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The OAO Raw Thread 5-14-07

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One week after he tore Mr. McMahon's Executive Assistant limb from limb, Bobby Lashley will get another crack at Jonathan Coachman...this time in a sanctioned match Monday night on Raw. Will we see a repeat beating when these two square off one-on-one? Or will Coachman somehow manage to hold his own against the mountainous Lashley?


Also, the new World Heavyweight Champion, Edge, will be at Raw to say goodbye. There's no doubt the Rated-R Superstar will be gloating as he makes his final Raw appearance before heading to SmackDown.


WWE Champion John Cena has a tall mountain to climb as Raw heads to its final stop before Judgment Day.


One would assume Cena will be looking for The Great Khali, the No. 1 contender, who stole the title and walked out of Raw last week after leveling The Champ with his own gold. Can Cena gain any momentum against the monstrous Khali heading into their one-on-one encounter?


Carlito called out Ric Flair on Raw last week, but as first reported by WWE.com, Flair was not in the arena. Will "Nature Boy" have anything to say this week in response to Carlito’s words and his treatment of Raw beauty Torrie Wilson?


Find out all this and more on Raw, Monday night at 9/8 CT on USA Network.


Seeing Edge is the only thing I'm looking forward to.

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It was great to see Edge with The World Title last night at the houseshow. Saying goodbye on RAW? Anyone else smell a match for Edge here? Maybe Orotn will challenge him or something. Or HBK.


YAHOO 5000th posts, it only took me 5 years!!!!!

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It seems certain that Edge will put the title up on RAW, unless they announce a match for Smackdown this week. Like, maybe Randy Orton challenges him, but Edge says he has to face him on Friday Night Smackdown if he wants a match, since that's Edge's show now.


Why does WWE seem obsessed with putting Jonathan Coachman in matches? Does anyone seriously want to see him wrestle?

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Basically the Coach is that chump figurehead that they sacrifice to people when Vince doesn't want to show his ass. The odd thing is that they had Coach and Lashley side by side recently and it was wild to notice that Coach is just as tall if not slightly taller. Coach is a pretty big dude for such a role.


Anyway, I'm glad Edge is making one more Raw appearance. What he does on it might be another matter.

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Well Edge would be a good Fantasy choice thi.... oh f***, they cancelled that, didn't they? WWE Fantasy actually made you hope there would be a Masterlock Challenge or that they would cut to commercial during someone's ring entrance (double appearance points!). Those days will be missed.

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Well Edge would be a good Fantasy choice thi.... oh f***, they cancelled that, didn't they? WWE Fantasy actually made you hope there would be a Masterlock Challenge or that they would cut to commercial during someone's ring entrance (double appearance points!). Those days will be missed.



yeah..the fantasy actually helped me sit there for 5 hours a week and watch all the shows. seriously.

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Basically the Coach is that chump figurehead that they sacrifice to people when Vince doesn't want to show his ass. The odd thing is that they had Coach and Lashley side by side recently and it was wild to notice that Coach is just as tall if not slightly taller. Coach is a pretty big dude for such a role.


There's no doubt that Coach is fairly athletic, and in good shape. It's just that they've done the "figurehead vs champion" thing so many times that it's lost all meaning. Especially with the McMahons wrestling so much lately, it's become very watered down.


Anyway, in kayfabe terms, if Mr. McMahon seriously wanted to keep the ECW belt and get rid of Lashley, why wouldn't he just recruit a couple wrestlers to take him out?

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Reasons for Edge to stay the FUCK AWAY from Raw tonight:


Edge should stay as far away from the worthless main event Raw scene as possible. If he gets back in it he'll wrestle the same 2 guys for the next 12 months.


If he finds a way to take Cena's title, it has been proven that there is no way to modify the hideous thing at all, short of putting a sticker with the letter "R" on it.


From a kayfabe standpoint, Smackdown! has some hot women with Kristal and Michelle McCool, and Maryse, depending on which part of Canada Edge is really from, he may be able to kick some French game. Maria is hot but she smokes cigarettes and will sound like a man when she's 37, and the other girls have all been lesbians at some points (Mickie, Victoria, Candice), leaving only Melina who may or may not be involved with Johnny Nitro, depending on whether or not the writers remember he is on the show.


Even tho he has to deal with Matt on SD! regularly now, Raw likes to book Matt for matches so he should avoid the show.


As he learned last week, he might get stupidly tricked into putting his title on the line with nothing to gain. I guess being on Raw makes you make idiotic decisions since Kennedy's decision last week made jack shit sense.


The Great Khali will beat his ass again.

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Bobby Lashley will get another crack at Jonathan Coachman...this time in a sanctioned match Monday night on Raw.


There is 5-10 minutes of awfulness. I'm sure a promo will lead in to this. Call it 20 minutes of crap counting backstage vignettes.


Edge, will be at Raw to say goodbye.


I think we get Orton Vs. Edge at Judgment Day. They can't build Edge/Batista in 6 days. And if they're gonna do a DQ finish for the WWE Title, and Vince is retaining leading into One Night Stand, we're not getting Edge over Batista by pinfall. Surely, they can't be THAT dumb?

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Guest Johnny B Radd

I'll be at this show. Since its in Flair Country, I'd expect Flair to get a monster pop. The last time Mon Night RAW was in Hampton, Chris Jericho had his last WWE match. Also something of interest is this. Since Flair and Carlito are fueding, its pretty ironic that tonights show is in the same arena that started their first fued 2 years ago. Carlito had Flair as a guest on The Cabana. Anyways should be fun to see live.

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I think we get Orton Vs. Edge at Judgment Day. They can't build Edge/Batista in 6 days. And if they're gonna do a DQ finish for the WWE Title, and Vince is retaining leading into One Night Stand, we're not getting Edge over Batista by pinfall. Surely, they can't be THAT dumb?


They already signed Edge vs. Batista.

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Basically the Coach is that chump figurehead that they sacrifice to people when Vince doesn't want to show his ass. The odd thing is that they had Coach and Lashley side by side recently and it was wild to notice that Coach is just as tall if not slightly taller. Coach is a pretty big dude for such a role.


There's no doubt that Coach is fairly athletic, and in good shape. It's just that they've done the "figurehead vs champion" thing so many times that it's lost all meaning. Especially with the McMahons wrestling so much lately, it's become very watered down.


Anyway, in kayfabe terms, if Mr. McMahon seriously wanted to keep the ECW belt and get rid of Lashley, why wouldn't he just recruit a couple wrestlers to take him out?



If McMahon really wanted rid of Lashley he could just fire him. If McMahon never wanted Lashley (or anyone he doesn't like) to win he could just keep changing the rules or restarting the match until he gets what he wants. It's a goofy logic hole that is mostly answered with "but then so-and-so could go to the competition", "so-and-so could badmouth the company", "so-and-so could sue for wrongful termination" ...blah blah blah.

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Really, with Edge now gone from Raw. there is absoluty NONTHING on this show that I look forward in seeing anymore. Raw's Main Event scene is apparently Cena, Orton, Khali, Micheals, Triple H and Lashley. Wow, what a line-up! :throwup: . last year, my fav wrestlers from Raw were Edge and Kane. now they're both on SmackDown now. nonthing on Raw appeals to me anymore. SmackDown is by far the best wrestling show right now its not even debatable.


and bobby lashley Vs Coach. uh...yeah.

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Hardys/Rednecks are always fun to watch remember, but that's about it now. I personally don't think there'll be a title shot tonight, although I agree that Lashley/Coach can have nothing good going for it.

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The deranged aspect of this is that WWE views SD as the weak sister brand, so they send guys over there to make it better. They bring guys up from development and sign new people and debut them on SD. While doing this they have forgotten that Raw is supposed to be the "A" show and they have a lousy roster full of the top tier guys, some buried and jobbed out midcard talent, the women, and a bunch of stale and untalented guys who are jobbers.


Any quality wrestling show needs to have 3-4 main things going on: A world title feud, a secondary belt feud, and a tag title feud. Add to it the personal vendetta type feud when applicable.

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With Edge gone, I'd really enjoy RAW a lot more. But he won't be gone, he'll probably still show up every week. Be nice if he would leave though cause I'd never have to see him again. Nothing against the show SMACKDOWN, just on a really bad night when I am already recording other shows while out.


So if this is the last RAW with Edge, I say good riddance. Bring on Khali!

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Basically the Coach is that chump figurehead that they sacrifice to people when Vince doesn't want to show his ass. The odd thing is that they had Coach and Lashley side by side recently and it was wild to notice that Coach is just as tall if not slightly taller. Coach is a pretty big dude for such a role.


There's no doubt that Coach is fairly athletic, and in good shape. It's just that they've done the "figurehead vs champion" thing so many times that it's lost all meaning. Especially with the McMahons wrestling so much lately, it's become very watered down.


Anyway, in kayfabe terms, if Mr. McMahon seriously wanted to keep the ECW belt and get rid of Lashley, why wouldn't he just recruit a couple wrestlers to take him out?


Because Super Lashley will just over come the odds. WWE.com already announced Lashley Vs The New Breed for ECW tomorrow.

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With Edge gone, I'd really enjoy RAW a lot more. But he won't be gone, he'll probably still show up every week. Be nice if he would leave though cause I'd never have to see him again. Nothing against the show SMACKDOWN, just on a really bad night when I am already recording other shows while out.


So if this is the last RAW with Edge, I say good riddance. Bring on Khali!


Are you trying to say Edge sucks or something......

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"Khali has never been pinned, never submitted"


Meh, you said that same thing about Umaga and look what happened there.

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Thank god we have a translator. Exactly what is he translating?

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Guest NYR10
Does Khali's translator remind anyone else of Bischoff just a little bit?



No, just me?



I was going to say the exact same thing....its the hair

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