anyway.


If someone is going to play heel champion, it'll likely be Edge, because he's a proven commodity as far as being a strong heel champion and he gets a consistent heel reaction.


Even assuming the Orton hotel deal is a work, and why someone would hope it is just so that a few thousand people can be fooled is beyond me, Edge being the heel champion makes more storyline sense anyway. He's got established issues and history with all three of other participants.

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So are all the PPV's going to be title matches only? If so, I wouldn't mind buying them more often.

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I'm hoping Orton pins Michaels to win the title tonight and the "hotel trashing" worked both Meltzer and the fans.


Or even if it was real, WWE can pretend that it wasn't and make Meltzer and the fans looks dumb.

My thoughts exactly, it's been a while since WWE put out a huge shock, nobody in the world buys Orton winning tonight.


Orton over Edge.

Why shock people just to shock them, or just to make a tiny percentage of your audience 'look dumb', with no thought about how it effects business? Nobody buys Orton winning tonight because nobody buys Orton as WWE Champion. Even if Orton's behavior was common knowledge, and it isn't unless you go online so I'm thinking maybe 10%, if that, of WWE fans have any idea what Orton did, it wouldn't make much difference of their opinion of Orton's chances to win the belt because they don't exactly have a high opinion of him to begin with and don't think him WWE Title material anyway.


If someone is going to play heel champion, it'll likely be Edge, because he's a proven commodity as far as being a strong heel champion and he gets a consistent heel reaction.


Even assuming the Orton hotel deal is a work, and why someone would hope it is just so that a few thousand people can be fooled is beyond me, Edge being the heel champion makes more storyline sense anyway. He's got established issues and history with all three of other participants.


You misunderstand me, I don't mean that they should shock people just for the sake of it, that era of Russo booking is long over, i'm just saying that they haven't done it in a while.


I'd be very interested to see what the figure of casual fans with Internet access is, people keep throwing percentages around, but i'm sure it has to be more than ten percent.


This is all irrelivent, Cena will win.

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