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Why didn't anyone tell me that The Wicker Man...

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Oh man, seeing all the Con Air and Face/Off quotes reminds me of that great 1997 summer, when I had a free screener ticket for 2 to see Contact, but the show was full. In this situation the theater usually lets you see another movie in exchange. The couple in front of me in line asked for 2 tickets to another film and when I got up I asked "So, can I get 2 tickets too?" And they gave me 2 tickets, 1 for Face/Off and 1 for a later showing of Con Air. I swear that was one of the best nights at the movies I've ever had.

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*has had this quote in his sig for a while...*


Ever since Cage stopped doing the tiny no-name independent films he's been whoring himself out for nearly everything, but not quite as he has been the last few years. Wickerman sucked, Ghost Rider was pretty crappy IMO, NEXT was a bomb, and the hits just keep on comin'. If they did make a real film out of that Grindhouse trailer ("...and Nicholas Cage as...Fu Manchu!") it would be practically a step up.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic
that first one reminds me of the Walker, Texas Ranger clips from Conan. Awesome.



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Lele Sobieski looks exactly like a young Helen Hunt. Go watch the movie Next of Kin and then look at a photo of Lele Sobieski. Almost identical (except for the hair styles).


Welcome to 1998.

I don't remember her being around in 1998 to discuss.


I like Con Air quite a bit. I also enjoy The Rock, Matchstick Men, and Guarding Tess. Ghost Rider would have been alot better had they just followed the novel adaptation that I read.

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I've always been a Ghost Rider fan (well at least since about 1993 when I was into comics) so I enjoyed most any movie of him.


Sadly I did not see Con Air at the theater in 1997. I did see Face/Off and enjoyed it quite a bit, but that summer kinda sucked to me. But then I saw Batman and Robin at the theater, along with The Lost World too. Frankly, I find B & R to have more replay value than Lost World. At least B & R is hysterically funny. Lost World just sucks ass.


Con Air: The movie Michael Bay can only wish he made.

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I guess Im the only one who liked National Treasure and is looking foward the sequel on Christmas Day...

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This thread inspired me to rent that Wicker Man remake tonight. I have to say that the You Tube thing captures most of the good stuff, cause man that first hour or so is pretty damn boring. The last 30 mins. however? Oh lord.

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My favorite quote/scene of the Wicker man is: You bitches! You bitches! OWWW my legs. Cage drop kicking those women was classic. Ms Beeeccccchhhhhhhh!

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Guest Vitamin X

I'm surprised no one has mentioned/seen Lord of War with Cage in it. That movie was really good. I think Cage is a really underrated actor, he's just picking some terrible choices and that's definitely tarnished him. I mean, what actor could possibly make that Wicker Man remake look any better? Yikes.


My favorite part of those youtube clips is him cold cocking that fat chick. Oh, and


"You little liars... Rowan Woodward is your classmate.. isn't she? THAT IS HER DESK! And you're the biggest liar of them all, I'm warning you, you tell me another and I'll arrest you myself! And that is a promise! Miss...?"


"Rose. Sister Rose."


"Of course. Another plant. Rose!"

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For the youtube nerds, has anyone else watched the Wickerman Remake Kung Fu Trailer? Not as good as the "feel good comedy" one linked here but still pretty funny. WTF is up with those weird facial expressions? It really does look like he's trying to channel Bruce Lee or something.


And lol at the coke scene from Face/Off! Reminds me of his performance in "Vampire's Kiss," a crying bug eyed Cage limping around the streets of New York begging random people to stake him in a cheesy Transylvanian accent is certainly one of his more interesting moments. "It's ok.....I'm a Vampiiiiiiiire!" Bahahahaha. Easily one of the few moments, his bad overacting actually worked for a movie.


And Cage did rule in the otherwise horrid "Kiss of Death" remake.

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Cage is a good actor who really really REALLY doesn't try if he isn't inspired by the script. Weatherman wasn't that great but his performance was pretty kickass. His performance in Matchstick Men was great, and so was the Adaption. Then you get the Wickerman and Snake eyes movie where he obviously doesn't try and is having fun with the fact that he can go out, not try and no one will say anything about it.

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Cage is a good actor who really really REALLY doesn't try if he isn't inspired by the script. Weatherman wasn't that great but his performance was pretty kickass. His performance in Matchstick Men was great, and so was the Adaption. Then you get the Wickerman and Snake eyes movie where he obviously doesn't try and is having fun with the fact that he can go out, not try and no one will say anything about it.



I actually think Cage was trying in the Wickerman, maybe far too hard to imitate Woodward's performance in the originial. Woodward was really over the top as well, but he did it with so much credible conviction that he created a convincing asshole/lunatic of a character. Cage looked like he was reaching for that intensity but ended up just making an ass out of himself as a result. A really bad role for him, but that's what he makes a living doing. Cage seems to do his best when he's free to play up to his off beat look and style. I don't like Matchstick Men too much but oddball characters like that are always a great fit for him...Wickerman not so much. I don't mind his goofy antics in action movies as it's good for a laugh but it does make me long for the days of guys like Arnold, who could poke fun at themselves and the genre without being so obviously ironic.

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