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So my dog is dead

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Came home from work today to find the parents took the dog and had it put down. Nobody told me shit but they knew it was probably happening yesterday.

Now granted it really wasn't my dog, it was more the family's but she worshipped me and my father. For all the annoying things she did and as hard as it is to admit...ya...I loved the thing.


She was suffering from arthritis and according to the vet was starting to show signs of dog alzheimers. What pisses me off is I wasn't told until the fucking thing was already put down and didn't get to (nor will I ever) say goodbye.


Nobody but the doctor was with it when it was put down...I would have at least sat with her and pet her during it. It hurts and I never really thought I'd feel this way when her time came...just in shock and babbling now.

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I'm sorry, dude, that sucks.


I can't believe no one was there with the dog. You OWE it to your dog to be with them until the end.

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My father usually isn't an emotional man but apparently neither he or my mother could get themself to sit with the dog when it happened.


I saw her as a member of the family though and if a family member is in bed dying then you don't just leave them in there with the doctor and let them pass. You just don't do it.

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Yeah, I agree with you.


It's hard, sure. But the dog loves you and believe me, he/she wants you there until the end. I don't know. I just really love dogs. It would kill me (haven't had to do it yet) but I wouldn't be able to do that to my dog.

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Sorry to hear this. My parents kind of did the same thing; our dog was sick and getting worse, and I came home to find out that she passed/they put her to sleep (they still haven't exactly said what happened).


Dogs are awesome because they love/are loyal to you just because your part of their family.

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My condolences. A couple years ago, one of my dogs, Edgar, died while I was on a camping trip. He wasn't sick or anything; he was only 5 years old or so. What happened was, my two dogs were always finding ways to get out of my backyard and roaming the neighborhood to the tune of a $180 fine each time the dog catcher picked em up. So, we kept them on those long plastic runners in the backyard when nobody was home. Anyway, I was out camping, my Dad was out of town, and my sister was in charge of watching the dogs. She came home that nite from work and went outside to feed them and found Edgar dead; he had tried to get in my back door and his runner and gotten tangled up in the screen and he got strangled. When she called to tell me what happened, man, I cried...I love animals, dogs especially, and the fact that he died on something we kept him on because we were too lazy to fix up the holes in our fence and that he died because he wanted to get into the house so he could be with us just hurt even more.

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ya...big tough macho guy that I am and here I am trying my best right now not to cry. I mean, I just think of all the times when I was sick (during that whole ordeal when my heart and lungs were screwed up) and she would sleep right next to the bed or lay her head on me and just be there. Even now while sleeping on the sofa she would sleep right beside the sofa everynight. It sucks that that's not gonna happy anymore...its gone.

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When my dog dies, I know that I'm going to be a wreck. I won't be able to leave the house for days.

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My cat fell off the balcony once (third story), and I was distraught. He fucking lived, though. He was fucked up, but that fucking cat walked it off. He is so hardcore. I no longer live with him, but when that cat croaks, I'm giving him a viking funeral.

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My mom did the same thing with our cat. I was at my dads(parents are split), and when I went to my moms I found out they had put the cat down. I knew it was coming, they were talking about doing it for awhile, but I was pissed that they didn't tell me so that I could have a chance to say bye.

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condolences. My parents have a Boston Terrier who loves me and gets depressed when I leave to go back home and my girlfriend has a cat that I adore and when those two pass on I will be in shambles.

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Guest Vitamin X

My condolences, Adam.


Many if not most people don't understand how hard it is to lose a pet, or that you can consider it to be a family member just as important or close to you as a brother, cousin, or even a son or daughter. My cat died last July and it completely fucked my life up- that was the catalyst (pun somewhat intended) to me saying fuck it and moving to Portland. Including everyone I've ever known, the only person whose death would affect me more would be my mother's. In acting classes or anything of the sort, when I had to cry on cue, all I had to do was think of my cat dying and it would do it for me. As time has gone on though, I've been able to come to terms with it and it gave me a whole different perspective on my life and mortality on this earth. I changed a lot of things in my life, and part of it was that I reasoned she'd been put in a very rough patch of my life for a reason, to comfort me and be there for me when I needed her most, and now that I'm doing well for myself, she can move on. It's so hard to lose someone you care about, but it's a grim reminder that there is an end to everything and to make the most of what you can- to not stagnate in life and to not let it get you down.


Hope you're doing well, man.

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I'd be a wreak if I lost either one of my boys. Don't look forward to it at all. To be honest, I could lose some family members and it wouldn't hurt as badly. Sad but true.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

I'll be a mess if I outlive my cat. It's the most violent and antisocial extensions of my personality, in cat form. Thing clawed the fuck out of my brother's girlfriend's lip. It's completely passive and lovey to me.

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My cats hate everyone and everything besides me and my girlfriend.


Well...except for Boo. He loves anything with fur on it (like hand bags, those ugly ugg boots, coats...anything) and will go after anything or anyone with it on.

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Losing a pet is quite difficult, especially when they become so commonplace in your life. I've had 4 dogs in my lifetime and two of them have passed. One by a second bout of cancer and the other from old age. You could see them dying right in front of you. To witness their regression is painstaking. I’m not sure what would be worse, a sudden death at such a young age with absolutely no preparation or watching them wither away. I was only 15 when I got the news from my mother that our dog had cancer once again and that for the sake of his comfort, would be put down. I refused to accept it. I was adamant he would beat cancer again, refusing to admit that it had spread through him and he had already gone through a rough battle and he couldn’t do it again. My grandparents, except my mother’s mom had all died when I was quite young and I had very little recollection of them, offering me no understanding of how to cope with losing someone that I held so closely. I don’t know if I cried, but I wasn’t there when they put him down. I was playing a game that afternoon but I remember that I was thinking of him, wondering if it had happened yet. When my second dog died, just about a year later, I was better equipped to handle it but it wasn’t much.


I had two dogs for the past two years, one of which I had gotten myself in order to give the other dog a companion. They are best friends. Sadly, they each went off with my parents to their new home while I’m still here. I’ve considered getting a dog of my own to live with me but a part of me still thinks of that dog as my own and impossible to replace right now. It just doesn’t seem quite right.

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Losing a pet that you have had for many of many years and have charished as one of your best friends is one of the hardest things to go through.


My condolences to you and your family.

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